Israel and the breaking of International Laws


hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
ZNet Commentary
As in Tiennamen square April 02, 2004
By Tanya Reinhart

Yediot Aharonot. An extensive discussion has already taken place in Israel
regarding the cost-benefit ratio of Yassin's assassination.  But the question of
justice has hardly been raised.

According to international law, the execution of any person in an occupied
territory is not allowed.  The Geneva convention, born out of the horrifying
experience of the second World War, sets limitations on the use of force even in
times of war.  The convention distinguishes between war and a state of
occupation.  Its fundamentals are, first, that occupied people are "protected",
and that the occupier is responsible for their safety.  Second, it determines
that the occupied people have the right to fight for their liberation.
International conventions are one of the means people have developed for
self-preservation.  Without them, there is a danger that the human race would
annihilate itself - first the strong would wipe out the weak, and then each

During its 37 years of occupation, Israel has already violated every article of
the Geneva convention.  But what it did now is unprecedented.  As Robert Fisk
stated it in the British Independent, "for years, there has been an unwritten
rule in the cruel war of government-versus-guerrilla. You can kill the men on
the street, the bomb makers and gunmen. But the leadership on both sides -
government ministers, spiritual leaders were allowed to survive." Even when the
leader advocates violence and terror, the norm has been that he may be
imprisoned, but not killed.

Ahmed Yassin viewed himself as struggling against the occupation. As reported in
Yediot Aharonot, his demand was a full withdrawal of the Israeli army from the
occupied territories, back to the borders of 1967.  In 1993, Hamas agreed to the
principles of the Oslo accords, but did not believe that Rabin would translate
these principles into action, and urged the Palestinian people to remember that
the occupation was not yet over.  During the iron-fist period of Barak and
Sharon, Yassin proposed a long term 'hudna' (cease fire), but he also believed
that Israel would never end the occupation of its own will.  "The enemy
understands only the language of war, bombs and explosives" - he preached to his
followers, and declared that "every Israeli is a target for us".

The Geneva convention recognizes the right of the occupied people to carry out
armed struggle against the occupying army, but not to use terror against
civilians.  Terror has no moral justification, and is not defended by
international law.  But it is necessary that we Israelis examine ourselves in
this regard as well. What other way do we leave open  for the Palestinian people
to struggle for their liberation?  Along the route of the wall in the West Bank,
a new form of popular resistance has been formed in the last few months.
Palestinian farmers whose land is being robbed sit on the ground in front of the
bulldozers, accompanied by the Israeli opponents of the wall - the veterans of
the Mas'ha camp.  What could be more non-violent than this?  But the Israeli
army shoots at sitting demonstrators, like in Tiennamen square.

The Israeli army blocks all options of non-violent resistance from the
Palestinians.   With the arrogant elimination of a leader and a symbol, as he
was leaving a mosque, the army knowingly created a new wave of violence and
terror.  It is hard not to get the impression that terror is convenient for
Sharon and the army. It enables them to convince the world that the Geneva
protections do not apply to the Palestiians, because they have terrorists in
their midst, and that, therefore, it is permitted to do anything to them.

Since September 11th,  as part of its "war against terror," the U.S. has  Been
pushing to destroy all defences provided by International law. But even the U.S.
has not yet dared to publicly execute a spiritual-religious leader (of, for
example, the Taliban in Afghanistan).  Now Israel has determined, with the U.S.
blessing, that even this is permitted.  Under the military rule, Israel has
become a leading force in the destruction of the very protections that humankind
has established, out of World War Two, for its own preservation, protections
that we too may need one day, as history has already shown us.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Once upon a time there was a little boy called Johnny Israel.
Little Johnny Israels big brother the US would protect him from the 'bad people' who told lies about the things he did.

It was never his fault, even though he was always in trouble, it was always the teachers and the other kids who were to blame.

Whatever Johnny Israel did as a child was fine, if he got into trouble it was always their fault, never Johnny Israels, and big brother USA never sided with anyone but Johnny Israel, buying him knives and guns when he asked for them.

Since there was never any discipline as a child, little Johnny Israel is now turning into a mature teenage thug that can terrorise the entire neighbourhood.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
teenage thug? LOL

Israel could devastate the entire region alone if it so chose. They can also hit your home, eek.
To say the U.S. has never sided against Johnny Israel is a flat-out lie and you know it. It takes two sides to make peace, not one.

I'm still trying to figure out how Yassin can be for the Oslo Accords yet be the main man behind an organization whose main purpose is to annihilate the Zionist swine and absorb their territory. That's anti-thetical to their stated purpose. Don't be fooled by their Kerry-speak.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Both Isreal and Palestine are guilty regarding failure to follow international laws. Isreal and their politics towards the Palestinian nation and the Palestinians for their terrorist bombings.

