Tell me about it Sport!!! Unbelievable cost for a condo downtown...we looked on Seymour Street close to False Creek or Beach.
Here's the word on the BC health care.....
$54 a month individual
$90 a month for a resident and a "Landed Immigrant" (US Citizen with a permanent CA visa)
Specialized services ( i.e. Dermatologist, Podiatrist, etc.) is free with a referral. $100 without...ophthalmologist are excluded, always $100.
If you have a job your prescriptions are covered through PharmaCare if not its an extra $5 a month.
As I understand it, it's all determined by the Prime Minister of the Province, which is Gordon Campbell in BC, who was appointed by newly elected ( by ever such a slight margin) Paul Martin.
What Province are you in?
Here's the word on the BC health care.....
$54 a month individual
$90 a month for a resident and a "Landed Immigrant" (US Citizen with a permanent CA visa)
Specialized services ( i.e. Dermatologist, Podiatrist, etc.) is free with a referral. $100 without...ophthalmologist are excluded, always $100.
If you have a job your prescriptions are covered through PharmaCare if not its an extra $5 a month.
As I understand it, it's all determined by the Prime Minister of the Province, which is Gordon Campbell in BC, who was appointed by newly elected ( by ever such a slight margin) Paul Martin.
What Province are you in?