Aug 17, 2019
👉 Reporter: “What are your thoughts on the trial so far?”

Trump: “The government’s witness just got caught in a big fat lie.”

This pretty much guarantees Trump will get 717 years in prison.


Dec 13, 2007
On Oct 17.

17 votes short on the 17th.

Of course!

There are two types of people in this world right now.

Those who know what's happening and those still sound asleep.

Patriots aren't fighting to go back to the way things used to be.

We are fighting to achieve the life God always meant for us to have.

The Great Awakening 👉 👉 👉 1776 2.0

Watch what happens!
Math problem joe..jordan lost by 22 today..
All comes back to being a nutcase Qanon .

Q. Glossary for those less gullible or anyone wanting to decipher nonsensical thought.
Comical how simplistic this shit is..17 joe?? Or the letter Q.. Lol. You may be retarded bro.

Nov 11, 2007
Jealousy will get you nowhere, porky.
Oh my-as I SUCCESSFULLY predicted and continue to predoct(unlike sbd who holds some kind of a record with

99.9% FAILED predictions and 100% when it comes to devolution) the worry and anxiety in their posts as regards Trump have already

started to pick up and accelerate as all of the possible roads to exit have been closed off as Jack Smith has him in close range

and is about to finish him off!!

In addition, sbd openly displays his jealousy and envy because my financial situation and security FAR exceed his, which is not saying

all that much for someone who has not been gainfully employed for at least the last 3 1/2 years since he started the thread

and probably a lot longer.

I mean most respectful employers want nothing to do with a racist/fascist/neo-Nazi/anti-Semitic pig, which is at least partially

the answer for his sustained unemployment!!

And then we have Lenny"your thoughts are worth a PENNY" Lenbo who continues to use Biden as a reason that people

will not only not vote for Biden but immediately endorse Trump!!

One has to take anything that Lenny says with a grain of salt at best because not only does he not have a clue how to debate,

but worse simply runs away and hides when I have confronted him with material for which his concrete/brick wall mind has no

answers, which is virtually all of the time!!

He is also a scared rabbit and doesn't have the courage of his convictions when it comes to sbd because he is SCARED of

him or at best doesn't want to offend him!!

Just look at yesterday for example when sbd stated General Milley has been eliminated.

I asked Lenny whether he agreed with that statement or not.

As usual, the sounds of silence prevailed and Leny headed for the hills until he decided he thought it was safe to get back

into the water.

Sheriff joe Hoe-I see no point in repeating what I have already said many times, in a nutshell namely that he lives in a "reality"

which at best exists in the outer reaches of the universe and someone who is badly in need of the best psychiatric help available!!

Doctorsuccese is nothing but a leech whose posts consist of copying and saying the sam things that sbd and sheriff joe do

with no original things and/or having his lines spoonfed to him by sbd and sheriff joe to post as his posts rather than their own!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Not only was Jordan 17 votes short on the 17th of October, he needed 217 to win!

"Jim Jordan fell 17 votes short in the first round of voting. Some would consider it fitting if the process took 15 rounds because that’s how many McCarthy needed."


How about....SEVENTEEN?

I love this movie!

Dec 13, 2007
Not only was Jordan 17 votes short on the 17th of October, he needed 217 to win!

"Jim Jordan fell 17 votes short in the first round of voting. Some would consider it fitting if the process took 15 rounds because that’s how many McCarthy needed."


How about SEVENTEEN?

I love this movie!
Earth one to Joe....

Screen Shot 2023-10-18 at 3.00.40 PM.png

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
No Speaker is the best Speaker.

#VacateCongress until elections are proven legitimate.

No one in government is lawfully there with the consent of the governed.

Remember, when Adam Schitt laments that "The People's Business" is on hold, he's talking about Deep State money laundering operations to Ukraine, Israel, Iran, Hamas, future wars etc.

Remember what this REALLY is, rather than what the Fake News pretends it is with their nonstop fearmongering and psychological warfare.

Tards in a deeper sleep than a hibernating bear.

Aug 6, 2006
We GOD's CHOSEN PEOPLE will always triumph while the Satanic/EVIL people like Hamas will end up eliminated!!

Anti-Semitic evil and hateful goy im, some of whom exist in this thread and others who defy the words of GOD will also meet their

ultimate fate and destiny, one that will be so powerful, overwhelming and punishing that it cannot be described in earthly terms!!