Jan 20, 2002
Until the philosophy which hold one race
Superior and another inferior
Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned
Everywhere is war.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
...or until that race is eliminated which thinks that way and only the truly superior one is left standing.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I think we can conclude that that race turned out not to be superior, but who knows, one day maybe race will be defined in spiritual/intellectual terms and not by skin color and then a successful attempt could be made!?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Alex, the difference behind Israel's terrorism and the Palestinian terrorism is that Israel's is an act of the state while Palestine's is an act of a group of lawless thugs.

One may argue that the Palestinians would continue terrorism if they were granted statehood but that remains to be seen since they are denied that status.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Somebody alert the warhawks (and their sheepish retarded following known as the GOP)
- Isreal and the violation of MULTIPLE UN Resolutions
UN Security Council Resolution 1402 (2002)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4503rd meeting, on 30 March 2002

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967, 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973, 1397 (2002) of 12 March 2002, and the Madrid principles,

Expressing its grave concern at the further deterioration of the situation, including the recent suicide bombings in Israel and the military attack against the headquarters of the President of the Palestinian Authority,

1. Calls upon both parties to move immediately to a meaningful ceasefire; calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities, including Ramallah; and calls upon the parties to cooperate fully with Special Envoy Zinni, and others, to implement the Tenet security work plan as a first step towards implementation of the Mitchell Committee recommendations, with the aim of resuming negotiations on a political settlement;

2. Reiterates its demand in resolution 1397 (2002) of 12 March 2002 for an immediate cessation of all acts of violence, including all acts of terror, provocation, incitement and destruction;

3. Expresses support for the efforts of the Secretary-General and the special envoys to the Middle East to assist the parties to halt the violence and to resume the peace process;

4. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I almost wish I hadn't pressed you for those #'s, Lander. Now we'll have to hear about it for the next two weeks. If the Palestinians (Yasser Arafat and Hamas etc.)don't want peace, there won't be peace. How can you deny Israel the responsibility to defend itself and all the citizens (Israeli and Arab) in it's territory?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
No wonder the Palestinians are pissed off, they had a country until the europeans dumped a few million unwanted Jewish refugees on the shores of Palestine 50 years ago.

Israel prior to 1947...


Israel from 1949, and there aint much left for the Palestinians.


Its those bloody Brits again.

Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc


UN partition of Palestine
Britain, which had ruled Palestine since 1920, handed over responsibility for solving the Zionist-Arab problem to the UN in 1947.

The territory was plagued with chronic unrest pitting native Arabs against Jewish immigrants (who now made up about a third the population, owning about 6% of the land). The situation had become more critical with the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Jews fleeing the Nazi persecution in Europe. Some six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust during World War II.

The UN set up a special committee which recommended splitting the territory into separate Jewish and Palestinian states. Palestinian representatives, known as the Arab Higher Committee, rejected the proposal; their counterparts in the Jewish Agency accepted it.

The partition plan gave 56.47% of Palestine to the Jewish state and 43.53% to the Arab state, with an international enclave around Jerusalem. On 29 November 1947, 33 countries of the UN General Assembly voted for partition, 13 voted against and 10 abstained. The plan, which was rejected by the Palestinians, was never implemented.

Britain announced its intention to terminate its Palestine mandate on 15 May 1948 but hostilities broke out before the date arrived.

The death of British soldiers in the conflict made the continuing presence in Palestine deeply unpopular in Britain. In addition, the British resented American pressure to allow in more Jewish refugees - a sign of growing US suport for Zionism.

Both Arab and Jewish sides prepared for the coming confrontation by mobilising forces. The first "clearing" operations were conducted against Palestinian villages by Jewish forces in December.


It was nice of the fledgling UN to invent a new country, it didn't solve anything though.

Original UN partition plan.
A Dogs breakfast or wot..


[This message was edited by eek on April 04, 2004 at 06:42 AM.]

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Uncle Moneybags:
I almost wish I hadn't pressed you for those #'s, Lander. Now we'll have to hear about it for the next two weeks. If the Palestinians (Yasser Arafat and Hamas etc.)don't want peace, there won't be peace. How can you deny Israel the responsibility to defend itself and all the citizens (Israeli and Arab) in it's territory?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The real point (aside from showing you that the resulotions do exist) was to point out the hypocracy of many of the right. After WMD and the "evidence" supporting such were deamed false (lies IMO) the blind Bushites (including many is this very forum) decided a spin was necessary to avoid embarassment. That spin, commonly, was that 12 years of resolution violations by Iraq was "more than enough reason" to go to war. After all, the right contends that it is America's duty to "police the world."

