Good job

Please, give details.

Registered: Wednesday, December 4th, 2002
Posts: 3

posted Thursday, April 03, 2003 03:54 PM

I am helping the owner of this website make changes he wants. Please direct all questions and comments to and not to me.

Butch has been deleted from these forums by his request and the owners. Because of that some threads will have holes in them. It cant be helped.

All bans have been lifted and the forums are open again to guests.

The signup rules page is much shorter.

Some forums were eliminated.

All contests are currently suspended.
Did he fire the Nutty?

No reason not to.

He is useless plus. The "plus" is the site works better without him at all.
Sounds like it to me. A bit late i think, but, better late than

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I don't know. I haven't talked to Butch yet. I did talk to Lifesabet himself.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Butch could've been a good moderator but he made a few mistakes:
1. Using his position to settle old scores. Cooperating with the operators and readers of other forums would've attracted a lot of traffic from those sites and generated positive feedback on them.
2. Assumed a dictatorial stance where posters were banned and flamed for the slightest infraction, or a single post, or for no reason at all. Anyone can post something while in a bad mood or that disagrees with the "party line" of the site's moderators. Why not merely delete or modify the post in question and explain to the poster why the post is not acceptable? A poster with 99 good posts should not be subjected to being treated like shit for one bad post.
3. Worrying about whether people were "spying" on him. The whole point of a message board is to get people to "spy" on it. Unless you want a forum that no one reads.

I'm posting this in a positive fashion because I really would like to see their forum succeed. The more points of view available to the gambler the more information he can use to make decisions.
I think the forum is going to have a tough time creating a poster body.

The ghost of Butch will haunt....
It's about time. It was bad enough Butch posted as me, but when he took his obsession offline by contacting PayPal then threatening me with my private information that was going too far.

I don't really have any reason to post over there although I do reserve all rights to my ghost, Bigman Walter.

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Ohhhhh yeah!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Just so everyone knows, Butch was not fired, he has been redirected to do his excellent creative and informative writing. We think it will be more constructive and productive for him to focus on his columns instead of moderating the forums.

As for the new moderators, actually, we have left butch with an administrative login at the forums so that he may pass the torch to me and the person you know as ''. When we are comfortable with moderating the forums (and convinced that we still want a forum) then butch will no longer need an administrative login and will be exclusively dealing with his writings. Butch has been asked not to perform any forum changes, deletions, edits, etc. His administrative login at the forums is there to help walk us through tasks only.

We hope that butch will be posting again, but we are trying to stop any site wars and prefer not to be sucked into them. As I have stated in the past, I have no ill will towards anyone in the industry, its quite a big pie, there are slices for everyone. We prefer to focus on our own future rather than battling against the future of others.
The nut wanted all his posts taken down here after getting banned for ghosting and editing titles of his threads so the following posts made no sense.

Tried to destroy the forum, the little cutie.

We let him back in so he could edit his posts. He repaid us by posting a bunch of obscenities, mostly wanting to be done with a strap on as I remember it.

He will stab you in the back also. It is the Butchy way.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks for your insight peep. Im a bit different than most folks, a little more easy going, and Ill give folks a second chance as you did. There is no reason for me or the site to get stabbed in the back by butch, I dont expect it will happen, and I will do nothing to provoke any hard feelings. I still respect butch a great deal, Im simply trying to redirect his talents elsewhere. I think we would all agree that butch is a wonderful writer, in fact to me, he is a star when it comes to writing. As a moderator, I think he has good intentions to protect our interests and I liked that, however sometimes he rubs people the wrong way, and it only comes back to haunt the site. We look forward to having butch around to call upon when we have trouble in the forums, and we look forward to him being the great creative writer that we know he is.
Actually, I don't think he writes that well either. I think both Sick Gambler and Dell Dude are better.

But good luck on the second chance. I do that all the time too (as you know, Butch is still posting here under a few user names). I don't know if it is a character strength or weakness on our part.
As long as Butch is associated with Lifesabet, I will not have anything to do with it. Just because he knows how to write fake stories about professional wresting and saving teenage girls in fires does not make him a good writer.

Butch may be demoting himself if you know what I mean.
For all anyone knows, this may be just another Butch ghost scheme. This man is a cancer. Once he infects you, it's not only almost impossible to get rid of him but his negative presence keeps growing and growing and growing until it permeates the entire site.

No thank you.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Peep: not a strength or a weakness. its an anonymous posting forum, it is what it is and Im seeing you have to be flexible. Id rather convince someone to cooperate than offer an ultimatum.

Dell Dude: I read your comment and respect your opinion... but im certainly no ghost and wont have any... I regret what happened with your identity before, if it starts again, please let us know.

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