Haha I hear ya. They even do that shit at road games which makes me wanna kill em!
as for going to UT, it would of turned me on the path I really wish I'd taken, and you've heard others here say I'd be damn good at it, and that is a Vetinarian. UT and Geoegia are two of the best around in that category. Anyways, my daughter will be what she wants to be no matter the things I may have to give up or be burdened to to make it happen.
As as for me, I was doing okay I guess, not a total career path, just always a decent job
with decent pay, however, I gave it all up to be a stay at home Dad over the Summer. So far, it's been worth it. I miss the extra income a little, but I don't miss the time with my baby, and I sure don't miss the thought of these crazies out here today doing something to her at childcare. I'm sure my day will come to seek some type of routine employment again, but for now, I'm going to enjoy the most precious time and thing of my lifetime so far, my baby girl.