Haven't been in here in awhile...

What have I missed?? Any good fights? Any good threads? Anybody new hate me?
Thanks for any updates...
A state of the the Rubber Room address would be nice... /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
Dogball is probably the top story in the Rubber Room right now, but it is off the front page.

playersonly69 has been the mainstay down here..

We see an occasional post on Snake Thompson, panther has been absent lateley, The General continues to post his plays while he lights up the NBA.

The RR regulars will not let up on Henhouse, and we do see HH drop by from time to time when he can grab a free computer at the local library...or sneak on his mom's computer.

There have been no Fred Norris sightings lately.

There is hostility between Big Lou and Sports Hurricane. This is old news that generally involves a $100K Challenge from Hurricane, countered by a "Do your paying clients...?" from Lou. This has turned the spotlight on Lou for NFL playoffs. We will all be keeping a close eye on his action.

We still have the usual host of Journeyman threads, with some actual cut and pastes of IM chat sessions. Amazingly, there is almost always some tie to Ivan when there is an online chat pasted in the RR. The guy just has a way of finding conflicts.

You haven't missed a whole hell of a lot; the last 2 weeks are probably on the first 3 pages.

There was a rumor that General may be going tout..and that is why he has been modestly posting his plays, along with his 72% NBA ATS record. Journeyman was heard saying "Say it ain't so.."

A "State of the Rubber Room" address is not a bad idea down here..we should give that thought serious consideration. Perhaps dwellers can alternate on presenting the happenings.

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