Alright, I'm gonna cut to the chase, I'm bored with this bullshit, and that's what it is, bullshit. Hanna, and there has to be some lesbian code in that name I'm not catching, which is amazing as I'm the top lesbian I know, but if you want to play with the men, give up the stupid shit, really. Nobody here bets some damn -240 game.... well, I can think of two people that might but I'll be damned if I'm mentioning names. Frankly, and although my degree is in chemical engineering, I had more than my fair share of liberal arts classes, psych included as I thought I might want to become a physician, I think you're seeking attention. I can't speak for Fade's comments as I don't troll other sites, this is basically it for me although if Betall doesn't take the damn muzzle off soon, I might take it elsewhere, but everything I've seen so far is attention deficit mongering, plain and simple. You're supposedly a 21 year old young lady I believe, and unless your father was a book or serious player, there's no way in hell you know jack about gambling sports, I'm sorry. Now as I see it, and my world view is rather vast and generous, you have two choices. Either find a way, and we don't care how, to get serious about your plays and posts, or get the hell out of Dodge. Real simple proposition. And stop making an ass of yourself. GL in life.