"Off The Board" in ours, Divine Providence, for me really cuz:
- Neutral Site (and weird-ass Neutral Site) game equates to (For ME, and gets treated as) a HomeComing type game scenario and Home Teams fail to cover those at an astonishing rate
- Line crossing the Key Number 10 & into DD
- WTF vs. Appy State? Need more Data.
2.5 Days to GameTime will be interesting to see further line movement on this game and just how much of The Public winds up on TN.
That last thing might make yet another Point Of Contention for me to using this game cuz "Public Money", like Joe Pub 76% or greater on VOLSa scary boat to be on, which certainly had to be the case at that open of -9.5, Had to be a large Public Play at -9.5
....all this equates to is I'm pretty glad I ain't forced to do something with this one, as you are and I'm happy its Off The Board altogether in our Pick6 here at RX.
Post what you decide to do with it, if you don't feel like that would Jinx that, so at least I have some "skin in the game" cuz its among the games I do most wanna watch.