At customs, they were rude (Even by Customs standards!!!). I explained to the 6'3" 250 sliverback, female.....officer, that I was there to work, and would be staying in a hotel until I found a house. "WHICH HOTEL!?", she demanded. I explained that the people who I was going to work for, had made the arrangements, therfore I didn't know the name of the hotel. (Keep in mind i'm wearing a suit, and am carrying a briefcase.) She then DEMANDED the names of the people who would picking me up. Anyone in this business, understands that's a tough one to answer. She then demanded that I show her $$$ to prove I had enough for a hotel. I pulled a pretty decent wad out of my pocket, she was satisfied. Then she smirked, and said "8 days"! "Doesn't one normally get 90 days, 30 MINIMUM with a U.S. Passport?" I asked. She said "Yes....Next".
I have traveled a bit. More than most, less than you probably. The Government allowed a worker to work at ONE job, no more than 42 hours a week. I believe is was 42, in the ballpark at least. I had workers who needed to work 60 hour weeks to pay the bills. So we'll pay overtime? NO!The employee can sign a waiver maybe? NO! Instead the Government preferred to have the employee drive to ANOTHER job to work the other 18 hours. The other job of course could not be in the same industry! It couldn't another sportsbook. It may not be the MOST beurocratic country in the world, but it's gotta' be close.
Food 4 You, is a food delivery service that delivers for the bulk of restaurants that are open for lunch. One day I called in an order...STARVING. After one hour, I had one of the girls in the office call. "It's on it's way." After all was said and done, there were five phone calls, and the food came three hours later. I'm not exaggerating. I ordered pizza in the meantime. Finally when it came I said that I had already eaten, they were 3 hours late, and no thanks. Driver leaves. 1/2 hour later the local phone rings.....It's for me. The owner of Food 4 You, said I had to pay for the food. I said....Politely, that no way was I paying for that food. He said "Then you're focked, because we will never send food to you again." I got a little agitated and told him it was his mistake not mine, and asked he was being so rude. With his thick Dutch accent he said..."You don't know who you're focking with, you focked with the wrong guy, focker!!" Theh he threatened to kill me and hung up. I went down to his office to straighten out the misunderstanding. He aopologized, but no more delivery for Ol' Country.
One night a friend, and I got lost coming back from the "Campo". We pulled into a gas station and I asked a nice ....Afro-Antillean, man carrying an empty gas can. "Scuse me , you speak English", "Ya Mon". "We're looking for the such, and such hotel resort." So, he gives me directions to our hotel....Like this. "Briiiidge"................."Jou go down"................"Stop Light"......................................................................Me, "What do we do at the stop light?". He says... I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!! "If it green jou go mon,if it red jou stop." Thanks chief. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif
[This message was edited by Country Dick Montana- on 12-27-02 at 02:37 PM.]