Found this transcript and thought I would share with the forum....
MikeB: Hiiii
Wilbur: Heeeyyy
MikeB: whatcha' doin today?
Wilbur: idk probably just sitting here and texting you all day. Hehe
MikeB: You're so silly
Wilbur: no, You are!!!
Wilbur: Mikey guess where my hand is right now!!
MikeB: it better not be in your pants Wilby. That's mine! Don't touch it!!
Wilbur: it's not. I was jk. And I won't. Promise!
MikeB: omg Wilby, all I do is think about you and us being together
Wilbur: I know. Me too. so crazy we met on a sports forum. Who would have thought!!
MikeB: love you
Wilbur: love you more!
MikeB: Hehe..silly Wilby