I was incarcerated with very limited access to the free world most of the last few weeks.

I`m sure most of you will enjoy this greatly, sadly and very possibly I will be going away for more than a few months.... I have been linked to a supposed scheme regarding illegal marketing, which I will fight to the very end! And the whole investigatiuon started of all places over the internet! It appears someone I dealt with over the internet went to the government, claiming someone that I work with directly schemed them out of 10`s of thousands of dollars... I thank all my loyal friends I have met through the Rx, thanks for the positive emails, sorry I haven`t answered any ...

I won`t go down easy!
I am very sorry to hear this...

My advice to you is to hire yourself the best possible attorney...

Terrible news, Sorry to hear this. My best wishes for you and your daughter. If it is over what we discussed recently, E MAIL me ASAP, Do not see how that would lead to this situation.
Thinking of you

Just call the Judge, tell him

"If you fuk with me, i will shoot the Governor!"

Works every time buddy, they will leave you alone for sure after that.

New member
Aug 20, 2001
Tell the judge that you posted over 7000 times in a sports forum in a little over 9 mos.
Maybe they will just sent you to a nice hospital for a few months to rest.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Tell the judge that you posted over 7000 times in a sports forum in a little over 9 mos.
Maybe they will just sent you to a nice hospital for a few months to rest. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I will not piss on your "Farewell RX, I am going up the river for a while" thread. But your not getting any sympathy from me. Matter a fact I think your full of shit, and it's just another game from the character Jman.
If you are serious I feel bad for your friends and family, not you. Maybe now you'll relize how obsessed you are with this whole Inet thing and get some help. Exchanging personal info with people you have never met is foolish.
You cant sell a piece of paper for a 100 dollars any judge will tell you that. BTW if anyone tries to buddy up to you Just flex those Pythons

New member
Sep 1, 2002
Put me down with DickyW as being very skeptical of this (or any) <story> from J-scam. Given the history of his vivid "imagination" it would be difficult to believe anything he says.

J man
My advice

The obvious
1)If you drop the soap forget a bout it.
2)Down as many roids as you can.
3)Wait a few days before you start asking "Hey man! whats your email adress"
4)Wait at least a few weeks before you approach an inmate with your get rich quick sales pitch
5)And DONT ask a inmate if he wants to buy a peice of paper for a 100 dollars.
6)Do not wish cancer on ANY inmate.
7)Since you like to create characters dressing up as a woman may make you popular with Bubba and his boys.

Good luck Jman inmate 39478594

New member
Jan 21, 2002
Just tell the Feds it was a guy named DellDude!

Yeah this story is real, must be lonely on the first day of the tourney huh?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Journey is the only guy in the planet who has less credibility than OJ.
Nothing against jman-

Get me down!! I want 14 cigarettes on cinci -1

DICKY , it is you or DON MARCo as best comedian on this site. Thanks for the laughs and needs.

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