JCCAPITALS group which are these books is very bad news for players. They are very active right now and you do not want to go near them. There may be others underneath this group so be very careful. With football season so close they are going all out with their e-mail spam so be very aware of these people. Every time they catch scammers one thing they all admit is greed is what makes their job easy. People lose more money to rip offs due to being greedy than anything else I would bet. Nothing is 100% foolproof but stick to the established books who have made a name for themselves and not just any book that comes along with a nice bonus. If you have not heard of them or know little about them there is usually a good reason behind it. The extra $$$$ sounds good but if they stiff you on the whole amount what did it really gain you? Voodoo who has taken some effort in staying on top of these guys calls them "deposit only" books, LOL. They will gladly take your money but good luck getting it back. Absolutely no reason to gamble on which book you use, we do enough gambling trying to pick a winner wthout worrying about getting our money. Stick to our advertisers guys and other solid books. If you are unsure about a book ASK before you send your money, not after. We also have a whole list of books that operate off-shore right at your fingertips, it provides what we know about them and feedback from players on their experiences playing there.
General takes a lot of time and effort keeping this updated so please use it. Posters have done well to find this site so use all tools you can to avoid getting stiffed off-shore. Most people don't worry about it until it happens to them once and then it is too late. If anyone has any JCCapitals additions to this list please feel free to add them here. I will post this in the football threads as well to get to as many readers as we can. Good luck this year men!
[This message was edited by Patrick McIrish on August 22, 2003 at 06:56 AM.]
JCCAPITALS group which are these books is very bad news for players. They are very active right now and you do not want to go near them. There may be others underneath this group so be very careful. With football season so close they are going all out with their e-mail spam so be very aware of these people. Every time they catch scammers one thing they all admit is greed is what makes their job easy. People lose more money to rip offs due to being greedy than anything else I would bet. Nothing is 100% foolproof but stick to the established books who have made a name for themselves and not just any book that comes along with a nice bonus. If you have not heard of them or know little about them there is usually a good reason behind it. The extra $$$$ sounds good but if they stiff you on the whole amount what did it really gain you? Voodoo who has taken some effort in staying on top of these guys calls them "deposit only" books, LOL. They will gladly take your money but good luck getting it back. Absolutely no reason to gamble on which book you use, we do enough gambling trying to pick a winner wthout worrying about getting our money. Stick to our advertisers guys and other solid books. If you are unsure about a book ASK before you send your money, not after. We also have a whole list of books that operate off-shore right at your fingertips, it provides what we know about them and feedback from players on their experiences playing there.
General takes a lot of time and effort keeping this updated so please use it. Posters have done well to find this site so use all tools you can to avoid getting stiffed off-shore. Most people don't worry about it until it happens to them once and then it is too late. If anyone has any JCCapitals additions to this list please feel free to add them here. I will post this in the football threads as well to get to as many readers as we can. Good luck this year men!
[This message was edited by Patrick McIrish on August 22, 2003 at 06:56 AM.]