Gay Hating, Right Winger Josh Duggar Molests Kids


Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]The Duggars’ Fox News Interview Was an Unholy Disaster[/h]At various times downplaying their son’s molestation of their daughters and playing the victims themselves, the Duggar family dug themselves a bottomless PR hole.
Whether or not Michelle and Jim-Bob Duggar are hypocrites, I suppose, is still a matter of debate. Whether they are despicable asshats, however, most certainly is not.
Appearing on Fox News to answer Megyn Kelly’s questions about the scandal they’ve found their sprawling brood of holier-than-thou religious conservatives embroiled in, the matriarch and patriarch of the family featured in the TLC series 19 Kids and Counting dug themselves into a PR hole no amount of high-minded righteousness can get them out of.
Michelle and Jim-Bob were interviewed for two ostensible purposes. One was to explain themselves in the wake of the revelation that their eldest son, Josh, molested five girls, including siblings, 12 years ago, after which they took strides to cover it up and skirt the law as they eventually rose to fame on a TV reality show.
The other was to defend themselves against accusations that they are religious hypocrites.
They have used their fame to preach principles that, to many, could be construed as hateful, but they’ve defended as pure and moral. Women who have abortions are complicit in a “baby Holocaust,” they’ve said. They’ve damned the gay community. Michelle has recorded robocalls implying that transgender women are pedophilic child molesters.
They’ve campaigned against proposed ordinances that would have protected gay parents from lawful discrimination when it came to raising their children. And they’ve taught their daughters that women should submit to men.
All while their son molested children, and they helped to bury it.
People who may have assumed that the Duggars agreed to a Fox News interview, of all outlets, because it may be a more hospitable environment weren’t exactly correct.
Megyn Kelly may not have wagged a finger at them or damned them to hell, the way so many of us wished she would have. But she did ask them tough, responsible, and necessary questions.
They stuttered and stopped and started as they explained the details of it, and more—and disgustingly—explained away Josh’s actions. At one point the sentence, “It’s not rape or anything like that,” was actually said.

Kelly asked why they protected a son who was harming their daughters. She asked for details that would refute the accusations that they covered his misdeeds up. She asked them if they were hypocrites. She asked specifically about Michelle’s comparing transgender women to child molesters. And Michelle stood by it. “It’s common sense,” she said, proving that she has no blessed idea what “common sense” is.
More, she thinks people accusing them of hypocrisy have an unholy ax to grind.
“Everyone of us has done something wrong. That’s why Jesus came,” she said. “This is more about—there’s an agenda. There are people who are purposing to bring things out and twisting them to hurt and slander.”
Yes, folks, they are the victims.
Is it possible to pick just one jaw-dropping, blood-boiling, unfathomable quote from this interview? Oh, there are dozens of them (and counting).

Certainly a front-runner for the top prize would be when Michelle maintained that her daughters are being more abused by the press in the wake of the uncovering of Josh’s scandal than they were by Josh as children. “They’ve been victimized more by what happened in these last couple weeks than they were 12 years ago,” she said.
What a disgraceful thing to say. If we’re throwing stones from glass houses and talking about “protecting” victims, how about we, as members of the press, talk about how we’re protecting the world from being influenced by bile like this by vilifying Michelle and Jim-Bob Duggar after this interview.
The Duggars presumably consented to being interviewed as a PR tactic to rehab their family’s image and, because everyone is the worst and everything is awful, salvage their dynamo reality TV careers and remain famous. Sweet Jesus did they fail.

At best, they came off as bumbling Bambis, wide-eyed and unable to convincingly change any of the preconceived negative notions about how their family handled Josh Duggar’s molestation of five victims over the past 12 years. At worst, they came off as molestation apologists.
“We tried to deal with this in-house as parents,” Jim Bob said, talking about why it took so long to involve police. “We did the best we could under the circumstances.”
They stuttered and stopped and started as they explained the details of it, and more—and disgustingly—explained away Josh’s actions. At one point the sentence, “It’s not rape or anything like that,” was actually said. Actually said.

It wasn’t the only minimizing of the events from the Duggars. The girls didn’t know it had happened, they said repeatedly, basically insisting that because they weren’t aware they were being molested it was perfectly OK that they were.

Other families have said they had sons who did similar things, they argued. And—hey!—as parents you’re not mandatory reporters of child molestation anyway.
You could see Michelle Duggar’s eyes rolling into the back of her head as she struggled to remember the PR talking points she had memorized for the interview. Words like “safeguards” and “devastated” and “counseling”—vaguely defined—were recited as nonsensical and, frankly, unbelievable word soup.
The biggest narrative of the interview, though, was the assertion that their family is being victimized. There was outrage that the sealed juvenile record of their son was released publicly and, they claim, illegally.
The press is on an onslaught criticizing the family for such amoral behavior like covering up the molestation of children and harboring their daughters in a very unsafe environment, but those people aren’t chasing the right story, Jim-Bob said. It’s that unjust release of the records, “That is the big story,” he said.
Quite grossly, two of the daughters who were Josh’s victims were brought on air to weep and defend their brother and their family. Maybe they were supposed to be further evidence that the Duggars are not hypocrites, that the family solidarity and culture of forgiveness they foster warrants them to stand on soap boxes as if they were pulpits, criticizing the rest of us.

