How Biden would have responded to 9/11: Send 200 million to Iran! LMFAO!


Nov 9, 2005
Super place to live………..
During the Iran–Iraq War, the Iraqi government again implemented anti-Kurdish policies and a de facto civil war broke out. Iraq was widely-condemned by the international community, but was never seriously punished for oppressive measures, including the use of chemical weapons against the Kurds, which resulted in thousands of deaths. (See Halabja poison gas attack.)
The Al-Anfal Campaign constituted a systematic genocide of the Kurdish people in Iraq. From March 29, 1987 until April 23, 1989, Iraqi army under the command of Ali Hassan al-Majid carried out a genocidal campaign against the Kurds, characterized by the following human rights violations: The widespread use of chemical weapons, the wholesale destruction of some 2,000 villages, and slaughter of around 50,000 rural Kurds, by the most conservative estimates. The large Kurdish town of Qala Dizeh (population 70,000) was completely destroyed by the Iraqi army. The campaign also included Arabization of Kirkuk, a program to drive Kurds out of the oil-rich city and replace them with Arab settlers from central and southern Iraq.[13] Kurdish sources report the number of dead to be greater than 182,000.[14]
Sure it was………

That guy is really living in lalaland with some of his comments. Iraq was a nice place to live?? :ohno:

Aug 6, 2006
Without a doubt in whos mind? They were the furthest thing from international terrorists. Iraq was a nice country even though JoeC and others were brainwashed by the news that Iraq was this awful place to live and we liberated those people.

I agree. Accept for the fact that Saddam murdered his own people with chemical weapons, paid the families of homocide bombers, invaded neighboring countries, strung Jews up to traffic lights when he took power, had rape rooms, and cut off the fingers and toes of Olympic athletes who failed to win Gold. Yep, nice country. Great Coffee!

Nov 9, 2005
I agree. Accept for the fact that Saddam murdered his own people with chemical weapons, paid the families of homocide bombers, invaded neighboring countries, strung Jews up to traffic lights when he took power, had rape rooms, and cut off the fingers and toes of Olympic athletes who failed to win Gold. Yep, nice country. Great Coffee!

Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
I agree. Accept for the fact that Saddam murdered his own people with chemical weapons, paid the families of homocide bombers, invaded neighboring countries, strung Jews up to traffic lights when he took power, had rape rooms, and cut off the fingers and toes of Olympic athletes who failed to win Gold. Yep, nice country. Great Coffee!

that happens all over the world... look at China... But we let them buy our country and treat their people like crap... thats ok right?

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
that happens all over the world... look at China... But we let them buy our country and treat their people like crap... thats ok right?

ya chinese funding our war and debt in general be good very good :lol:

they also trade guns for oil with the darfur situation....that's all fine and dandy too

as long as they making our corporations cheap low quality shit which the american sheep buy up on gobs of debt all is grand

short term economic gain....long term economic ruin for the average us citizen

Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
Im selling a "Patriot Kit".. It consists of 40 flags.. flags to impress everyone...So you can Impress your neighbors.. Stick em in your lawn, Stick em in your windows, stick em on your car.. Stick em in your ass.. only then Will everyone know how big of a Patriot you are... Eat little flag pills and shit out a flag... Flags Flags everywhere flags.. only $9.99 (all flags made in China)

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006

yeah speaking of that reminds me of my ron paul "moonbat" days where we got a bunch of little flags to hand out at forth of july parades

the made in china thing written on them was quite ironic
Aug 7, 2008
Super place to live………..
During the Iran–Iraq War, the Iraqi government again implemented anti-Kurdish policies and a de facto civil war broke out. Iraq was widely-condemned by the international community, but was never seriously punished for oppressive measures, including the use of chemical weapons against the Kurds, which resulted in thousands of deaths. (See Halabja poison gas attack.)
The Al-Anfal Campaign constituted a systematic genocide of the Kurdish people in Iraq. From March 29, 1987 until April 23, 1989, Iraqi army under the command of Ali Hassan al-Majid carried out a genocidal campaign against the Kurds, characterized by the following human rights violations: The widespread use of chemical weapons, the wholesale destruction of some 2,000 villages, and slaughter of around 50,000 rural Kurds, by the most conservative estimates. The large Kurdish town of Qala Dizeh (population 70,000) was completely destroyed by the Iraqi army. The campaign also included Arabization of Kirkuk, a program to drive Kurds out of the oil-rich city and replace them with Arab settlers from central and southern Iraq.[13] Kurdish sources report the number of dead to be greater than 182,000.[14]
Sure it was………

Then I assume you've been there and have spoken with Iraqi men and women living day to day life. I know people that have. And the FACT is that people were living life just like you and I. You talk about chemical gassing, what about the US govenment using ghettos for experimentation? All I know is that I'll go by the many first hand experiences that I've heard of over some media propaganda. I'm not saying that Saddam was a great guy, I've never once defended him. He was not a nice guy to put it nicely. But the fact is that the US sold him those weapons and chemicals he used to murder people. So there is also blood the hands of the US government. Day to life in Iraq was not living in fear of Saddam. It was going to work, school, out to dinner, to museums, out with friends and so on. Now they live with privatized water and shells of buildings that use to house their schools and museums. I know for a fact that it is highly overexadgerated what life was like there. The government wants us to think that they lived this oppressed life because it makes it easier for us to deal with the war that way. I'm just going by documented fact, if that's ok with you.

Nov 9, 2005
US govenment using ghettos for experimentation?

Rev. Wright, is that you??
Aug 7, 2008
He harbored international terrorist and also wrote checks to suicide bombers families.
Does Kuwait ring a bell?

I went over Kuwait in another thread that you were not a part of. Kuwait was using slanted pipelines to steal Iraqi oil, Saddam asked the UN and the United States what they would think if he would respond to this. In a meeting with April Gaspie (spelling could be wrong) the US ambassador to Iraq, Saddam was told that it his affairs are none of our business. As for harboring terrorists, he was westernized and hated Muslim "extremists"
Aug 7, 2008
You are just full of stupidity.

All you people do is deny anything that you don't want to believe. And for your information I'm very smart and have destroyed your people in public debates. Not internet BS. The thing is when it's in a public forum in person you can't simply dismiss and deny. That is why people like you would never do anything in real life.

Nov 9, 2005
All you people do is deny anything that you don't want to believe. And for your information I'm very smart and have destroyed your people in public debates. Not internet BS. The thing is when it's in a public forum in person you can't simply dismiss and deny. That is why people like you would never do anything in real life.
All you people do is complain and make shit up. You believe in conspiracy bullshit, and you live in a paranoid world. If I was you I would get the fuck out of this country as soon as possible. Maybe try Cuba or Venezuela.
Aug 7, 2008
All you people do is complain and make shit up. You believe in conspiracy bullshit, and you live in a paranoid world. If I was you I would get the fuck out of this country as soon as possible. Maybe try Cuba or Venezuela.

Typical mantra. reapeat after me "if it's not told to me then it's a conspiracy". I don't make shit up, I live in the real world you live in a bubble way far away from reality.

Nov 9, 2005
Typical mantra. reapeat after me "if it's not told to me then it's a conspiracy". I don't make shit up, I live in the real world you live in a bubble way far away from reality.
You live in make believe, Mr. Rogers.

I know your kind. You people are fucked in the head.

Aug 6, 2006
that happens all over the world... look at China... But we let them buy our country and treat their people like crap... thats ok right?

Nope! Fuck the Chinese government with a 40 foot c0ck!

They're more evil than Bill Belichick!

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