Not really you just don’t understand reality. The IRS can be your worst nightmare. Trump’s return is over 100 pages long. He’s been audited for 14 years in a row. His tax attorneys advised him not to make his return public. What would you do, ignore their advise and release it anyway?
“He who represents himself has a fool for a client” .
And did it ever occur to you to ask why his attorneys advised him of that? Buffet has a helluva lot more investments and money than Rump, and he is perfectly comfortable in releasing HIS taxes. Or, let me put it this way, what possible GOOD reason could there be for Rump's lawyers to give him that advice? They, the IRS, are already looking at his taxes, so your "worst nightmare" re: them makes no sense whatsoever, and wtf does the number of pages have to do with anything? As usual, you haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about and are thus talking outta your ass.
Oh, and I just saw Small Daddy's excellent point. Rump is apparently being audited from 2011 on. The Clintons have released THIRTY YEARS of taxes, so, would it kill Rump to release, say, 1984(a year he was caught lying about his taxes, btw) to 2010? Don't hold your breath...