Talk about freaking funny. How the fuck can you blame the creation of Isis on the withdrawal of forces that began AFTER ISIS and the Taliban were already formed???? What were we supposed to do, stay in Iraq for ever and run the police and government for them? Give me a break. Classic "conservative" rhetoric. Why did Bush invade Iraq in the first place? Talk about one of the biggest lies, disaster and human tragedy ever bestowed on the American public.
Iraq fell into despair when we invaded for no reason.
And the other classic conservative rhetoric- Obamacare. It's a shame that you and all of the other conservatives don't believe that ALL Americans should have access to health insurance. Not saying that it's perfect, and it does need reform. Problem is. I haven't heard anything from the conservatives on how they plan on doing that. It's been a nice talking point though.... the Obamacare boogie man which by the way has only been in effect since 2014.
I say this in all seriousness, I thank God every day I’m not this dimwitted and uninformed.
1. ISIS was not barnstorming through the Middle East during the Bush Presidency (nor were their sympathizers gunning down people in the streets of America). The reason why is quite clear and that is how one can blame Obama for ISIS
2. The United States did not “invade Iraq for no reason” In fact, the reasons for the invasion were articulated quite clearly in an AUMF that was supported by the entire leadership of the Democratic party.
3. Iraq was in such disrepair due to President Bush that Obama descried Iraq in 2011 as “stable and self-reliant” And, VP Biden said Iraq may very well turn out to be one of Obama’s biggest success stories. (because it wasn't in despair)
4. Your healthcare is not anyone’s problem but your own. I’m sorry that you don’t understand this, but Republicans don’t view it as the government’s job to provide every citizen healthcare. Mainly because it isn’t the government’s job and it isn’t something the government can do.
5. It is utterly comical (and sad) people like you actually believe that getting a government healthcare card means you will get to see a doctor. Well that is clearly not the case at all and these people aren't well served by the shitty ACA. Of course you know as much about healthcare as you do ISIS, economics, and well, anything political. Which is to say, nothing.