I want to see it, but have to wait until tommorow.
I realize that there are 4,000 threads on Moore, but all of them have been speculation, and I am curious what people think of it after having actually seen it.
ya know...I find it amusing how scared and frantic Bush supporters have acted in light of this movie.
If Ann Coulter released a book about Clinton's shady behavior months before his bid for re-election I doubt that right wing pundits would be trying to censor it, and stop its advertising (though I am sure many liberals would).It is yet another example of the bull shit partisinship that is going on in this country, and the suppresion of dissention and free speech.
I just think it is ironic that the right is pissed at Moore for having an agenda, when Bush does nothing but spew forth a personal agenda that has lead to thousands of (needless?) deaths, filled with way more fallacies, and manipulations of the truth than Moore could ever dream of.
Not to mention he is the leader of the free world, where as Moore is a film maker. Gotta love the priorities of the Bush's sheepish followers.
Anyways, I will end the diatribe now...
Any reviews?
For the record, I am sure a good documentary could take expose some of Kerry's lies, incompetence, selfishness etc...I doubt to the criminal and frightening extent that Bush has messed up....but I find both of them to be a poor choice for President.
I live In Mass, so Kerry will thake this state/
I will vote Liberterian as a way to protest the Patriot act, the war, affirmative action, needless taxes etc..
If I lived in a swing state iw ould probably be more pragmatic, and vote with the intent of keeping Bush out of office.