No sir, it is not. Most marriages end up in divorce these days and many more are unhappy. I say if gays and lesbians want to experience the same, then they can be just as miserable as the hetero population.
I agree with your post 100%. I'm in the live and let live camp.
Most of these holier than thou religious fanatics that pretend to know the answers to everything because their religion says its so fail to understand that religion is just like any other organization with rules and tenets. It is MAN MADE. Someone a long time ago and in some cases more recently decided that they would start a religion and wrote down rules and prayers and beliefs of how to live life. The rest of people are just sheep mostly. There is no divine being instructing humans on the right and wrong way to live life but most people are too dumb to realize that. Most people in this world are dumb. For those of you religious fanatics that try to impose your religious beliefs on the freedom that this great country affords us, you can move to a country that aligns better to your religious fanaticism. If these fucking religious fanatics spent as much time improving themselves as they do trying to tell others how to live their lives then this world would be a better place.
Yes sir, there is a whole host of historical anecdotes that show that show lots of bloodshed and conflict because of religion. Because people are so fanatical about what some cooks thousands of years ago put together and called a religion. People are just really dumb.
I say have fun. Life is short. Live and let live and get yours during our short time on this tiny rock. One day we will cease to exist. One day humans will cease to exist. One day the sun will flame out. Enjoy yourselves now gentlemen. There is no "afterlife." But most people are too afraid of the unknown so the sheep flock to safety in the form of religion because it gives them more certainty in the face of uncertainty. I think the religious fanatics are the real cowards.
I say if a guy wants toget nailed in the ass by another guy or if a lesbo wants to chomp box then go for it. Who am I to tell them not to take it up he ass or lick a pussy. Good for them. I get my pleasure from fucking women. I wouldn't want someone telling me I can't fuck women anymore because someone elses religion says its wrong.
By the way, what religion says gambling is okay? How the fuck are people on a gambling forum pretending to be holier than thou and throw stones. Crazy!! Just saying...
That is all.
Where do you think man gets his morals & laws from?
As for gambling, is there a difference between investing money in football & the stock market? I don't see one.......
So its okay to play the stock market & go to church but we cantbbet on sports & do the same?
Just because people have morals that don't fit your life style, doesn't mean you can throw stones back at them........
Do I agree in the gay marriage law? No I don't......but that doesn't mean that others dont.
If it wasn't for religion, there wouldn't be any law abiding citizens......& before you spout off some moronic statement about your not religious but follow the's the deal.
You were taught your to follow & be a law abiding citizen by your parents, & they were taught the same, etc....etc.....going way back to where they were taught the same coming from religion.
Some of our laws that we as humans must follow come from the 10 commandments......can you go out to kill someone & not get in trouble? Can you steal? You can do both & get away with it, but there are laws we follow as whether you want to believe in God is up to you, but you still have to follow the laws we have in society, & they basically all come from religion......& so do our morals.
Now just because someone drinks avdew beers &/or gambles a bit, that doesn't remove them from not being able to give their opinion on gay marriage......
None of us are perfect, none even close, but when society breaks down morally, & is corrupted from within, its all down hill from there.......go back & study the past, & you will find the answers to where we're going.
Humans never learn & will always repeat the same sh*t........