The guy only got 52.7% of the votes in a "landslide" while and unpopular George Bush had a very close number to that. A lot of the " people support Barrack Obama" is hyped up by the media.
If the Republican party had a real candidate... not geezer Mccain, they coulda woulda shoulda beat Obozo. Maybe people in a recession/depression would wise up to somebody who can actually build wealth/run a business like Michael Bloomberg or Mitt Romney instead of Obama.
A guy that has proved he only knows how to steal wealth through the politicla process/being a lawyer, and community organization.
This country needs to build/create wealth, not try and divide it up differently...
You can't multiply wealth by dividing it.
I still honestly believe that MOST people in America lean to the conservative side, but the manchurian, media manufactured celebrity candidate just got that little few extra percent from BLACK voters, and YOUNG DUMB college kids. Plus you had the weak Mccain.