Jim-Bob answered to that directly. “People on the outside think Christians are perfect,” he said when Kelly asked if they think they’ve been hypocritical. And because they’re fallible, they shouldn’t be deprived of their God-given right to an exploitative TLC reality series.
“I don’t know if the rest of our family should be punished for the act of one of our children,” he said. “Whether they film us or not, we’re going to live life and continue to spread God’s word.”
Are the Duggars hypocrites? No, not exactly. Hypocrites are guilty of the same crimes as those they are accusing. The transgender community, gay parents, anyone who doesn’t prescribe to a Biblical way of life hasn’t done any of the things the Duggars accuse them of.
If not hypocrites, what are they? Misguided is one word. Ill-informed is kind. Disgusting is more accurate. Perhaps they’re monsters. And what makes it even worse? We’re Dr. Frankenstein.
We made these people. We gave them a reality show. We made them superstars. Whether we were among those who lapped up their endearing family values and charming family interactions on 19 Kids and Counting, or we were among those who watched them to point and laugh at their curious religious practices, like modestly dressed animals in some zoo exhibit, we all created them. And what we’ve created are monsters.
Now, what do monsters do? They roar. They growl. They snarl.
To that regard, these are parents who gladly took the megaphone we gave them with the public platform of their hit reality TV show, held on to it with a white-knuckle grip, and used it to shame the rest of us for living impurely and raising our children without proper morals.
Politicians used them in their campaigning. Viewers looked up to them, internalizing and acting on their instructions and beliefs. These people became cultural influencers. And, perhaps as karmic punishment, we must deal with the reality that we made that possible for them.
At one point, I wondered whether TLC was smart to not pull the plug on 19 Kids immediately after the scandal broke. I thought that maybe giving the Duggar family time to explain themselves and then chronicle how they dealt with the stress and fallout of the controversy—and especially how they dealt with all the accusations and attacks against them in this past week—would actually make for valuable and responsible television.
We glorify this family on camera when they’re at their best, so maybe we deserve and owe it to ourselves to document how they grapple with devastation when they’re at their worst.
But this interview with the Duggars proves there is no merit in that. There’s no merit in giving any more publicity to these people who are delusional, victimizing themselves, and the worst kind of preachers of God’s word: the ones who don’t bother to follow it themselves.

Sep 21, 2004

Thursday, Jun 4, 2015 05:29 PM EST Fox News and the Duggars reach a disgusting new low: The twisted persecution complex in last night’s insane interview

In a carnival of self-righteousness, Michelle and Jim Bob absolve their son and blame their woes on their enemies

Joan Walsh Megyn Kelly, avenger, swooped in to get an interview with the victims in the Duggar family molestation case. The victims being parents Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar, of course. In the span of an hour Wednesday night, Fox News transformed the disturbing Duggar family into culture war martyrs, targets of the most vicious liberal attacks since the War on Christmas.
The Duggars delivered a stunning display of deflection, the longest exercise in self-absolution since Gov. Chris Christie’s two-hour pity party when Bridgegate was revealed. The right wing Christian activists and LGBT antagonists found unbelievably creative ways to minimize what son Josh did when he molested four of his sisters, and a baby sitter, in seven separate incidents.
What Josh did “was not rape,” Jim Bob said. “None of [the girls who were molested] were aware of Josh’s wrongdoing,” Michelle added. In fact, “they probably didn’t even understand it was an improper touch.” The improper touching mostly took place “over clothes;” oh, and the few times it was under clothes? “It was like a few seconds.”
And when he molested his babysitter? “It was more just like a fondling, a touch while they were asleep—for most of them. Then there was two other incidents that were when they were awake. And it was just a bad thing.”
“Looking back, we did the best we could under the circumstances,” Jim Bob told Kelly. He and Michelle did what every parent would do: Nothing, really, the first couple of times Josh himself confessed the abuse. Well, not exactly nothing: They prayed, and then they took him to a state trooper, who gave him a stern lecture. Then they got him counseling with an “accredited” agency, but they wouldn’t say what it was.
“As parents, we’re not mandatory reporters,” Jim Bob shared. That’s a reference to laws requiring adults — teachers, coaches, counselors, neighbors — who learn about child sexual abuse to report it to authorities. Good to know the Duggars find solace in the law.

They took other big steps to prevent further abuse: “We don’t let boys babysit,” Michelle explained. “They don’t play hide and seek together, two don’t go off and hide. There are just a lot of things that we’ve put in place.” For anyone who grew up playing with their brothers and boy cousins, as I did, that sounds insane.
Megyn Kelly can tell herself she asked all the tough questions. And she did ask some. But she mostly came off as an ally determined to help the Duggars fight their liberal persecutors. She regularly constructed straw men. Many observers have questioned why the Duggars brought Josh to visit a state trooper who was later sentenced to 56 years for child pornography; no one suggested, as Kelly claimed, that “they chose that guy because they thought he would be sympathetic.”

