I am accepting ONLY 5 clients, fee is 2000.00 a piece. I am a professional and I can prove it,


Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Guys, Im jsut kidding,,, I dont want any money, Im not kidding,,, I have been here at the RX for well over 13 years, and I cannot stand Lying touts,,, I will give you all of my plays for free,,

I made a facebook page, Handicappedtater,,, come friend me,,,

I am a MINIMALIST,,, you will get WINNERS and Quality,, NOT quantity. You cannot win with quantity, I am DOING this as my 2nd profession as of now,,, so you ARE seeing what a pro plays,,, I will post my tickets winners and losers,

with col football I will play 1-3 plays on saturday, during the week I will almost always have 1 play a night,,,

with NFL I divide the day into 3 sessions,,, 10am games, 1pm games,,, and last night game,,, 5-6 games a day,,,

I am doing this for my retirement,,, that is who you are dealing with,, someone that has SKIN in the game,,, I am NOT playing for action, if you want that you dont want me,,,

I am not a BAILOUT guy,,, although I did hit 70% in col foots last year,,, dont use me that way,,,

if you want to make money, have fun,,,, not lose your shirt,,, and if you want to make this into your retirement, Im your guy,,

the cost is 0000,,, I want nothing except for your promise to DONATE a 100 bucks to a charity for children (child help is a favorite, its for sexually abused kids)

I want nothing in return,,, just for you to give something back to your community,,

if you have any questions, you can hit me here,,, or at Handicappedtater on facebook,

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
the WHY,,

well I started here at the RX,,, and its just one of those crazy posting sports things,,, I have always liked it here,,, I DONT like how they allow thieves to take from the good people here at the RX<< but hey,,, I dont own this site,,, personally I think this site would be 20 times larger if they stopped with the Lying Touts,,, lol,,, but what do I know,, ,lol

Guys, I started this thread to shine the LIGHT on all of the GOY,,,, (game of year) LIES,,,, Im not gonna call out anyone,,, but there is LITERALLY no such fucking thing,, all 50 dime releases,, GOYs,,, all of that is a Marketing PLOY to get you to send 25.00 or 100.00 YOU dont need that,,, YOUR smarter than that,,,

I have used several services before the internet,, lol,, and during trying to find an edge, trying to learn from better cappers than me??<< lol and the funny thing is,, THEY WERENT,,,,, but I learned HUGE lessons along the way,,, and thats the fact that these guys are MARKETING MACHINES whose only directive is to separate you from your cash,, That is NOT my angle,, I am here to show you a better way,, KEEP your cash,,, I literally work 2 days a week now,,, thanks to gambling,,

Im recently married, to an amazing woman,, weve been togethar for 8 years,,, I own a beautiful home in the historic dist. of phoenix Az, I have virtually 0 debt, no car loans, and a very small house loan,, 2 months ago my wife and I decided to become Foster Parents to 4 kids, (brothers and sisters) if we hadent,<< these 4 who have already suffered terribly at their own parents hands,,, would ALL be split apart,, and go to 4 separate group homes,,, there are times in your life were you have to make big decesions, and this was one of them for my girl and I,

Guys, I was able to do all of this because of sports,,, I have grown and developed a HEALTHY appreciation for $$ and how to keep it, and build my empire,, I do NOT lie,,, and will not,, if you have any questions feel free to ask here, or on my sports dedicated FB page Handicappedtater.

have a great day,

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Approaching sports with a HEALTHY respect and appreciation is a MUST,,, Your Bank ROll is your lifeblood,, you DUMP 50% on
a play, Your gonna be BROKE as a JOKE by the 2nd week of football,,, lol,,, Just go to the nfl football section at the 2nd and third session of the day,,, lol,, Your gonna see some Desperate Mother Effers blowing their loads trying to get back money they dont have,,, Look at the bottom of the site, it will list how many people are on the site,,, it will be up a 100% from saturday,,

CHASING will NOT get you a new home a new car, only a migraine and regret,,,

Instead do this,,, most here have access to 2 outs,,, 2 offshore books,,, or a bookie and an offshore book,,, whatever your normal account that you use and respect,,, keep that special,,,, open a 2nd account somewhere else for a 1/10th,,, Use that book for chasing,,, use that book for Longshots,,, wethar you win or lose,,, you will at least develop a HEALTHY RESPECT for your Bank Roll and not abuse it,, some of my greatest HIGHS are from turning 20-50.00 Bonuses into a couple thous,,, lol,, Once you bet 2-3-4Gs regularly, it just gets numbing,,, and thats a good thing,,, you want ALL EMOTION removed from your MAIN bets,,

Realizing that you only need to win 5-10 units a session betting 2-4 thous,,, thats a pretty Gdam good life doing it 3 times a year,,


Jan 19, 2005

Great story and very good advice , (although I have no idea what anyone would so some of the silly things you talk about , cough cough )

. Really appreciate the help. Good luck to all of us .

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
ty.. quick money is intoxicating... long term money is Euphoric! !!

