In the Grand American Tradition of Telling Grown-Ups how to Raise Their Children, I'd Like to Make a Suggestion:


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Parents who drug up their children for being child-like should be beaten with an aluminum baseball bat until they are all squishy.

In this front-page feature from MSN Health, parents are given warning signs of ADD and ADHD, the two diseases that never were.

Ways to tell if your child needs mood-altering drugs include:

1) Inattention

2) Impulsiveness

3) Hyperactivity

In other words, acting like a child.

Bear in mind, in many states in the US, the concentration camp-like public schools can expel a child for exhibiting ADD-like symptoms if the parent refuses to have them "treated." In Connecticut, you can have your children forcibly taken from you for refusing to show proper "concern" for them and getting them the desperately-needed help of chemical therapy.

How quaint that an educational system so demonstrably inept at educating is somehow considered qualified to judge whether or not a child is in need of medical attention.

Some more dire warning signs to for which you should watch:

If your child is between 6 and 12, watch for low grades, poor organisation and a resistance to homework and studying, socialisation problems and feelings of rejection from peers, and self-esteem issues; i.e. behaviour common to probably 75% of all boys in this age group and a great many girls.

Also, "Teens with inattention problems who previously managed to cope may start to fall behind in schoolwork. This is especially true when major changes occur, such as starting a new school or going to college."

In other words, if a major change in your teen's life has an obvious effect on him or her, drug that fvcker up because he's a Columbine waiting to happen.

The article also mentions, almost parenthetically, that some children with ADD/ADHD make it into adulthood without severe problems. No plan for forcibly committing them as of yet.

Shit like this drives me to the brink. As young as six years old there were teachers suggesting that my son's mother and I "do something" about his "problem." When asked just what that problem was, the stock response was "Well, I don't know, but he's obviously got a problem." He indeed did have a problem -- he was being sent off each morning from a home filled with learning and love to a conformity factory where the curriculum is continually altered to pander to the dumbest kid in the room, ignored for his gifts and punished for his shortcomings. This is why we decided from almost grade one that he should be homeschooled.

My son will be ten in a few weeks, and he is reading on a level that would put almost any middle-schooler to shame. His math skills are on par with a high school freshman's. He writes, he paints, and he builds models, each with varying degrees of technical skill but all with heart and originality.

He is very well-behaved and gets along great with adults, and other kids his age that he meets -- he is, imho, far more gregarious with other children than the average "schooled" child, because he has absolutely zero conception of the "social clique" that can so brutally screw up a child's self-esteem.

Add to that that last year he was voted "Best New Player" on his soccer team (city league) to round out his educational and social skills, and he's already destined to do better than I ever did, because as smart as I am, I hardly get along with anybody, and I am sure as hell no athlete.

People -- life is hard. Everybody is having to work like hell to pay the bills, and the age of the nuclear family is all but dead (look at my thrice-divorced dumb ass.) But if you can swing it, if it is even remotely possible for you to do so, get your kids the hell out of the school system right now! These places are nothing more than indoctrination centers for kids, just an over-wrought public program that can aspire to little more than keeping them off the streets until they're eighteen, and doesn't do that with any heartening regularity. And if the kids don't act like fvcking zombies, then it's off to MediLand for them.

If you love your kids, get them out. The system doesn't deserve any good kids making it look like it's accomplishing anything of value.


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