As damaging as his policies are, at least I'll give Obama credit for:
a) Realizing that the growing debt is a real problem (unlike Bush);
b) Investing in our infrastructure with the borrowed money (unlike Bush), which in the long run will make us more prosperous - assuming we don't go bankrupt first; and
c) Including war spending in the budget (unlike Bush), so that the costs aren't hidden.
A) Realizing debt is a problem... so then why did he quadruple it? Oh, he cares about debt because that's what he SAID in one of his teleprompter speeches.
B) Investing in our infrastruce? Where, did you actually READ the stimulus package... Less than 5% of the money is going to that infrastrure he promised.
C) Obama ran a shady budget projection, like counting the surge in the budget for all the years, when in reality it was a temporary "surge".