Hey Bra, I dont appreciate you posting your entire writeup in my thread ok. Start your own. How do you think it looks to me after I post a big play with information that took me alot of time to get, for me to share with everyone. I am sharing info on conversations and personal interactions with these players. Who else takes the time or does this for others. This is info that I dont have to share, but I do. How do you expect me to react to your posting a writeup on how you see it, which ]contradicts me. Especially after I did this for you fuvkers. Now I can see why Dawgman gets upset cause people have no class. LSU, would you feel that someone just slapped you in your face and said I dont care about what you say. Would you feel this way if I did that to you.
you know , it doesnt make any sense to go challenging or contradicting someone , especially after they posted their writeup . Dont you think that a person who did this has already placed their wager or has worked hard to provide a writeup to explain to everyone how is it they got their pick. Most guys here just post a team and no reason or writeup to sharing their thoughts on the selection or to explain how they got to it. Why , cause for one, its not easy to put out a writeup. I am not a writer, so it takes time to get the words and info together. And secondly , because they are afraid that pricks will look for something in their writeup to pick apart, instead of appreciate a different point of view. It shows no class or respect to me when you just post your writeup in my thread. Ask a question, yes . Make a comment, yes. Not post your writeup. If you cannot see this then you are an ignorant fvck and I am warning you to stay out of my threads if you cannot respect me. I think that I have always shown you respect ever since I came here. But I am not a person who will allow someone to desrepect me. You want me to show you respect, then you better be ready to show it back. You aint dumb, and I aint dumb ok you know what you were doing, and so do I. I am here to enjoy and learn and win money. Not play stupid game with those who need attention. So take this as a warning, you want to benefit from each other then ok, if not dont cross my path. It is up to you. People need to learn some tact and respect. Thats why this place is attracting all kinds of stupid people. Stupid people bring stupid info. Your a verteran here. Know, it was your action or lack of it and not so much your words that pissed me off. Nough already , its up to you.