If it costs more to produce a good or a service than you can charge for that good or service, you'll probably end up with a shortage. That's universal, no matter where you live or when you live. That's what happened with us in the 70s and that is what is going on now with Venezuela. Part of the reason a lot of other countries with socialized healthcare have long waiting lists is because they've imposed price caps.You don't think things are different now than 70's. Progress makes us smarter. We will be fine.....every generation has it doom and gloom people......but don't worry.....things will go on fine long after we are gone.
If it costs more to produce a good or a service than you can charge for that good or service, you'll probably end up with a shortage. That's universal, no matter where you live or when you live. That's what happened with us in the 70s and that is what is going on now with Venezuela. Part of the reason a lot of other countries with socialized healthcare have long waiting lists is because they've imposed price caps.
How to get $75k in benefits for you and your girlfriend.
Follow these proven steps:
- Don't get married to her.
- Use your mom's address to get mail sent to.
- The guy buys a house.
- Guy rents out house to his girlfriend who has 2 of his kids.
- Section 8 will pay 900 a month for a 3 bedroom home.
- Girlfriend signs up for Obama care so guy doesn't have to pay out the butt for family insurance.
- Girlfriend gets to go to college for free being a single mother
- Girlfriend gets 600 a month for food stamps
- Girlfriend gets free cell phone
- Girlfriend get free utilities.
- Guy moves into home but uses moms house to get mail sent to.
- Girlfriend claims one kid and guy claims one kid on taxes. Now you both get to claim head of house hold at $1800 credit.
- Girlfriend gets disability for being "crazy" or having a "bad back" at $1800 a month and never has to work again.
This plan is perfectly legal and is being executed now by millions of people.
A married couple with a stay at home mom yields $0 dollars.
An unmarried couple with stay at home mom nets:
21600 disability +
10800 free housing +
6000 free obamacare +
6000 free food +
4800 free utilities +
6000 pell grant money to spend +
12000 a year in college tuition free from pell grant +
8800 tax benefit for being a single mother =
75,000 a year in benefits
Any idea why the country is 18 + trillion in debt???
You said that shortages wouldn't happen in America because we have checks and balances and those gas shortages occurred in the 70s. I'm pointing out that if we have price caps introduced, it is very possible we see shortages. It's basic economics (seriously, this is stuff that is covered in principles of microeconomics).This thread started a year ago? When do you guy see this stuff happening or is this just bullshit scare tactics stuff. I'm pretty sure I know but I'm interested to hear when the bread lines will start. I got a big freezer and wanna know when I should stock up.
Seriously, we could elect someone as dumb as Russ1945 as president and things will still be fine.
You said that shortages wouldn't happen in America because we have checks and balances and those gas shortages occurred in the 70s. I'm pointing out that if we have price caps introduced, it is very possible we see shortages. It's basic economics (seriously, this is stuff that is covered in principles of microeconomics).
They probably don't know it.Thanks for letting us know basic stuff then. Congress or the president must not know this or is it because all these evil dems want food shortages and bread lines.
Tell ya what.....if we see food shortage lines on the news before end of 2016 I will give a thousand bucks. If not, you give me 70 cents? How bout that deal?
The price controls were started by Nixon in 73.Carter was the idiot that started the grain embargo against Russia and that's the closest thing I've seen to full blown Socialism dealing with product.It could depending on the policies. We had shortages of gas under Carter due to him imposing price caps.