I'm curious, why do this same chicken/war hawks overlook the fact that Israel has a much longer history of violating UN resolutions??

It seems that we have a chorus of ignorant GOPers that simply echo the GOP's message, regardless of substance.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
The US say we went to war because Iraq violated UN resolutions ...

Yet, ...

UN Resolutions Violated by Countries Other than Iraq
Stephen Zunes | Foreign Policy in Focus | October 2, 2002
"In addition to the dozen or so resolutions currently being violated by Iraq, a conservative estimate reveals that there are an additional 91 Security Council resolutions about countries other than Iraq that are also currently being violated."Editor's Note: In its effort to justify its planned invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration has emphasized the importance of enforcing UN Security Council resolutions. However, in addition to the dozen or so resolutions currently being violated by Iraq, a conservative estimate reveals that there are an additional 91 Security Council resolutions about countries other than Iraq that are also currently being violated. This raises serious questions regarding the Bush administration's insistence that it is motivated by a duty to preserve the credibility of the United Nations, particularly since the vast majority of the governments violating UN Security Council resolutions are close allies of the United States. Stephen Zunes , University of San Francisco professor and Middle East Editor for Foreign Policy in Focus (online at,compiled the following partial list of UN resolutions that are currently being violated by countries other than Iraq.

The cases are listed in order of resolution number, followed by the year in which the resolution was passed, the country or countries in violation, and a brief description of the resolution.

Resolution 252 (1968) Israel

Urgently calls upon Israel to rescind measures that change the legal status of Jerusalem, including the expropriation of land and properties thereon.

262 (1968) Israel

Calls upon Israel to pay compensation to Lebanon for destruction of airliners at Beirut International Airport.

267 (1969) Israel

Urgently calls upon Israel to rescind measures seeking to change the legal status of occupied East Jerusalem.

271 (1969) Israel

Reiterates calls to rescind measures seeking to change the legal status of occupied East Jerusalem and calls on Israel to scrupulously abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention regarding the responsibilities of occupying powers.

298 (1971) Israel

Reiterates demand that Israel rescind measures seeking to change the legal status of occupied East Jerusalem.

353 (1974) Turkey

Calls on nations to respect the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Cyprus and for the withdrawal without delay of foreign troops from Cyprus.

354 (1974) Turkey

Reiterates provisions of UNSC resolution 353.

360 (1974) Turkey

Reaffirms the need for compliance with prior resolutions regarding Cyprus "without delay."

364 (1974) Turkey

Reaffirms the need for compliance with prior resolutions regarding Cyprus.

367 (1975) Turkey

Reaffirms the need for compliance with prior resolutions regarding Cyprus.

370 (1975) Turkey

Reaffirms the need for compliance with prior resolutions regarding Cyprus.

377 (1979) Morocco

Calls on countries to respect the right of self-determination for Western Sahara.

379 (1979) Morocco

Calls for the withdrawal of foreign forces from Western Sahara.

380 (1979) Morocco

Reiterates the need for compliance with previous resolutions.

391 (1976) Turkey

Reaffirms the need for compliance with prior resolutions regarding Cyprus.

401 (1976) Turkey

Reaffirms the need for compliance with prior resolutions regarding Cyprus.

414 (1977) Turkey

Reaffirms the need for compliance with prior resolutions regarding Cyprus.

422 (1977) Turkey

Reaffirms the need for compliance with prior resolutions regarding Cyprus.

440 (1978) Turkey

Reaffirms the need for compliance with prior resolutions regarding Cyprus.

446 (1979) Israel

Calls upon Israel to scrupulously abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention regarding the responsibilities of occupying powers, to rescind previous measures that violate these relevant provisions, and "in particular, not to transport parts of its civilian population into the occupied Arab territories."

452 (1979) Israel

Calls on the government of Israel to cease, on an urgent basis, the establishment, construction, and planning of settlements in the Arab territories, occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem.

465 (1980) Israel

Reiterates previous resolutions on Israel's settlements policy.

471 (1980) Israel

Demands prosecution of those involved in assassination attempts of West Bank leaders and compensation for damages; reiterates demands to abide by Fourth Geneva Convention.

484 (1980) Israel

Reiterates request that Israel abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

487 (1981) Israel

Calls upon Israel to place its nuclear facilities under the safeguard of the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency.

497 (1981) Israel

Demands that Israel rescind its decision to impose its domestic laws in the occupied Syrian Golan region.

541 (1983) Turkey

Reiterates the need for compliance with prior resolutions and demands that the declaration of an independent Turkish Cypriot state be withdrawn.

