Important Virus Update thread, the real one, not the unimportant tin foil hat conspiracy nut job thread!

Feb 20, 2002
"Why Canada could soon turn the corner in the pandemic — even if it doesn't feel like it yet

International data signals brighter days ahead as COVID-19 vaccinations pick up speed at home

Vaccines are now rolling out across Canada at a rapid pace as supply has finally begun to catch up with demand. While we're still far from returning to normal life, Canadians are more and more protected from the worst of COVID-19 with each passing day.

Early research from countries that are further ahead in their vaccine rollout has been overwhelmingly positive, suggesting protection from even a single dose is robust and the growing number of shots in arms signals a much brighter future for Canada.

But while we're not quite where we need to be yet and we still need to remain vigilant, experts say things haven't looked this good for quite some time as we head toward what many hope is the final stretch of the pandemic in this country.

"From this point on, things are going to get better every single day," said Raywat Deonandan, a global health epidemiologist and an associate professor at the University of Ottawa. "Vaccination works."


Even a cursory look around the globe gives a glimpse of why there is reason for optimism here at home.

With more than 50 per cent of the population fully vaccinated, Israel reported slightly more than 200 COVID-19 cases and five deaths during the past week — down from a record high of more than 60,000 cases and 400 deaths in one devastating week in mid-January.

The United Kingdom saw its COVID-19 hospitalizations drop below 1,000 for the first time in months, down from a high of more than 4,000 in January, and daily deaths fell to single digits as the strategy of delaying second doses — similar to Canada's approach — continues to pay off.

And while the U.S. has yet to partially vaccinate half of its population, it recorded its single lowest COVID-19 case rate in more than eight months on Sunday and its seven-day average of daily deaths fell to its lowest level since October.

Canada doesn't have as much vaccination coverage, but we're catching up.

Close to 50 per cent of eligible Canadians have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to date, and we're already starting to see the results


There are fewer than 4,000 people in hospital for the first time since mid-April, which accounts for an eight per cent drop from the previous week. ICU admissions are also down five per cent week over week, sitting at just under 1,400.

In Canada's largest province, recent data from Public Health Ontario showed COVID-19 vaccines have been very effective against infection and hospitalization.

Of the 3.5 million Ontarians partially or fully vaccinated as of April 17, just 2,223 became infected — a breakthrough infection rate of just 0.06 per cent — with about two-thirds of cases occurring within 14 days of a first dose, when antibodies have yet to fully build up.

"Where I'm working, there's a lot more hope and optimism in the staff, knowing that people are getting vaccinated," said Dr. Zain Chagla, an infectious diseases physician at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton and an associate professor at McMaster University.

"There's an end in sight to all of this and I think that's the one thing that is really sparking a lot of optimism in health care."

'High level' of COVID-19 could jeopardize progress
We're also learning more about the protection that one dose offers, even when second doses are delayed, as new research on immunogenicity and effectiveness rapidly emerges.

A new study from the U.K. found the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine generated antibody responses 3½ times larger in older people when a second dose was delayed to three months after the first.

A recent study in The Lancet looked at more than 23,000 vaccinated health-care workers in the U.K. from December to February and found the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was at least 70 per cent effective at preventing COVID-19 three weeks after the first dose.

And another Lancet study looked at more than 1.3 million people in Scotland during the same time period and found the Pfizer shot was more than 90 per cent effective at preventing hospitalization due to COVID-19 four to five weeks after the initial dose.

That study also analyzed the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine in the same population and found it was 88 per cent effective at curbing hospital admissions from COVID-19 after one shot.

But while the vaccines are doing an incredible job at preventing severe illness and death, the number of daily infections across Canada remains high and threatens to jeopardize the progress we've made.


"Your risk of developing severe disease is reduced drastically after two doses and even after one, which is something to be very optimistic and celebrate about," said Prof. Alyson Kelvin, an assistant professor at Dalhousie University and virologist at the Canadian Center for Vaccinology and the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization in Saskatoon.

"But what we need to keep in mind is that there's still quite a high level of virus transmission within the community."

Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's chief public health officer, warned Canadians on May 8 that even two doses of vaccine don't offer full protection from COVID-19.

"It's not absolute," Tam said during a virtual town hall in the Yukon. "There's reduction in your risk of transmission, but it doesn't necessarily eliminate your risk of transmission."

Deonandan says that's akin to taking a "glass half empty approach" to the situation, given the positive impact vaccines are already having on our health-care system and in other countries around the world.

