Hillary Clinton: Allegations I Traded Political Favors For Donations Are Just ‘Distractions’
Amazing how dumb these right wingers are. Did you see delusional Russ post an article that says " the clintons may have done such and such". Lol. More quality right wing cut and paste.Hillary says, keep the attacks on dumb stuff coming.
Monday, April 20
Hillary says, keep the attacks on dumb stuff coming.
Monday, April 20
Amazing how dumb these right wingers are. Did you see delusional Russ post an article that says " the clintons may have done such and such". Lol. More quality right wing cut and paste.
So you ass-ume they are not guilty of any thing. You don't get it and you never will. You will never find articles like this in your narrow scoped left wing sites. It is you, the sheep, that refuses to look both ways before crossing the street. What a loser.
Interesting results. Very different from the PPP polls from 4/7. Probably has a lot to do with this being a poll of "adult Americans" rather than PPP's registered voters. The one similarity is Rubio looks to be the best chance the Rs have.