i can see a hedge possiblilty here...diaz will give castillo fits early....i was thinking that joey`s new round props would be a good concept for this type of fight....
after all,if diaz gets stopped,no play...
i feel as though if diaz can hang in for 12,he has an excellent shot.....certainly has a shot to stay within that 17 point number joey posted....
i just can`t help thinking in the same vein that val was discussing....that castillo gets stronger as the fight progesses...he will be bigger than diaz....
will getting down to 135 bother castillo?...it hasn`t so far....doesn`t seem to bother gatti when fighting smaller,weaker guys....
the question is,can diaz box for 12?...if this were a 6 or an 8 rounder,i`d like diaz....
by taking this fight,i think diaz thinks he can outbox castillo over 12....but,diaz chin is a big????....a big????
i don`t see anyone on diaz` resume that is as strong or persistent as castillo....but,i fully expect diaz to be on the move constantly....
wish i knew the size of the ring.....i`d pay for that info....