'One-dose summer'
Tam had a more positive outlook on Friday, saying Canadians who have received one dose can socialize with close family and friends outdoors over the summer months.

"Vaccines will be a major help in keeping your rates low and point toward a future that includes some of these activities that we've longed for without a resurgence happening," Tam said.

"Individuals with one dose should feel more confident that they're better protected, but you've got to get that second dose for maximal protection."


Tam said a more social summer will depend on most Canadians staying apart for the rest of the spring, because the case count is still too high and vaccination coverage too low to do away with public health measures right now — even for partially vaccinated people.

That guidance came a day after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced fully vaccinated Americans could stop wearing masks inside in most places.

While the concept of drastically loosening public health restrictions still seems far off in Canada, there is hope for a gradual return to some normalcy this summer.


"We can have a better summer," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday. "A one-dose summer."

Trudeau said once 75 per cent of the adult population has had at least one vaccine dose, provinces and territories can begin to lift public health restrictions — but until then, Canadians should remain vigilant to avoid sparking a fourth wave.

"It's not going to be the summer of us being back to the way we were in January of 2020, but it's going to be the summer of us looking forward to things being normal," Chagla said.

"To at least do some low-risk outdoor stuff together, to visit each other, to be able to engage with each other, being careful, but at least being able to do more than we've done in the past."


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
“COVID is over in the US. Walmart and Trader Joe’s saying no masks seals the deal.
Yet, COVID-mania seems to be reaching new heights in Canada.

Do we really inhabit parallel universes?

How did Canadians get stuck in the hellish one?”

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
“We have a very naive, gullible, and government trusting population.

Most Canadians see CTV or CBC and think they're getting facts and an accurate world view unbiased from any political or business interests.

We've got to be one of the most propagandized populations on earth”

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

I am wondering what is happening to Canadians who are flipping back and forth between CNN and CBC
How can they reconcile what they are seeing now, I wonder?

Opening and moving on in the US; doom and gloom and punishment in Canada

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
I’ve said it.. Canada will be one of the countries to surrender its freedoms the quickest!

We want to be politically correct.. we don’t want to offend!

We are going to pay for it!”

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
“I am an Ontario doctor and the OMA does not speak for me: I DO NOT support these #Lockdowns as they are increasing overall morbidity and mortality in the population.

Continuing them is CRIMINAL”
Feb 20, 2002
"Fact check: The coronavirus pandemic is not a hoax or a conspiracy to control the general public

A video shared online has claimed that the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax and part of a conspiracy to control the general public. This is false.
<figure class="WithCaption-container-Aau3d WithCaption-outside-2Jvzs" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: medium; line-height: inherit; font-family: "Times New Roman"; vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><button type="button" class="FullscreenOverlay-button-1FTU6 Slideshow-inline-image-container-1dktB" aria-label="image" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border-width: initial; border-style: none; border-color: initial; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; appearance: none; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; position: relative; width: 852px; cursor: pointer; display: block; outline: none;"><figure style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;">

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 18 18">
<figcaption style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.5; font-family: freight-book, serif; vertical-align: baseline; max-width: 650px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: rgb(49, 49, 50);">Reuters Fact Check. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt</figcaption>
</figure>A post sharing the video can be viewed here (here).
The opening sequence shows billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates, warning that “we will have to prepare” for the next pandemic.
The narrator then uses points to argue that the pandemic was planned, and claims it is a hoax that is being used as an excuse to control the general public.
“They’ve never isolated it or actually identified this virus as actually existing, so the whole thing is just a big scam”, the narrator claims (here).
This is not true. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the name of the virus that causes the disease COVID-19 (here).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the virus was identified by Chinese authorities on January 7, 2020 (
“Of course, the more people they test, then the more people are going to test positive because they’re just testing for RNA viruses and genetic material”, the narrator alleges (here).
It is false that the COVID-19 test broadly detects all RNA viruses rather than SARS-CoV-2 specifically.
An RNA virus is a virus that has RNA as its genetic material (here). Human diseases caused by RNA viruses include COVID-19 (here), SARS, influenza and Ebola disease (here).
The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test used to detect SARS-CoV-2 works by detecting the presence of its RNA in the swab sample (here).

