1.) Its Aug. 2001 Sox/Yanks are interupted on TV.George Bush comes on TV and announces to the American public that the US has just invaded Afghanistan.
2.)A month later 9/11 happens just like it did that same day.While the US is trying to root out the taliban.
2a.)9/11 never happens OBL and the planners of 9/11 are either caught or are still on the run.
What would your reaction have been pre 9/11 invasion??
Mine would have been ...that fxckin Bush I should have never voted for him causing a war like that what are those ragheads going to do to us?throw camel shitballs at us?
2.) If Bush didn't start fxckin with those ragheads this would not have happened.
2a) (9/12) what a beautiful day in NY..nice time to take ride down and get my mind off this Afghnistan bullshit that Bush dreamed up.
To be fair I would have said the same thing about Clinton except 3 times more skeptical.
2.)A month later 9/11 happens just like it did that same day.While the US is trying to root out the taliban.
2a.)9/11 never happens OBL and the planners of 9/11 are either caught or are still on the run.
What would your reaction have been pre 9/11 invasion??
Mine would have been ...that fxckin Bush I should have never voted for him causing a war like that what are those ragheads going to do to us?throw camel shitballs at us?
2.) If Bush didn't start fxckin with those ragheads this would not have happened.
2a) (9/12) what a beautiful day in NY..nice time to take ride down and get my mind off this Afghnistan bullshit that Bush dreamed up.
To be fair I would have said the same thing about Clinton except 3 times more skeptical.