Nothing to blow up in my town. Apple Farm? Brewery? Amazon warehouse?
Based on what we're seeing in the Ukraine, I doubt Russian missiles are very accurate. Suppose that's akin to playing Russian Roulette
Russia is playing a slow roll in Ukraine. The entire war is in nothing but dirt poor already shit hole areas. It’s like bum fuck Alabama areas. Fuckers in western Ukraine in big city going about their day as usual.
Lots of talk Russia equipment is trash etc. I’m sure some is. They haven’t won yet. Ukraine is winning per media. Oddly Russia is taking a conservative approach. Doesn’t look like Russia has thrown much of anything into Ukraine but bodies and old equipment. They got the meat head chech Warriors in on it. Don’t care what anyone says them some bad dudes who live for that shit. Lots of just block by block clearing tactics going on. If Ukraine cared so much about the shit hole east it wouldn’t have been the shit hole it always has been
As far as nukes idk we ever see it. The entire world and economies depends too much on each other in too many ways it seems. It’s a domino effect nobody wins and everything goes to shit. Doubt it’s as simple as some nut bag hitting a button. Media loves fear and government loves fear just like religion loves fear. Establish fear you establish control. So talk about nukes non stop and what if’s. It’s all BS. Just my opinion. But if not then nothing anybody like 99.9% of the every day average folks can do about it so why worry.