Hope Solo Hit with 6 Month Suspension .....For Trashing Sweden.


New member
Mar 10, 2012
Hot garbage wasn't referring to the talent level, it was referring to the girls as role models. Not that your average NFL or NBA team isn't hot garbage, but girls don't have as many examples to look up to and this soccer team doesn't help

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
I have all those naked pictures that were leaked......Can we post naked pictures???....LOL

Nov 4, 2009
Hot garbage wasn't referring to the talent level, it was referring to the girls as role models. Not that your average NFL or NBA team isn't hot garbage, but girls don't have as many examples to look up to and this soccer team doesn't help

Measuring them on a Human Scale, like, a Grading Tool that compares them to other Humans as a group they are accomplishing Role Model-ness fantastically and on an overall level, like, considering each individually then Grading their Role-modelness overall they are, as a group, excellent role models.

Grading them as not allowed to be Human with Human Flaws though, you're right, they are a dumpster fire, Role Model-ness speaking.

Those who wanna Handicap the question, so as to uncover at a True Truth as to their State of Being Great Role Models have all thats needed within the RX Thread linked below.....watch the Carli Lloyd Videos, the Christen Press Videos....Mallory Pugh stuff.....

should have been more Linsey Horan & Crystal Dunn related posts but there is Hope Solo posts that "go there" :):) them are fun....if you like Heavy Metal music at least, and ain't afraid to step right up to the edge of The Abyss



Sep 22, 2007
I'd expect that she would, by now, be able to avoid getting herself into spots like this.

With all the heat she has taken for so long (and for so many various happenings of this nature that see her basically lacking a "filter" as to her reactions to stuff) its not unreasonable to expect to see some Evolution in her ability to see the big picture as in what her options re: reaction are and where those various options might lead.

Yes...this is to say that the exact same as "Surprised that she hasn't yet become just another muffled clone who has surrendered to Censorship by the PC Police, waved the White Flag on being themselves, saying what they feel...."

I'm not defending her. In my opinion one should be able to develop the ability to consider what their comments and actions will lead to, before they make those like.....a person needs to devote some degree of thought, "Foresight", to choosing their battles and which ones are worth fighting.

Which Hornets Nest of Politically-Correct Thought Police is maybe not worth knocking over.

They interview her right after the fucking game though, she is a very fierce competitor she is very intense and emotionally.....yeah there is less "stability" there than is seen in others plus....

....her comments were not wrong.

They were right.

I "get it" though.

I grasp why its unacceptable.

and I even (also) understand why borrowing the Team USA soccer van without permission, while her husband was drunk is unacceptable as well yet I personally approve of both things.

I know that very few people will agree with me that stealing the Team Soccer Van was a good idea and the comments she is now in trouble for were "Right" but a world filled with only clones afraid to express themselves or embrace spontaneous adventure seems like a world that would be really boring.

Love her or hate her, the girl is Fun. Interesting, at the least...she is not Boring.

Likely she will be more Boring after this though. Only so much a unique character can take before a society that stays Offended by SOMEthing, in perpetuity, and demands everyone be a mindless clone....beats that Warrior down.


FUCK that twat, who died and made HER queen? She doesn't get to decide the style her opponents play, should an NFL team with a strong running game and a mediocre quarterback fill the air with passes? She sounds like Dave Stewart, after the heavily favored Athletics got swept in the World Series, saying, "I still think we're the better team." The other team won four games to your none, and the Swedes scored more goals in the format of the game, take your loss, stfu, and go home. Besides, she oughta be in jail, physically abusing family members. Sometimes you win an Oscar for other roles you SHOULD have won for, and sometimes you get a harsher sentence for other shit you skated on, tough shit.

Nov 4, 2009
Hot garbage wasn't referring to the talent level, it was referring to the girls as role models. Not that your average NFL or NBA team isn't hot garbage, but girls don't have as many examples to look up to and this soccer team doesn't help


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

fuck the PC world, rock on Hope

FWIW, when she said what she said, I thought it was a case of poor sportsmanship, but it didn't warrant some disciplinary action coming from some fucking idiot (or idiots)

boo fucking hoo, pussies

Nov 4, 2009
FUCK that twat, who died and made HER queen? She doesn't get to decide the style her opponents play, should an NFL team with a strong running game and a mediocre quarterback fill the air with passes? She sounds like Dave Stewart, after the heavily favored Athletics got swept in the World Series, saying, "I still think we're the better team." The other team won four games to your none, and the Swedes scored more goals in the format of the game, take your loss, stfu, and go home. Besides, she oughta be in jail, physically abusing family members. Sometimes you win an Oscar for other roles you SHOULD have won for, and sometimes you get a harsher sentence for other shit you skated on, tough shit.

I do Dig this line of Reasoning. Its damn near impossible to debate what you, Centaur and others say about using the best strategy to win the game. From her perspective though, having just lost a HUGE GAME among the very most biggest games TEAMUSA has been in its totally understandable, her motivation to say this and in the Heat of that exact moment then a microphone stuck in our face many of us would have said similar maybe even you yourself.

Cowardly way to play.

Some MEDIA called The Mets "cowards" for walking Kris Bryant as much as they did, taking the bat out of his hands.

Both calls of Coward were accurate, from the perspective of those making the comment. Only Hope got Crucified for it though.

Nov 4, 2009
Parking the Bus is part of the game

Swedish Coach Pia Sundhenge was Coach of this very TEAMUSA Women's Team for both of their Olympic Gold Medals 2008 & 2012 using the same strategy. Pia is an Unrivaled Coach, she is focused solely upon winning and for her to accomplish that with the Team of her own Country Sweden has been overshadowed by this "controversy" which is terribly unfortunate. Hope could have chosen to make a statement that credited Pia, as was deserved. Pia made the Game Plan that was needed to win that is her job and even bigger than that, was her Destiny....to Coach TEAM SWEDEN to the promised land.