550 (1984) Turkey

Reiterates UNSC resolution 541 and insists that member states may "not to facilitate or in any way assist" the secessionist entity.

573 (1985) Israel

Calls on Israel to pay compensation for human and material losses from its attack against Tunisia and to refrain from all such attacks or threats of attacks against other nations.

592 (1986) Israel

Insists Israel abide by the Fourth Geneva Conventions in East Jerusalem and other occupied territories.

605 (1987) Israel

"Calls once more upon Israel, the occupying Power, to abide immediately and scrupulously by the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War, and to desist forthwith from its policies and practices that are in violations of the provisions of the Convention."

607 (1986) Israel

Reiterates calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention and to cease its practice of deportations from occupied Arab territories.

608 (1988) Israel

Reiterates call for Israel to cease its deportations.

636 (1989) Israel

Reiterates call for Israel to cease its deportations.

641 (1989) Israel

Reiterates previous resolutions calling on Israel to desist in its deportations.

658 (1990) Morocco

Calls upon Morocco to "cooperate fully" with the Secretary General of the United Nations and the chairman of the Organization of African Unity "in their efforts aimed at an early settlement of the question of Western Sahara."

672 (1990) Israel

Reiterates calls for Israel to abide by provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Arab territories.

673 (1990) Israel

Insists that Israel come into compliance with resolution 672.

681 (1990) Israel

Reiterates call on Israel to abide by Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Arab territories.

690 (1991) Morocco

Calls upon both parties to cooperate fully with the Secretary General in implementing a referendum on the fate of the territory.

694 (1991) Morocco

Reiterates that Israel "must refrain from deporting any Palestinian civilian from the occupied territories and ensure the safe and immediate return of all those deported."

716 (1991) Morocco

Reaffirms previous resolutions on Cyprus.

725 (1991) Morocco

"Calls upon the two parties to cooperate fully in the settlement plan."

726 (1992) Israel

Reiterates calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention and to cease its practice of deportations from occupied Arab territories.

799 (1992) Israel

"Reaffirms applicability of Fourth Geneva Convention…to all Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem, and affirms that deportation of civilians constitutes a contravention of its obligations under the Convention."

807 (1993) Croatia

Demands return of heavy weapons seized from UN storage areas.

809 (1992) Morocco

Reiterates call to cooperate with the peace settlement plan, particularly regarding voter eligibility for referendum.

815 (1993) Croatia

Reaffirms UNSC resolution 807.

822 (1993) Armenia

Calls for Armenia to implement the "immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces from the Kelbadjar district and other recently occupied areas of Azerbaijan."

853 (1993) Armenia

Demands "complete and unconditional withdrawal of the occupying forces" from Azerbaijani territory.

874 (1993) Armenia

Reiterates calls for withdrawal of occupation forces.

884 (1993) Armenia

Calls on Armenia to use its influence to force compliance by Armenian militias to previous resolutions and to withdraw its remaining occupation forces.

896 (1994) Russia

"Calls upon all concerned to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Georgia."

904 (1994) Israel

Calls upon Israel, as the occupying power, "to take and implement measures, inter alia, confiscation of arms, with the aim of preventing illegal acts of violence by settlers."

973 (1995) Morocco

Reiterates the need for cooperation with United Nations and expediting referendum on the fate of Western Sahara.

995 (1995) Morocco

Calls for "genuine cooperation" with UN efforts to move forward with a referendum.

1002 (1995) Morocco

Reiteration of call for "genuine cooperation" with UN efforts.

1009 (1995) Croatia

Demands that Croatia "respect fully the rights of the local Serb population to remain, leave, or return in safety."

1017 (1995) Morocco

Reiterates the call for "genuine cooperation" with UN efforts and to cease "procrastinating actions which could further delay the referendum."

1033 (1995) Morocco

Reiterates call for "genuine cooperation" with UN efforts.

1044 (1996) Sudan

Calls upon Sudan to extradite to Ethiopia for prosecution three suspects in an assassination attempt of visiting Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and to cease its support for sanctuary and offering of sanctuary to terrorists.

1054 (1996) Sudan

Demands that Sudan come into compliance with UNSC resolution 1044.

1056 (1996) Morocco

Calls for the release of political prisoners from occupied Western Sahara.

1070 (1996) Sudan

Reiterates demands to comply with 1044 and 1054.

1073 (1996) Israel

"Calls on the safety and security of Palestinian civilians to be ensured."

1079 (1996) Croatia

Reaffirms right of return for Serbian refugees to Croatia.

