The <deal> on Atlanta golf????? I noticed you posted some picks with scores last week or so. You went like 1-5 and have'nt seen you since. Are you afraid the legend of Hen might be tarnished?
Shit, sorry I missed his last picks.

1-5 could make me a lot of money.

Who do you like this weekend buddy?
i was watching the news and some mo> from iraq the information minister oer something is talking about how iraq will be victorious

kind of reminded me of dill weed scat boy henny talking about his experise in golf
You know it is really hilarious when you tools post like the above...

You schoolers are famous for bringing back old post after old post after old post but when it is time to post a factless post like the above...you eliminate what.....THE Actual POST

Allow me to help you DICKWAD....

I did post exactly 2 weeks ago and did post two separate days in NCAA FORUM

Went 3-1 the first day and 3-2 the next day...

6-3 total for two posts......

And you wonder why the good posters are gone and what is left are the likes of SEAURINE, YOU, PEEP, DON COWARD, $7500stillowedpanter and the other kids....and you wonder why.....

What a joke this forum is.....so here is laughing at you tools...hahahahha

But DICKWAD....I do remember the day you went documented 0-5...yes....you remember, I actually brought the post to light...

Now that was hilarious.....really funny in fact...

So take care tool....and get off your brother....


6-2 yesterday.....

A sorry lose with BAMA as they blow a 11pt half time lead....I really thought BAMA was a lock....but Indiana goes with COVERDALE and if he is on, which he was, they normally win...BAMA just is not a 40 minute team....

Anyway a decent run yesterday....


OVER 147

Show me the D here people, ND plays NONE ! Illinois plays some D but lapses here and there. Salt in the fact ND while playing no D, can score with the best of them....I feel 147 is EASY OVERCOME today and I have it at 161, I have it as a 84-77 win....LOSS landed 128


Two slow down teams who play decent D....Both teams struggle in large gaps during a game on the OFFENSIVE side of the ball and I do not see anythign different today. I have this barely at 130...more like a 65-63.....LOSS landed 193


UCONN simply has a better team and better athletes....Stanford can not run with many teams and UCONN is great at the run and gun. I see this game close for a while and then Uconn wins by 7 or 8..if not more...WINNER

Wisky over Tulsa

Wisky wins this game by 12 or more in my opinion. They are the over all better team and simply playing great right now. Tulsa way out classed here ...WAY OUT CLASSED...LOSER final 61-60

Duke / CMICH

The 150 Rule applys here, CMICH has not faced an IN YOUR FACE D likes DUKES all year....and Duke has shown to stall with the ball this year once they get a lead....I see this game at 79-68 Duke as CMICH struggles from the 3 becasue each and every time there will be a hand in their face hoping to get that miss...WINNER landed 146

Well gotta run
Enjoy the games


Sorry bro you were 2-3 not 1-5 I don't want to mislead anyone. Yep I remembered when I posted 5 plays I needed and they went 0-5 and you assumed they were MY plays, I said OK just make sure you gave me credit for the 7-0 I fired the next day
Actually....I did find the actually post and it is up for you to clowns to review...

I was actually EVEN BETTER than I just posted..hahahaha

The first post was actually 6-2....ahhh funny we didn't mention that one....hahahahhha

The next day....2-3.....Ahhhhhh still no 1-5 ??

Where oh where is the 1-5.......

See DICKWAD...this is why you are a laugher here....5000 posts...and not a one worth a damn...certainly not the one that started this thread...

1-5...thanks for the laugh...

Everyone...check out the post over in the NCAA FORUM.....and have a good laugh with me..cause I am laughing so hard right now...

DICKWAD...you ain't too bright but you are entertaining...


Why must you wreck a 2-3 day by predicting scores? Why don't you just give your picks instead of pretending you have a crystal ball?
"Went 3-1 the first day and 3-2 the next day"

Your right 2-3 aint 1-5 and 2-3 aint 3-2.

Got any scores for me today Swami?

I don't get? it your directing everyone to a thread to prove you lied. This is the type of shit that TRK used to expose you.

Yeah Hen did real good with his picks, only missed the Mizz & Illini total by a combined total of 87 points.
Look on the bright side his family and friends got to hang out with the clown.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
dickwad...hehehe,henhouse youve got her number!!!!!!!!....dickwad......please stop!!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
dickwad,henhouse spanked you like ye was adopted....get back up on the porch bitch,youre bleedin all over the yard!!!!

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