When one chooses to take their chances on Earth with the WILL AND POWER of GOD, they will not only lose each and every time,

but will suffer the Eternal and Ultimate Punishment with no parole available!!
We never claimed to be CHOSEN That label was put upon us by other religions, because at that time they wanted us to be protected from slaughter.

And if you think God is going to win this conflict for us, you need to wake up too. Better results praying to the IDF than some Big Man in the Sky somebody invented.

Either way, CHOSEN is just more BS to now be used against us.
We are no better than anyone else, as a People.
Statictics do show evidence that for .2% of the population in the world, we have benefitted the world through health, science, agriculture, technology, nd sorry deniers, PHILANTHROPY!

But unlike those who hate us, Jews do not groupthink. Our opinions and our livs differ, widely. But try to wipe us out... Not Happening!

Aug 6, 2006
It's actually sad and pathetic. No hobbies. No interests in life. No books to read. No goals to accomplish. Nothing but non-stop trolling and hate and being 100% wrong in everything. A complete waste of life. And then eternity burning in hell.
What are your goals in life?
Serious question.
Would fall off my chair if I could have a normal convo with anyone in here.
No, that's not MY GOAL in life.
But if you can answer without attack, I promise to fall out of my chair!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
We never claimed to be CHOSEN That label was put upon us by other religions, because at that time they wanted us to be protected from slaughter.

And if you think God is going to win this conflict for us, you need to wake up too. Better results praying to the IDF than some Big Man in the Sky somebody invented.

Either way, CHOSEN is just more BS to now be used against us.
We are no better than anyone else, as a People.
Statictics do show evidence that for .2% of the population in the world, we have benefitted the world through health, science, agriculture, technology, nd sorry deniers, PHILANTHROPY!

But unlike those who hate us, Jews do not groupthink. Our opinions and our livs differ, widely. But try to wipe us out... Not Happening!

Jews say that Chosen Shit all the time

And now you want to blame someone else for the arrogance....good grief have you learned to be a VICTIM well

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
But if you can answer without attack, I promise to fall out of my chair!
Stop it, the guy that comes in and accuses everyone with a different view of being Hitler and Nazis
now doesnt want to be attacked for his Hatred and Racism.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Love Her! Now ask her how she feels about Israel. So you can start hating her, Simp!

Who is the simp that cant tell the difference between a country and a DS that is running it

What a putz.

Aug 6, 2006

Jews say that Chosen Shit all the time

And now you want to blame someone else for the arrogance....good grief have you learned to be a VICTIM well
I just told you I hardly ever hear it from our side. And when I do, it is THIS!
Maybe you will read it with an open mind?

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I just told you I hardly ever hear it from our side. And when I do, it is THIS!
Maybe you will read it with an open mind?
LOL sure you dont tell that amongst each other...just when you are being arrogant with the Gentile

Because I have heard that shit over and over and over from Jews and normally just crack up out loud when I hear it.

You need some love in your heart pal.

Aug 6, 2006
Who is the simp that cant tell the difference between a country and a DS that is running it

What a putz.
I'm sad you think your life is controlled by forces you can't control.
You make a lot of posts. None are solution based.
Actually, never mind. I know what word you like plced before "Solution."

Aug 6, 2006
LOL sure you dont tell that amongst each other...just when you are being arrogant with the Gentile

Because I have heard that shit over and over and over
And I say you are FULL OF THAT SHIT!

What now? Keep insulting? Or find some common ground? Your Call Captain!

Nov 11, 2007
We never claimed to be CHOSEN That label was put upon us by other religions, because at that time they wanted us to be protected from slaughter.

And if you think God is going to win this conflict for us, you need to wake up too. Better results praying to the IDF than some Big Man in the Sky somebody invented.

Either way, CHOSEN is just more BS to now be used against us.
We are no better than anyone else, as a People.
Statictics do show evidence that for .2% of the population in the world, we have benefitted the world through health, science, agriculture, technology, nd sorry deniers, PHILANTHROPY!

But unlike those who hate us, Jews do not groupthink. Our opinions and our livs differ, widely. But try to wipe us out... Not Happening!
My interpretation of the Bible and what I posted earlier says otherwise about the Chosen People!!

I do agree with a lot of what you say though although definitely not about your reference to the Big Man in the Sky reference

which is obviously subjective!!

Enjoy your evening!!

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