1092 (1996) Turkey/Cyprus

Calls for a reduction of foreign troops in Cyprus as the first step toward a total withdrawal troops as well as a reduction in military spending.

1117 (1997) Turkey/Cyprus

Reiterates call for a reduction of foreign troops in Cyprus as the first step toward a total withdrawal troops and reduction in military spending.

1120 (1997) Croatia

Reaffirms right of return for Serbian refugees to Croatia and calls on Croatia to change certain policies that obstruct this right, and to treat its citizens equally regardless of ethnic origin.

1145 (1997) Croatia

Reiterates Croatian responsibility in supporting the political and economic rights of its people regardless of ethnic origin.

1172 (1998) India, Pakistan

Calls upon India and Pakistan to cease their development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.

1178 (1998) Turkey/Cyprus

Reiterates call for a substantial reduction of foreign troops and reduction in military spending.

1185 (1998) Morocco

Calls for the lifting of restrictions of movement by aircraft of UN peacekeeping force.

1215 (1998) Morocco

Urges Morocco to promptly sign a "status of forces agreement."

1217 (1998) Turkey/Cyprus

Reiterates call for a substantial reduction of foreign troops and reduction in military spending.

1251 (1999) Turkey/Cyprus

Reiterates call for a substantial reduction of foreign troops and reduction in military spending.

1264 (1999) Indonesia

Calls on Indonesia to provide safe return for refugees and punish those for acts of violence during and after the referendum campaign.

1272 (1999) Indonesia

Stresses the need for Indonesia to provide for the safe return for refugees and maintain the civilian and humanitarian character of refugee camps.

1283 (1999) Turkey/Cyprus

Reiterates UNSC resolution 1251.

1303 (2000) Turkey/Cyprus

Reiterates UNSC resolutions 1283 and 1251.

1319 (2000) Indonesia

Insists that Indonesia "take immediate additional steps, in fulfillment of its responsibilities, to disarm and disband the militia immediately, restore law and order in the affected areas of West Timor, ensure safety and security in the refugee camps and for humanitarian workers, and prevent incursions into East Timor." Stresses that those guilty of attacks on international personnel be brought to justice and reiterates the need to provide safe return for refugees who wish to repatriate and provide resettlement for those wishing to stay in Indonesia.

1322 (2000) Israel

Calls upon Israel to scrupulously abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention regarding the responsibilities of occupying power.

1331 (2000) Turkey/Cyprus

Reiterates UNSC resolution 1251 and subsequent resolutions.

1338 (2001) Indonesia

Calls for Indonesian cooperation with the UN and other international agencies in the fulfillment of UNSC resolution 1319.

1359 (2001) Morocco

Calls on the parties to "abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law to release without further delay all those held since the start of the conflict."

1384 (2001) Turkey/Cyprus

Reiterates 1251 and all relevant resolutions on Cyprus.

1402 (2002) Israel

Calls for Israel to withdraw from Palestinian cities.

1403 (2002) Israel

Demands that Israel go through with "the implementation of its resolution 1402, without delay."

1405 (2002) Israel

Calls for UN inspectors to investigate civilian deaths during an Israeli assault on the Jenin refugee camp.

1416 (2002) Turkey/Cyprus

Reiterates UNSC resolution 1251 and all relevant resolutions on Cyprus.

1435 (2002) Israel

Calls on Israel to withdraw to positions of September 2000 and end its military activities in and around Ramallah, including the destruction of security and civilian infrastructure.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

My comments were more facetious than anything. I didn't think you would go to all this trouble. In any case, my definition of threat is a lot different than everyone else, obviously. Where everyone wants to chill, I want to ensure their weakness. I act similarly everyday. People that associate with me know to back off if they're not prepared for the possible consequences. It is that mindset that made the conflict in Iraq worthwhile to me. I can't speak for Bush. He might have been jerking off at the prospect of taking out Saddam.
Sep 21, 2004
One thing Lander didnt point out is that in the list, it is not included the dozens of resolutions against Israel that the US has vetoed.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Come on, Alex. You're reaching. The U.S. has vetoed a lot of things just as others nations have vetoed things that wouldn't benefit the Arabs. The Arabs have their allies just as Israel has it's allies.
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>The Arabs have their allies just as Israel has it's allies <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The point is that none of the Arabs' allies have a veto in the security council. Its a very disproportionate and unfair system in my opinion.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

I realize we may have a different definition of ally but France has veto power. Russia also has veto power. They have vetoed things that would back some Arabs into a corner (PLO, Iraq). The difference between France and the U.S. is the reliability that the U.S. has shown to support an ally, whereas France or Russia might not be there when the going gets tough. That's not Israel's fault or anyone's for that matter.

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