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Guys,,, You Will see my tickets,,, I will show you how much money I make,,, I am the real deal,,, and Im honest, You dont need to give money to Frauds, I want nothing from you,,, If you want help I will give it, if you dont,,, thats fine too,,, If you follow me you will watch your bank roll grow.

A Huge mistake that most handicappers make is they bet TOO MANY FUCKING GAMES,,, ugh,,, crazyness,, the more bets you place the more EXPOSURE you place yourself to VIG/Losses

1 of the techniques I use with ALL sports is to pick in sessions the VERY best game with the very most potential for being misread by the public,, The betting public doesnt know shit,,, they knee jerk react to everything, And the Cats that set the lines know that,,, some on the site will say, the LINES are set to SPLIT betting EVENLY,,, that is patently false,,, Otherwise when you look at $$$ bet on 1 side it would ALWAYS BE 50 fucking 50,,, EVEN,,, its not,,, it NEVER IS,,, so the Idiots that have that opinion are jsut that,,, idiots,,, the LINE is set to EXPLOIT the public perception of a game, and at the same time Hooking them on a number,,, Do liensmen know who will win? no,,, noone does, but they have a good idea,,, and they will EXPLOIT PERCEPTION,,, and that is 1 of the tricks I use in handicapping,,,

A second trick is Making LESS BETS,,, I mentioned in my first read,,, how I LOOK at a Sunday as 3 sections,,,, 10am games, 1pm games, and Night game. I will look for 1-3 plays in 1st session then 1-2 plays 2nd session,,, then Pass or play final,, If your making 100 bets a week you will lose,, you have to take your time and not EXPOSE yourself. this GREATLY decreases 3-4 weeks into season,,,, to 2 plays on saturday and sunday in OCT-NOV-DEC.

the number 1 rule at every casino is to keep players ON THE TABLES as long as possible,,, why is that??? THEY WANT TO EXPOSE you to their mathmatical edge,,, math is a truth of life, it is a certainty,, you Can NEVER overcome it,, TIME on Table = PROFITS to casino, MULTIPLE BETS MADE ON SPORTS = VIG Profits for casinos,,,

Dont be an idiot on saturdays/sundays and bet 10 sides 10 quarters, and 20 totals,,, lolol,,,,, you will lose

find me on FB, handicappedtater friend me,,, I set it to private you can message me privately,,, I will help you in anyway I can,,,

New member
Sep 20, 2000
God bless you tater for taking in those kids.
Best of luck you.... a long time good guy and poster.
Have a great year bud I'm on board.

1 of the techniques I use with ALL sports is to pick in sessions the VERY best game with the very most potential for being misread by the public,, The betting public doesnt know shit,,, they knee jerk react to everything, And the Cats that set the lines know that,,, some on the site will say, the LINES are set to SPLIT betting EVENLY,,, that is patently false,,, Otherwise when you look at $$$ bet on 1 side it would ALWAYS BE 50 fucking 50,,, EVEN,,, its not,,, it NEVER IS,,, so the Idiots that have that opinion are jsut that,,, idiots,,, the LINE is set to EXPLOIT the public perception of a game, and at the same time Hooking them on a number,,, Do liensmen know who will win? no,,, noone does, but they have a good idea,,, and they will EXPLOIT PERCEPTION,,, and that is 1 of the tricks I use in handicapping,,,
Thats the philosophy i agree with whole heart idly.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Cheers to you Pat...

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
There are a few ways that TOUTS INFLATE their win %s,,,, (first off Most touts dont have a pot to piss in) so any money they say they are wagering is a flat out Lie,,,

1. they show you a record of WINS,,, and they are MONEYLINE wins,, lol,,, they will wager on -200 -300 -500 moneylines,,,HUGE REDICULOUS FAVORITES lolol,,, and just report it as normal wins,,, lol,,,, so when they say,, Im 30-10 for the last 2 months,, lol,,, those 10 losses were at -300 Yielding Massive Losses overwhelming their Fake profits,

2. they Use PROGRESSIVE systems,,, bet 100 lose? then bet 200,, lose?? then bet 400?? lose?? then bet 800 (which by the way WONT COVER VIG AT THAT LEVEL). so when they "WIN" lol,,, its really 3 losses before that eating up all profits,,,

3. And Finally they will use 2 Star, 3 star 5 star,,,, sometimes its 100 dimes 200 dimes (400dimes game of the year RELEASES) It is a SMOKE SCREEN so at the end of the season it is a SLICK misrepresentation of their REAL Profits,, because it is a PROGRESSIVE Martingaleish system.

