@Salon 1h1 hour ago
#Brexit is what happens when small-minded, aging fascists win @Salon 2h2 hours ago
Today is a very bleak day for liberal democracy everywhere
Disclaimer: I don't read Salon because I think it's insightful. I read it to see how depraved their pathetic minds can get.
Small-minded fascists? Funny, that sounds awfully similar to what we hear about the voting base over here in the States whenever dimocraps don't get their way, doesn't it? Hasn't that been the tag line pretty much alwys assigned to whoever doesn't vote for the dim candidate?
Hang on though, it gets better. Here is this gem from the second piece:
Today is a victory for the far-right across Europe, for tribalism, divisive politics, irredentism, and an incredible rejection of evidence-based policy. This was not a courageous day. Common-sense did not prevail. This will be remembered as a foolish, over-zealous, icarus moment.
I am no political scientist, but looking at the demographic data of how people voted, it was the lower socio-economic groups in England, outside of major cities, who carried Brexit across the line; those with the lowest expectations for prosperity, the fewest qualifications, low-paying jobs and less opportunity for education.
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Right! Who the fuck do these small-minded people think they are? Don't thee simpletons understand that the more they are governed, the better their lives are? How dare they not fall in line with as much global government and control as possible? Jesus, what's next? Are these crazy cammo-hat wearing Brit cowboys going to want to be disgusting enough to ***gasp*** own guns and protect themselves?
The pseudo-intellectual arrogrance just drips from this cock sucker's pontification. This was England's version of invoking their own tenth amendment, so to speak. They don't want bureaucrats in Paris and Brussels dictating local policy in Birmingham or Newcastle.
This is a win for individual liberty, and a fuck you to those who want to replace it with central control/planning.