It isn't like the old days anymore. Went to Florida/Nebraska in the 96 (Fiesta) and people were giving away tickets outside, yes giving them away. Went to Florida/FSU in 1997 (Sugar) and paid face value outside. Used to go to the Orange Bowl every year and tickets were always easy, even when it was for the national championship.
All that has changed with Stubhub, Ebay and a general loosening of scalping laws. Tickets are a fucking fortune now because everyone is a scalper. Went to Florida/OSU 2 years ago and paid a thousand fucking dollars per ticket. The price almost never went down. I know people that did ok but they bought singles and they had to sweat it out. Also you gotta worry about fakes.
Not sure how much the "weak" economy will affect prices this year.
Good Luck. Hopefully I will be in the market for tickets since I am big Florida fan and the game is in my backyard.