So exactly what kind of IQ test would you administer to the idiots who voted twice for a semi illiterate nincompoomp that brought the country to its knees?
What iq test do you administer to a person so dumb he voted for a guy whose campaign moniker was "i am a uniter not a divider"
Are these people any smarter than the person who thinks their are 50 senators per state? Are these people dumber that that buffoon who selected another moron in Sarah Palin to run for VP?
where exactly would your litmus test be on a bunch of idiots electing another idiot too dumb to even name a single newspaper she has read, or who thinks that she is a foreign policy expert because she can see Russia from her house?
You are the type of person Stossel is talking about. Too ignorant and too stupid to know what's going on.
And you would know since your lot are experience in the "airport bathroom tap dance"
how doe it go?:cripwalk::missingte:missingte