But every other foreign leader is exactly as you described above, so what's wrong with us finally having a President who isnt gonna kiss the ass of other countries anymore & speak his mind just as they all do?
Nothing Wrong with that at all its just not the scenario that best serves the wealthy, corporations and the foreign leaders that you mention through which our politicians "launder money" in essence so you are never ever going to see a President that does not fit the mold of what those who control USA want.
Example: $500 Million goes to Pakistan, arranged by Hillary's State Dept. approved by the puppet houses and The Prez of course.
In part to remunerate Pakistan ISI for dealing with hiding Bin-Laden, the expenses incurred in that.
Even though they gave him a crappy broken down $285 a month fucked up fixer upper house to live in....you'd expect $500 Million would have gotten Bin-Laden better accommodations but Pakis are completely and totally devoid of Human Conscience, absolutely zero compassion within Pakis.
Where that would exist within an actual Human with a Paki one only finds MORE ruthlessness and complete and utter desire to bring Misery to the World.
Mostly Hillary sent that $500,000,000 to ISI to fund their ongoing operations to keep Terror going (they fund Taliban and many other ongoing ops) so that The War on Terror is able to continue.
And Our Wonderful Government and those supporters of them who make money off of The War on Terror are able to continue business as usual. The Last Thing any Government wants is Peace because there is no $$$ to be made with Peace.
$500,000,000 to The ISI, how much of that you reckon wandered into Hillary and Bill's Luxembourg bank Accounts that no one will ever know anything about?
This, like all else that our Government does and has done....irrelevant because not enough Americans care and not enough Americans are going to come to care. That due to, as you said....YOU apply Critical Thinking to stuff....and even though you don't pay attention to Politics you do care....that things get better.
That makes you 1 of 11.8 at the very best, in this country. For ever you there are another 11.8 that, regardless of how hard Government & Corporations fuck this country they are simply not going to really care.
A % of those 11.8 will make noises from their head about caring but this is a charade, a facade they need to display, because some of those 11.8 are sharp enough to know that they should care. And that the corruption within our Government is Wrong.
But....is it Wrong?
This is the way it has always been here, on earth.
If they can get away with it and people are unwilling to stand against it...
I don't know......is it "Wrong"?
I mean...Morally of course its Wrong but does Morality really matter?
All that informs us that Morality DOES in fact have any importance at all is a Religion that has a Talking Snake in it and an Invisible Dude in the sky who supposedly Loves Us yet lets us get blown to smithereens suffer and die. Plus who is we do certain wring things He is gonna throw us in a Lake that is all Fire. For all Eternity. However long that is. (Sounds like a long long time).
If in fact Morality is not actually as important as that religion says it is then what our Government does....whatever they do...
...might not be "wrong" at all.