Good Video. He'd have made a great one if he backs up with a bit of Hard Evidence his claim that just 10% of Clinton Foundation $$$$$$$ get directed towards actual charitable work. He takes the time to provide Evidence of other stuff so the lack of this to follow his "just 10%" claim = saddening. This dude or anyone produces Hard Evidence of 90% (
minus administration fees, the cost to run the charity) of Donations to Clinton Foundation getting misused and Hillary is caught in a Disastrous Lie.
That it would be hard to imagine MSM being able to ignor & those defending her able to Spin/'Splain Away.
Hillary has clearly stated that she & Bill got no $$$ from Foundation Donations.
Still worth the 20 minute watch though, this Video, as it states, illustrates (also very clearly) how absurd it actually is that MSM is ignoring Health Questions on Hillary and evidence it does provide is fairly entertaining.
Whether its Hillary's own Blind Ambition, Obsessive Desire to be the 1st Female President or its Big $$$ Special Interest Groups (or its some combo of those two things) that are dragging this sick elderly woman through this, forcing her to endure this, even if you hate her its impossible to not see this as Sad.
This is a 69 year old woman who, due to past concussion and other Health Issues is possibly very sick, at the least she is unwell enough to be out there feeling like a much older woman, than 69, and she has to be in tremendous discomfort/severe fatigue much of the time.
From a totally just Human Perspective, whatever is pushing her to endure this, to suffer through this....there is no denying that this is very Sad.