"We made 189 units last season,?? WTF does that mean>> Just be suspicous if anything is NOT STRICTLY DOCUMENTED, or they KEEP their OWN records,,, lolol,,, (as I say that, below are my records from this last year lol,, some of which I kept on my own,, lol)

Guys,,, all of my plays are 1 units,,,, sometimes 2 if Im way into profits and it fits specific angles,,,

NFL (this is the first sport I made a few breakthroughs) I have profited 6 years straight apon honing my current systems,,, Last year was my Worst in 6 years, and I attribute that to some of the Rule changes in the NFL allowing teams to lean towards more Blowouts,, so as you will see I am Playing both Dogs and Favs,,, I will be Betting on FALSE WEAK SIGNALS on specific teams,, 2014 I was 25-18 58% through the playoffs I WILL have a Minimum 10 more plays this year,

NBA (this is my 1st Love, but 2nd sport I was able to really profit) This sport too I have profited 5 years straight, last REG season, I stumbled from the gates opening,,, then jsut decided I didnt want to POST my Plays openly anymore,,, Too many liars, and scum beating up on good guys,, people were coming into my threads (PEOPLE WHO DONT POST PLAYS, lol,, and blasting me) soooooo no more open plays,,, All my plays can be had OPENLY and FREE on my facebook account,, handicappedtater
Reg season 2014-2015 I just barely scraped out a profit,, HOWEVER,,, 5 years in a row,, with playoffs I kill it, this year I hit ,,, 34-21 62% (this too was one of my weaker seasons) I usually make 15-18 clean single units,,,

CollegeFB 2014 Last year was my 2nd year (1st full year using these systems) and I hit a documented 70% wins 26-11 I THINK was my record on the boards, we will have 10-20 more plays this year too, I am VERY VERY Confident we will make more wins here.

CanadianFB 2015 lol,,, Im still working on this,,, I cant believe I am even typing it,, I am 14-8 64% so far,,, I will still track it, but I wont PUT out any plays as I need real confirmation as to if my systems continue to show value, 1 person on my FB account can verify this, if you want to confirm with him ask,,, I will see if he wants to talk,,

the only sport Im not able to concentrate on to find angles is cbb,,, I own a salon, and have had VERY LIMITED time, and winter is my Busy season,, I am optomistic I will find an angle,, I just cant concentrate on it long enough to make it work,,, (maybe this year?)

any questions?? you can ask me here or on Facebook,, handicappedtater,,,

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
And Please,,, I mentioned in my First Post,,, please if you Profit from my plays,,, make a donation to Child Help,, (they help sexually abused Kids) , its a VERY VERY Honest charity, and if you look it up the Operating Costs are LOW LOW<,, so unlike MANY charities out there goodwill,, red cross, 80% of donations go into the pockets of the top 5 employees,,, lolol,,, disgusting,,

New member
Apr 9, 2013
Let's get it this year good cause and I'm down for donating

May 27, 2007
Tater, my passion is kids as well. Can't stand to see the most vulnerable being abused. Good on you.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Cheers Enfuego.. I can't even tell ya the things I've seen just in my limited experience.
I hope you kill.it this year bro...

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
I am one of the few guys that have LITERALLY MADE IT,,,, and all of my ups and downs have been chronicled here,,, I love the RX,,, thats why I am here now,,, giving back,,, please continue to use pay for touts if you want,,,, or you can follow me for free,,, well after profits, I expect you to donate some winnings to child help,,, thats it,,, no more than a promise,,

come find me at Handicappedtater on facebook ,

good luck to all

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
I'm impressed with all touts that go 3-0 every nite. Must be a magic number that 3. Never 5-0 or 2-0. Even when only one game in the board they go 3-0

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
It's just enough to dangle the carrot.. it's just enough to almost believe.. sigh... sad..
there are a dozen guys on here now.. all lies... sad.

cheers steve..

RX - Prescription Required
May 9, 2008
Tater, will you be posting your plays anywhere else besides Facebook? I've followed you here at the RX over the years and have always appreciated what and how you make your plays.

I am not on facebook and won't be signing up an account there which is why I am asking. Do you post on twitter as well? Or will you be posting in the tracker forum here? Let me know if there is an alternative to your facebook page. Thank you.

Oct 17, 2011
tater, will you be posting your plays anywhere else besides facebook? I've followed you here at the rx over the years and have always appreciated what and how you make your plays.

I am not on facebook and won't be signing up an account there which is why i am asking. Do you post on twitter as well? Or will you be posting in the tracker forum here? Let me know if there is an alternative to your facebook page. Thank you.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
hey guys,, ty soooo much for the kind words... as you know I just got sick of the rediculous shit over here... I just couldn't take it...
I do understand your position. I just don't know how I feel about posting plays here.. I know in tracker forum all shit is blocked out..

can I throw a scenerio at u both... and anyone else watching.. who doesn't want a fb. act. my 80 yr. old pop was the same way... so I went
to yahoo and made a fake email for him to be used only 1 time.. and it was to open his fb. act. then to never be used again. this way you
have ZERO... ZEROOO facebook issues. you know wat I'm saying. no spam no nothing.. then u can open a fb. with watever name u want and
never ever be spammed.

guys I promise I will 5hink about it... but please thunk about what I'm saying too. cheers bros..

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
I guess I should bump my page here too like everyone else lol my expectation is that on Saturday of this week or next many people will realize they need a little help

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