Jim Fiest Sux is mentally Ill. He needs serious help!!!


Oct 31, 2004
This is what he posted at another site. He wishes that a hurricane blows me away. wishing death on someone. Your a sad sack of shit JFS. Do me a favor and keep the $400 bucks that you owe me and hire some professional help. Forget the whole debt. You seem to need the money more than me. Have a nice life. Merry Christmas.

Ban me from those 2 shitholes because of a young ***** named ChopTalk,lol. Well JimFiestSux lives on at 5 new places. All asked my brother to post at their sites so I'll be doing it for him for the next few weeks. Chop only regret I have was giving you 100$,lol. You're a piece of shit as many have emailed both me and my brother saying your a dickless piece of shit,lol. You see there are people who can't stand you too asshole. But Come look me up and try to destroy me as these places I'll beat, all know your situation and asked me to come there. Ass we all know MvpSports101 is a ghost town now,lol. And the Rx run and moderated by thieves and wannabes and phonies, you are ALL a bunch of hypocrites and losers and are nothing but JEALOUS ASSHOLES! Might get banned here too after this post but thats life, many new places popping up JimFiestSux will put on the map just like he did right here,lol. Have a nice life and watch out for the next hurricane CHOP maybe you'll be washed away!

Yes JFS I am so jealous of your sad and pathetic state of being. I cant think of 2 people in the world I would rather not be than you. You are such a sad case. Its not even funny.

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Chop, you gotta let it go sometimes, buddy. You are young yet, but this is a little age and beer talking.....I hold grudges about as well as anyone ever could and grudges don't pay no one, no how. They are a waste of time. You know why? Because anyone like JFSux is so sorry they don't deserve your time and the emotion it takes to be angry.

So, in short...Merry Christmas. F JFSux and let it all go...no matter what he says.

Just breathe in the good and breathe out the JFSux and Merry Christmas because YOU KNOW there are good folks on here and you need to spend your time on them....and YOU are one of the good guys (which is why I'm typing all this.)

Fuck JFSux, but don't spend any more time on him.

By the way...you don't think it doesn't bother JFSux that he has lost his credibility here at the Rx?....ask yourself this: would it bother you if you posted anything here AT ALL and it got bashed to the twelvth moon of Saturn? LOL! Sure it would. It really bothers him too.....so, that's about all you get. Enjoy.

I'll play you in a mano y mano wager sometime just to show people what damn good men you and me are! Let me save up since I know I'd lose! Good luck. tulsa

Jun 25, 2002
I cant think of 2 people in the world I would rather not be than you. You are such a sad case. Its not even funny.

I can. Bush Jr and Osama.

New member
Feb 9, 2005
Your a sad sack of shit JFS.

Truer words have never been posted at the Rx. JFS only deserves our pity. He is definitely the most pathetic degenerate I have ever encountered on the internet.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
2 of the biggest bozos in gambling posting forum history are :

1) ALAN PALMER :finger: .....I dont think anyone can top this tool. We all know his history and his love of the game of monopoly.

2) JFS :finger23: He has closed the gap a little every time he posts at ANY site. His love of his imaginary friends rivals the above mentioned love of monopoly.

MERRY XMAS to everyone, excluding the above 2 morons!!!!!

Oct 31, 2004
Tulsa said:
Chop, you gotta let it go sometimes, buddy. You are young yet, but this is a little age and beer talking.....I hold grudges about as well as anyone ever could and grudges don't pay no one, no how. They are a waste of time. You know why? Because anyone like JFSux is so sorry they don't deserve your time and the emotion it takes to be angry.

So, in short...Merry Christmas. F JFSux and let it all go...no matter what he says.

Just breathe in the good and breathe out the JFSux and Merry Christmas because YOU KNOW there are good folks on here and you need to spend your time on them....and YOU are one of the good guys (which is why I'm typing all this.)

Fuck JFSux, but don't spend any more time on him.

By the way...you don't think it doesn't bother JFSux that he has lost his credibility here at the Rx?....ask yourself this: would it bother you if you posted anything here AT ALL and it got bashed to the twelvth moon of Saturn? LOL! Sure it would. It really bothers him too.....so, that's about all you get. Enjoy.