Gernany managed to get past Pia's Strategy though. Bottom line is TEAM USA "should have also". Coach Jill Ellis of Team USA on a very Hot Seat for this failure, right now. Thats nothing new though.

Circumstances.....Megan Rapinoe less than 100% and having not played any meaningful time prior, due to injury but mainly the integration of New Young Talent (Dunn, Pugh, Horan) the key cog in the wheel to overcoming Parking The Bus Strategy is a very co-ordinated Team Response On-Field and In-Game to that.

The whiners saying now that Jill did not prepare the team adequately (DRILL) to overcome this game plan but the fact is that as these girls play together more they'll get better as a a unit and playing time together, as a unit, getting to a place of better synchronicity as a Team is the only way to overcome the style of game Pia played, short of getting lucky with Penalty(s) in the box so PK(s).

Sweden deserved to be credited for at the very least executing the game plan in a manner that did not result in bad costly fouls. Thats often what brings down Park the Bus strategy so Sweden deserves credit.

Had Hope been prescient enough to give them that she would have been the opposite of Crucified. All Down to Hope Solo.

She makes these decisions. No one makes her decide upon these courses of action, responses that she selects. of the available options.

I'm sorry she missed a Godsend of a Chance to not just redeem herself but make herself actually admired & even "loved"....for opting to give Sweden Credit but it is tough....in that heat of the moment and just minutes after such a huge loss. We all can relate to that.

Whatever Failure Jill Ellis & Team USA had here though is NO THING compared to the failure of 'cappers not being on SWEDEN at +290 or better cuz as I mentioned PIA formerly coaching this team USA but mostly that + the fact that Team USA's prior game took them to MANAUS BRAZIL a really long long trip across that huge country into 90+ degree temperature for a very taxing game.

In the last Eight Soccer Games that were played by teams who faced an elimination game AFTER having to go play in MANAUS...

SEVEN OF THOSE EIGHT LOST that next game and got eliminated

now make that 8 out of the last 9.

Free Money.

We blew it.

I had the Under 2.5 cuz despite all that ^^^^ Sweden Sports Teams have not performed well of late (Hockey, Soccer) but any 'capper worth their salt should not have missed Sweden ML Dog and especially not me cuz ML Dog is my fucking name.

I am an Absolute Disgrace.


New member
Mar 10, 2012
ML Dog you keep forgetting it is a pattern of bad behavior with her. It wasn't just this statement, it was her numerous dumpster fires previous to this. Our own legal system is the same way, harsher sentences for continued offenses.

Nov 4, 2009
ML Dog you keep forgetting it is a pattern of bad behavior with her. It wasn't just this statement, it was her numerous dumpster fires previous to this. Our own legal system is the same way, harsher sentences for continued offenses.

Absent Total Understanding of what happened with the incident involving her nephew, whatever, its impossible for us to know if Hope Solo is The Villain that the Media has made her out to be.

What we do know is that the media lies to sensationalize.

Based upon that, what we don't know and what we do, were we wise we would Reserve Judgement.

Thats the incident that set it off, The whole "Hope Solo is Evil" groove. Hope Solo merely whopping some ass

Try to convince me that you have don't have family members that for whom an ass-whopping is the best remedy.

Family members are some of the most annoying people on Earth.

Then there was when she stole the US Soccer Van.

I know that it looks "bad"

...on its surface.

Stealing The US Soccer Van, her man being drunk and all especially.

There was probably a perfectly good reason that Hope and her Man stole that van though.

Without being able to hear her side of these stories though, we will never know any thing more than what a biased media with an agenda tells us. Of these things.

Great Illustration of the real "trouble" here, with this Hope Solo sitchoo and our situation as a whole is I could easily get Hope, via a snake-like line of people that know people that know people who one of them knows Hope very well....get her to come here and tell her side of these things but that completely impossible bcuz the State of Our World is a massive "gag order" where Media would whore out what she said

using snippets of that

to further crucify her

for sensationalism.

New member
Jan 29, 2009
the world we live in now, assault some one physically pales in comparison to hurting someones feelings...

domestic abuse gets you counseling, words get you a seat

Nov 4, 2009
the world we live in now, assault some one physically pales in comparison to hurting someones feelings...

domestic abuse gets you counseling, words get you a seat

Very Well Said. And Important Observation, as well. Provokes Thought. Lotta people seriously "ON" about "Feelings" nowadays. Clint Eastwood calls them "pussys". Dude is 83 Years Old, been around long enough to know whats up.

Nov 4, 2009
United States women's national soccer team Schedule

September 15
- Women's Friendlies

United States vs. Thailand


September 18 - Women's Friendlies vs. Netherlands


Hang the fuck on, You will want to secure your seat all you who want a mindless politically correct zombie afraid to Be Herself defending your goal.

This ain't gonna get any less interesting and in truth ya'll who side with The Establishment declaring as YOURS that side which is opposite of Freedom of Speech and Liberty to be ourselves?

We really don't care what the fuck you think anyways cuz you people are mindless zombies unable to think for yourselves or just too cowardly to try that.


What we care about is keeping the fucking Soccer ball out of the Goal


Ashlynn Harris. USWNT Goakeeper.

Get with the fucking program



Nov 4, 2009
<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BD_UOf-AgK8/" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">Take me back to Florida ☃&#55357;&#56397;&#55356;&#57340;</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A video posted by ashlynharris24 (@ashlynharris24) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2016-04-09T18:19:19+00:00">Apr 9, 2016 at 11:19am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>

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