I'd rather not bother those guys. How about Willie. He is an accountant and does have an honest reputation on the board even though you don't like his politics. Still reputable.
I didn't state there would be more. I simply said the DHS listed them as a bigger domestic terror threat than ISIS. Not sure what you're babbling about.
Dang guys, they're basically warning us sane, normal members of society that you guys are a bigger threat to our safety than ISIS. Not that I didn't know that already but I'm much more worried about some crazy ass dude in a Tea Party shirt going postal because he has to pay taxes, the President being black or having to stop at red lights than some Muslim dudes. You know you're fucking crazy when you are more dangerous than a group like ISIS.
Lol, the most dangerous left wing terror group is animal rights activists. The right wing groups dwarf the jihadists! I'll admit I'm surprised at how much bigger a threat right wingers are than Islamic extremists, but it makes sense.
Can't even leave your house anymore. Right-wingers be killin everybody these days!!
I'm doing my handicapping. Need to concentrate on the spreadsheets. Think of someone else we both can trust. I'll be back after 7:00.
Says the poster whose hoping Trump will not outperform Romney or McCain with minorities.
Though the LA Times poll of today is merely a snapshot of todays voter leanings, the pendulum could swing back
but I doubt it.
The key is the black vote with Trump holding at 22% today. Note McCain received 4% & Romney 5% of this
same group.
All one has to do is google the exit polls of the 2008 Democratic primary in North Carolina to see Clintons frailty
with black voters. Mrs. Clinton tallied 3% of black male voters in that primary. Now that wouldn't raise eyebrows
against Republican like McCain & Romney but Hillary was championing the relatively same views as Obama. The 94%
differential between candidates of the same party had never been recorded before.
Trump's outreach to black americans is moving the bar. Trump is a political genius & that can't be responsibly
Rump with 22% of the black vote? If he gets that, I'll kiss your ass at high noon on the lawn in front of Ceasars Palace. You are completely and utterly delusional.
Sept 18 LA Times breakdown by demographics
Sep. 18 Nov. 08 Clinton 70.9% Trump 20.1%White
Sep. 18 Nov. 08 Clinton 32.7% Trump 56.0%
Sep. 18 Nov. 08 Clinton 55.1% Trump 31.6%
Sep. 18 Nov. 08 Clinton 40.0% Trump 46.8%
So you are really stating that the LA Times a liberal paper utterly delusional. It's their numbers,
I don't conduct polls, they do.
1st of all, Silver has said more than once that there is Republican bias in the LA Times poll, so they ain't THAT liberal-he usual shaves 2 or 3 points from their polls. Secondly, what's your source for this? Third, it doesn't say 22% for blacks, so, you lied. Fourth, what's the Sep. 18-Nov. 08 represent, what they're saying the support is now, or what it'll be on Election Day?