I'll play you in a mano y mano wager sometime just to show people what damn good men you and me are! Let me save up since I know I'd lose! Good luck. tulsa

Hey Tulsa, I agree with you 100%. I know these kind of post bother him. Thats why I keep beating this dead horse.

I knew the day I agreed to this contest there would be more than a 50% chance that I would not get paid. But I also knew that there would be a less than 1% chance that I would lose the contest. So I figured it was a no lose situation. I knew way back in April that Jimfiestsux was a phony. So I figured that if I took him up on the contest one of 2 things would happen. I would either be $500 dollars richer or I could expose JFS as being a scam.

LETSGETITON I see you posting your see I told you so threads about not getting paid. Trust me dude, I knew full well going into this contest that the chances of me getting paid are slim. My reward for winning this contest is being able to expose this fraud and to help spread the word on this degenerate so people that do not know better would not fall for his B.S.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Tulsa said:
By the way...you don't think it doesn't bother JFSux that he has lost his credibility here at the Rx?....ask yourself this: would it bother you if you posted anything here AT ALL and it got bashed to the twelvth moon of Saturn?

Saturn has 46 moons.


Nov 13, 2005
Roxy knows where he is posting at but she wont give it up, she is still pals with that shitbag.

ball dont lie
Sep 21, 2000
How do these people even deal with waking up everyday and looking at themselves in the mirror knowing they are a stiff and lowest form of scum on the earth?

Why hasnt the little bitch just paid up its only 400 bucks. Do you have any of his info?

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
megabyte666 said:
Roxy knows where he is posting at but she wont give it up, she is still pals with that shitbag.
and how do you know this? i WILL give it up. you come log in under your mvpsports101 name and ask me in a pm where hes posting and i promise youll get your answer.:103631605

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
JFS said he made the RX...BAWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHA The only thing he did at the RX was make a fool out of himself with this stupid DOC/Tooth Fairy talk. The RX was strong way, way before JFS ever came up with this LAME made up fairy tale. The only thing he may have done is provide some entertainment for some of the 10-11 year olds that come on this site.

Every place that JFS posted at or posts at now is a ghost town so I don't know what he is talking about.

There is no site that even compares to the RX. None. That is why people that run all the other sites come and post here. If this site was even remotely bad all these people would be at the "good" sites and stay there. People come here and may say the RX sucks but then they keep on posting here, incessantly. Its such a joke.

My favorite exposure though is JFS saying he bets 10,000-100,000 a game yet cannot pay someone 500 bucks. BAWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

The RX is a freaking

Nov 13, 2005
Roxy the reason why I say this is because you are in every thread saying how you hope he gets better, and bla bla bla, you even admitted in another thread you knew where he was posting at, birds of a feather flock together, sorry roxy.

Nov 13, 2005
Besides Roxy, why would you be using your forum as some piece of artillary? Why not just post it here, hiding a rat are we? Like I said birds of a feather flock together.

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Hes not at ours!!!! Kidslick posted where he was the other day!:103631605

New member
Oct 20, 2002
C-LO said:
Hes not at ours!!!! Kidslick posted where he was the other day!:103631605

here is a good quote from jimmy

Yes Upgrade is the same as sending funds. FF is a good shop, don't get me wrong, just hit me while I was having a bad day with this customer service guy thats all. They cold call but if you go online and tell them on their live chat that you want OFF the mailing and cold calling list they'll pull you off. If not tell them your wife works for the FBI and she checks these calls, they'll stop. I for one found out theres life after FF ,lol. Many other great shops. Pinnacle, Olympic, BetJamaiica, ETC. But I can tell you I've heard 50X's more bad things than good things bout First Fidelity. Starting to believe most!

I cap better than Fiest and his boys!!


New member
Dec 14, 2005
Besides jimfeistsux needing mental help, he needs a very good ass kickin. Everyday that this guy is allowed to find messageboards (like roxys board, she should be ashamed of herself and never consider herself a true gambler. cause good gamblers, dont hang with scam artists) that allow him to peddle his scam to rookie bettors is a very sad day in this great hobby we all do.
Let me know where this fraud is.

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