Hot streak


Jul 1, 2005
As many of you know, I love two team teasers. I made over 100 grand last year at this time betting two gamers. Bowl games and NFL at this time of year is when I usually get hot. The same is happening right now so far. Im on fire. People have often asked me to let them know what my big plays are. I have yet to do that because I dont want to give out bad info. It just doesnt seem right to say who I like because I dont know who may take my tip and play it.

Anyways, like I said, Ive been on fire. Yesterday it was Col+17 and Rutg+15. On Monday it was Mem+2.5 and NE-2. Saturday it was Pitt Pk., Buf+20, Mia und 50, Mia+1, KC und 51, Phil+8.5, and Indy +15.5. On Sunday I had Bears-1 and Minny +9.

I know, its after the fact. I'll just tell you who I like today. For the guys who say teasers dont pay enough, I'll say that they may not pay as much, but you will cash tickets more often. The teaser puts the game in your favor. The spread makes the game 50/50.

Boise+8 with Neb+16
Im not guaranteeing anything. This is just what I like. I could easily lose but I thought I would share with you since Ive been on fire.

And no, Im not playing with Royal or any other scam book. Many of you know that Royal and Betus stiffed me for 50 grand each this past year. I am with a solid book that I was referred to by the General.

just for the taste of it "diet coke" 8 cans a day
Nov 18, 2004
if i got scammed 50 grand twice i would be sick 100% of the time.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
David1...good Luck but your sh*t really gets old.....

And no, Im not playing with Royal or any other scam book. Many of you know that Royal and Betus stiffed me for 50 grand each this past year. I am with a solid book that I was referred to by the General.

I'am glad the General helped you out...But it does not take a Rocket scientest to figure out the top books....Best of luck in the future....G.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Judging by some of those numbers you teased through, your'e either lucky or full of it.:howdy:

Jul 1, 2005
Any examples Wizard or are you the one full of shit? Are you trying to say that those were not the lines? Dont be an idiot. Those are the lines on 6 point teasers.

As for you G money, I dont give a shit about what your annoying hip hop ass thinks! Stay out of my threads if you are sick of them. Who the f#** are you to try and tell me what I should put in my posts? Get a freakin life! The only reason I expressed that I was playing with a good book is because many people question why I was playing with scam books like Royal and Betus in the first place. Not all of us gamblers are computer geeks like you G Whigger! Because Im not, I asked the General for some advice. Now go listen to some Eminem or Mariah Carey dope!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Not saying you didn't get those numbers, just saying some of the lines you teased were poor choices.

Teasing Mem to +2.5 and Miami to +1, as well as the KC total.:pucking:

Jul 1, 2005
Pancho, if I like Miami, how should I have teased it? Whether Mia is -8, -7, -6, or -5, it really makes no difference. I want Mia to win with no points. Your shit makes no sense. I guess I should have taken the Jets +11 since I likes Mia. Not.
As for the Chiefs Und. It was pouring rain and I knew the field was in bad shape. According to you I guess I should have stuck with the over. You obviously dont follow the NFL. Neither of those games were close and Pancho says I made poor choices. How about that play I gave you yesterday Pancho? Boise+8 and Neb+16? Pancho, should I have taken Michigan? Was that a better line? Trust me, I may need help with managing my winnings but I need no help with picking teasers!

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