Something is mentally off with this mikeru. This HOLLYWOODCG guy just lost almost 1700 on 1 game and u come in his thread to celebrate your monopoly money win. No one here believes you bet real dollars, you leave ur own threads as soon as your fake play starts losing. You offer no insight into any game and will never keep records cause your awful. You lose 250 favorites and never mention it. Then when u win a 250 favorite you brag about it. No one listens to ur plays or follows your ignorant plays so u are really just talking to urself every week. Why do you do play by play on games that are on local tv? Are you that lonely a guy ? Could you live if you couldn`t post on a gambling thread ? This fake betting and and acting like a 10 year old is your life. The most pathetic dude to ever post on here or covers. How can PHIXER , WHO CAN ACTUALLY WRITE INTERESTING REASONS BEHIND HIS PLAYS AND GIVE PEOPLE KNOWLEDGE INTO SPORTSBETTING BE IN A PENALTY BOX WHILE A COMPLETE HATED MORON LIKE YOU IS ALLOWED TO POST HIS LYING DRIBBLE.