Each virus has its own pattern of RNA material, and the test for coronavirus tests for the RNA material of SARS-CoV-2 specifically.
[h=2]CLAIM 3 - ALL DEATHS ARE BEING LABELLED AS COVID-19[/h]“All deaths are basically being labelled as COVID deaths now whether they are or not. All you have to do is test positive for this genetic material in your body and it’ll say COVID-19” (here).
In the UK, data on COVID-19 deaths published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) includes deaths “involving COVID-19”.
This includes deaths that have COVID-19 mentioned anywhere on the death certificate, whether it is an underlying cause or not (here).
However, the ONS says that: “In the majority of cases (46,736 deaths, 92.8%) where COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate, it was found to be the underlying cause of death”.

It is wrong to say that all deaths are being recorded as COVID deaths. One indication of how many deaths have been caused by the pandemic is the number of ‘excess deaths’ recorded, or additional deaths compared to the number usually expected during a given time period.
An ONS report shows that England and Wales saw spikes in the number of excess deaths that reflect the number of COVID-19 deaths that were reported at that time (see Figure 2) (here).
In June, the ONS reported that there were around 64,500 excess deaths across the UK for the time of year using a five-year average, though the figure is now likely to be higher (here).
[h=2]VERDICT[/h]False. The coronavirus pandemic is not a hoax; it is a global outbreak caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2.
This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here .
[FONT=&quot]Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Feb 20, 2002
That is pretty much what I am saying
I don't care if its a thousand strong, you are not going to get sick from a protest (and historically the number of cases traced back to any of them is basically nill)

IF you have such a low chance of contracting Covid outside then HOW do you equate that fact with lockdowns "working"?

Even in your response you parrot how safe being outside is; so why are we in a lockdown and how is it working?

There were reports of a motorcycle rally in the states that was studied & considered a significant spreader event.

I'm in no lockdown & even when i was i could go outside to walk along the beach or hike up a mountain without putting others at risk.

If everyone stayed home & never went out (= total lockdown), the virus would all but die on earth in a few weeks.

Likewise when you quarantine someone for a few weeks. Either the virus dies & the person lives, or the person dies [which kills the virus too because there is no other host for it to infect.]

Soft lockdowns work similarly. People are more isolated which contains the virus to their numerous particular little environments. The virus can't get out of those environments, so it is unable to infect uninfected people elsewhere, thereby protecting those people & keeping them from becoming infected.

OTOH without the lockdown many of those safe uninfected ones would be vulnerable. Especially when infection rates are escalating. Thereby leading to more deaths & putting hospitals at risk of being overwhelmed.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
^^^^. Bahahahaha. What total bullshit

Feb 20, 2002
"True. Allowing the virus to spread has led to the variants, which are deadlier than corona1.0. That's why they blew up in places like Brazil and India. Letting people get the virus is a stupid idea. The US has nearly 600K deaths, and they weren't really fighting it in certain places...Imgaine if California of NYC just said, go on, live your lives! They would have to do mass cremations.
Feb 20, 2002
Is it a tough choice?

Either we let natural immunity set is so it take about 3 years and between 100-250 millions death like the Spanish Flu back in 1918-1920

Or we take the opportunity of the vaccine to get out of this mess in less than 2 years and with probably less than 10 million deaths.

Yes as with ANY medication there is a risk of complication but not to the scale of saving 90-240 millions life.



Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Lol. Posting other loser ignorant lying posts from other sites :pointer:

Feb 20, 2002
I have 35 members on this site on ignore, including most so far in this thread, out of over 100,000 Rx members. So i seldom even see what they post, because those who are on the ignore function have their posts' messages hidden (unless i choose to click "View Post" or remove them from the user ignore list).

Thankfully i have a number of guys here on ignore now, so i seldom even read or see the nonsense, lies & false accusations they post anymore. Their accusations are much more likely to be true of themselves & the truth is much more likely to be the opposite of what they accuse.

Anyone wanting to see me expose their errors can search out my older posts and threads.

Who i have on ignore:


Nearly as stupid as someone quoting and responding to a post of someone they claim to have on ignore. Fn tard

It's not a claim, it's a fact. Are you even clued in to how the system works? Or just another covidiot idiot. lol

Those i have on Rx user ignore have their posts hidden until if & whenever i feel like clicking a button that lets me see their post, i.e. whenever i'm in the mood to read, reply to & expose the garbage they post. Otherwise i can read threads blissfully without seeing any of their shit when i don't feel like seeing it. Get it now, or does this probably go way, way, way over your covidiot head.

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