fade: The tigers are 0-16 su in the first game of a series as a dog of more than 130 off a game as a favorite in which they drew four-plus walks and they are facing a starter with an era higher than two.
Team = tigers and fgs and line>130 and p:f and p:walks>=4 and o:stdsera>2
play: The phillies are 15-0 su in the first game of a series after they scored first, trailed and won and it is after the all-star break.
Team = phillies and fgs and p:w and p:sf>0 and po:bl > 0 and aasb and date >=
play: The marlins (141-113 +10.0% roi)
str and o:str and s:margin = -1 and s:streak = 2 and s:biggest lead < 3 and s:errors < 2 and -9 < p:m8 < 3 and p:m8 != -2 and -4 < p:m1 < 3
play: the orioles are 17-1 su at home after a game as a home dog in which they allowed 12-plus hits.
Team = orioles and h and p:h and p:d and po:hits>=12 and date >=
play: The orioles and athletics ( 1000-600 +11.7% roi)
h and (s:so + os:so) > 18 and s:shra != 2 and p:runs != 3 and op:runs < 9 and os:fly balls > 3 and os:fly balls != 6 and o:team != cubs and (p:walks + op:walks) < 13 and op:triples < 2 and p:doubles < 5 and 17 > op:hits > 2 and (ta(at bats@team,n=6)<36.5 or ta(at bats@team,n=6)>36.7) and ta(o:at bats@team,n=6)>31 and (ta(shf,n=8)<26.3 or ta(shf,n=8)>26.5)
under: Phillies/marlins (165-82-7 +26.8%)
str and o:str and s:margin = -1 and s:streak = 2 and s:biggest lead < 3 and s:errors < 2 and -9 < p:m8 < 3 and p:m8 != -2 and -4 < p:m1 < 3
over: The rangers are 10-0 ou in the first game of a series as a dog off a game as a favorite in which they drew one or fewer walks and it is after the all-star break.
Team = rangers and fgs and d and p:f and p:walks <= 1 and aasb and date >=
over: The rays are 13-0 ou in the first game of a road series when their line is within 20 cents of pickem after a loss in which they had at least three times as many hits as runs.
Team = rays and a and -120 <= line <= 120 and p:hpr>=3 and p:l and sg = 1 and date >=
under: The rays are 0-12 ou in the first game of a series as a favorite after a game as a road favorite in which they struck out at least ten times.
Team = rays and fgs and f and p:af and p:so >