JimFiestSux and his made-up friends.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Last year he was just like any other newbie poster, posting everywhere and about everything, searching for some respect here. Since he wasn't getting a whole lot of feedback, he started posting in 'bold letters' and making up stories.

During the baseball season he claimed to have a great baseball formula. He wasn't very good with it.

Than came the NFL. He was posting 'someone's picks and the season ended at about 52%. Not a winning one, due to the vig and a very bad money management on his part.

Then came college basketball. Early in the season he claimed he had a cousin, and a friend, living in Vegas, betting up to 25k on college basketball games. He was posting 'their' plays for a few months, ended up under 50%, stop for a while and then...

Then came the 'DOC', a guy from Syracuse. He got hot posting those 'big money 'DOC' plays, over a 20 games span, and we all know that is a small sample and everyone can get hot over a 20 gamne span. Right now his, errr DOC plays are ina slump and he lost two in a row. If the slide continues, he will find another friend, cousin, godfather, and start posting their plays. Here or elsewhere...

Because he is an ATTENTION WHORE.

He left this site with all of his ghost names, including one who made 70% of all of his posts during his 4 months stay, in JFS threads. That guy is called cruisin, and guess what, he is now posting at OPU as well. The same OPU site who has a deal with JFS and MC to steal posters from RX.

I love to monitor those 'big mouth' posters and as I already stated during the college basketball season that I was monitoring JFS for over a year now, and I can tell you, once again, that you will not break the 50% barrier following this guy ina long run. His overall winning % here, since I started monitoring him is 48,93%. Including 'his', 'cousins', 'someone's' and 'doc' plays. The guy is a liar and he found a great companion (MadThief aka Madcapper) at OPU.

I think this site is better off without these two guys.

Now give me hell,Defend the guys. I don't care'.

New member
Sep 25, 2004
I said it when he was posting about his "cousin" and then ALL OF A SUDDEN "DOC" came into the picture...Where was "DOCS" picks 4 months ago...."DOC" has been doing this for YEARS but this JUST CAME to his attention...

Obviously these are ficticious characters...but whatever floats his boat I guess...

If you win you win...and people ignore the fairy tales.

Nov 20, 2004
At first i thought jim feist and his info could be real, but after watching for awhile now, i see that hes just a big bag of hot air, with made up friends.
Its amazing how doc surfaces with a play everytime hes on a bad streak.
Now today doc bite the dust again, with his toronto over play that wasnt even close, for such a bigtime bettor this doc guy is, you would have thought he could have found a better play considering the ump in this game calls strikes at a 65 percent clip.
You are right hes nothing but a big drama queen looking for attention.
good riddins jim

NBA and Miami Heat Guru
Sep 20, 2004

I could not have said it better myself. This guy had madeup stories from day one. What is OPU?

New member
Jan 15, 2005
WOW I never followed because he had too much mouth on him. I did go in on one game and won so I guess hes not that bad but thanks!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
sad to say, but this appears to have been the case..

Oct 31, 2004
He and his Doc could have been the worlds greatest cappers, but the problem I had was his money management sucked!! He could have gone 85% over the course of the season, and still would have landed in the negitive. I hope he did not cause too much harm to his followers that went for his 20 unit specials.

He used the word "lock" and "Guaranted" too much. You should never use those 2 words. EVER.

New member
Sep 25, 2004
Anytime anyone ever went against him, he was going to quit, leave, or keep DOCS plays to himself...

I can't believe a red flag didnt go off for anyone else once he started introducing all the actors appearing in leading roles for his wagers..

If he won he was awesome, if he lost "DOC" will get them next time....

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
gonna move this to the rubber room where it belongs...

Not that I disagree with what you are saying, it did seem he needed more 'attention" then he was getting, so he ran with his buddy MC....

He liked to blame me for anything that happened to him, because he didnt think i liked him, my only problem was the day we found the "new name" posting under his ip address, and then he claimed the old "it was my brother using my computer, so we could share plays" etc. line....Same thing we caught madcapper doing many times....He would be in his own thread bumping it saying "great day" "way to go", and it was from his computer.......

At least MC was gracious enough (after being confronted) to bow out of the contest, since he "has so many problems" with this site, and everyone's jealousy....(one thing i never understood, the ones that always claim everyone is jealous, are usually the ones that are losing) Why would someone be jealous of that.....Since JFS doesnt want to post here anymore, i wouldnt think he would want to post to try and win money from us either....

He can compete for the 100.00 prize at his new home........

I will say i think JFS had more potential, cuz i think he probably really bet his plays, and understands capping....

But he seems to think he will be happier at his new place, hope he is....

There is always gonna be people who dont like a certain place, hopefully they find a place where they are happy, and enough people stroke them, so that they feel their "efforts" are meaningful.....

I would actually rather just win.....

The accolades come along with it...

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
spreadbeater said:

I could not have said it better myself. This guy had madeup stories from day one. What is OPU?
its not worth your time to see spreadbeater.ive gone to check it out myself and it seems a bastardized version of this place with madcapper there too.it appears to be in its infancy and i hope it succeeds but this is my home and here i will remain.jfs made us all good money during march madness and i have nothing negative to say of jim.i wish him well.~RG

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
I'm not going to lie, but I joined the other place so I could follow the plays of JFS and MC. I never like to see people leave with hard feelings (on either side) but I know that is part of the way of things. I have no problem with JFS or MC, though I realize many do, and there are many that do feel this way of whom I think very highly. JFS and MC have always been courteous to me and I appreciate that.

No matter who we are, when we leave to find a new home, physically or electronically (what a world in which we live!) because of problems we are trying to leave behind....once we get to where we think we will have a fine new start, we see that we have brought ourselves along. If JFS and MC have the problems that many believe they do, then they will continue to have problems wherever they go. If they are not as problematic as many think, then maybe this will be better for them. I do not defend either of them, but I do wish them well and I wish them goodluck. tulsa

Cui servire est regnare
Sep 21, 2004
who the hell cares what the story is/was...the guy posted WINNERS in college hoops unlike anyone else, and a lot of his baseball plays were solid gold.

JFS needs to be back here posting again!

Dr. Is IN
Nov 1, 2004
Two points I feel I have to add:

One: Madcapper has shown me NOTHING but him being immature...he is on the other site saying that he is HOT...nough said.

Two: JFS did use alot of drama BUT, he did make plenty of us money during the NIT and NCAA tourny's....and I have to say I hate when people turn on someone after they have done good. IMO

Da Bears!!!!!!!
Feb 12, 2005
Nobody disputes what JFS did for us in coll. hoops but the fact is he did not have awinning record in bases even with Docs plays. Whenever he got on a losing streak he would miraculously come up with a Doc play and raise the units to bail himself out. That finally caught up with him after he went 0-5 over two days and then posted a 20 unit Doc play that lost. I checked out the other site and see that he has buried the followers on that site today with another 20 unit Doc play that loss. When his record gets bad enough he will move on to another site just the way he left this one.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
ego74 said:
Why did JFS leave??
i think he took some losses and felt disrespected from a few unkind things that were said. those things come with the territory when expressing your opinion on a public forum.so he made the desicion to leave. im sure he regrets such a hasty desicion.

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
i'm not into the "bashing other peoples picks" thing, but when you try to whore attention with Caps and bold letters, and bumping your threads, telling everyone how "hot" you are, you figure you'll get bashed when you lose. comes with the territory.

anybody wanna know who the tops guys are?? check out the tracking forum. not bragging, but a certain "ego" has landed in positive numbers in MLB, NBA, and Ncaa Hoops. not to mention #1 in the NFL Contest last season. Not braggin' though, LOL

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