Kelly did ask Michelle Duggar about the robocall suggesting transgender people were child molesters, but Jim Bob stopped her:
I think you actually said pedophile in that, and actually a pedophile is an adult that preys on children. Joshua was actually 14 and just turned 15 when he did what he did. And I think that the legal definition is 16 and up for being an adult preying on a child. So he was a child preying on a child.
Thanks for clearing that up, Jim Bob.
In the home stretch, Kelly let the Duggars tee off against their critics. “I feel like this is more about… there is an agenda and there is people that are purposing to try to bring things out and twisting them to hurt and slander,” Michelle said. Her daughters, she said, “have been victimized more by what happened in what has happened in these last couple weeks than they were 12 years ago.”

“It has been an unprecedented attack on our family,” Jim Bob agreed. “And this information was released illegally. And so I’m wondering why all this press is not going after the system for releasing these juvenile records. That is a huge story.”
The Duggars then blasted Fox News for suggesting Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown had juvenile records. Kidding!
But none of this was the worst. The worst was when Kelly teased her interview with two of Josh’s sisters who were victims. We got to see them cry – and indeed blame the family’s enemies for their suffering. But we just got a snippet – because Kelly was promoting the show that won’t air until Friday night. Tune in!
Personally, I’ll skip it. Breaking my usual rules, I gave Fox an hour of my life I’ll never have back. There are times Kelly behaves like an actual journalist, and questions the toxic narratives her network peddles. This wasn’t one of them.

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]“I can say this because I was one of the victims”: What Jill and Jessa Duggar’s defense of their brother tells us about abuse[/h] [h=2]We're watching a display of typical patterns of abuse unfold in real time[/h] Jenny Kutner Jessa Duggar Seewald and Jill Duggar Dillard (Credit: Fox News/"The Kelly File")
As part of Megyn Kelly’s exclusive sit-down with members of the Duggar family on Wednesday, daughters Jill Duggar Dillard and Jessa Duggar Seewald confirmed that they were among the five young girls their older brother, Josh, sexually assaulted when he was a teenager. In an emotional exchange, Dillard tearfully identified herself and her sisters as victims, while Seewald called her brother’s actions “very wrong.” Then she proceeded to defend him.

“I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist, some people are saying,” Seewald said. “I’m like, that is so overboard and a lie really, I mean people get mad at me for saying that but I can say this because I was one of the victims.”
And in this scenario, it makes sense that Seewald would try to protect her abuser. Her parents, Jim Bob and Michelle, have gone to rather remarkable lengths to minimize her sexual assault and the multiple others, and they have publicly prioritized their defense of Josh, for whom they have shown exponentially more compassion than their daughters. Beyond that, Seewald, like the rest of her siblings, was raised in an environment where women’s complete subservience to men — their fathers, husbands and surely their older brothers too — is glorified and mandated. She was instructed that victims are to blame for their own sexual assaults. She believes in a system meant to fail her.

But as the entire saga has played out, it seems Seewald and the other Duggar sisters were actually taught that they weren’t victims at all. Rather, in the family’s narrative, it was Josh, the abuser, who fell victim to…something. Lust? Licentiousness? Curiosity? Utter confusion at being told that the natural hormonal changes in his body were ungodly?

It could have been all of these things, but either way it’s not entirely relevant: The point is that excuses have been made, and continue to be made, for Josh Duggar. And the fact that his sisters — his victims — have come to his defense is not that surprising. In fact, it’s textbook — and it’s exactly what we should expect from a family and a culture that places the weight of sexual violence on victims’ shoulders by default.

Sep 21, 2004
Thursday, Jun 4, 2015 10:23 AM EST [h=1]A reminder for the Duggars: Sexual assault is still sexual assault when victims are sleeping[/h] [h=2]Jim Bob Duggar's efforts to minimize his son's abusive behavior offer an extreme example of our views on consent[/h] Jenny Kutner The Duggars are a family of extremists. There’s not really any way around it. What is perhaps most terrifying, though — or what has stood out to me most in the weeks since the Duggars confirmed that their eldest of 19 children, Josh, molested several of his sisters when he was a teenager — is that their conception of sexual assault isn’t actually so far off from much of the public’s.
Their understanding is one that warps consent into a nearly irrelevant factor, and one that’s become all too common. And oh, how far it is from an understanding that actually recognizes and affirms the nuanced reality of sexual violence.
Duggar parents Jim Bob and Michelle sat down with Megyn Kelly on Wednesday in an exclusive interview, ostensibly meant to address their daughters’ sexual assaults. In practice, the interview was an hour-long defense of Josh’s actions and his “tender conscience,” as well as a horrifying showcase of how little regard the Duggars seem to have for their daughters’ well-being. And while perhaps the couple’s apparent lack of concern for their female children reflects their indoctrination by a set of fundamentalist Christian principles, the excuses that Jim Bob, in particular, offered up on Josh’s behalf don’t sound so different from the mitigating self-defense so frequently invoked by, say, a frat boy accused of sexual assault.
“He said he was just curious about girls, and he had gone in and basically touched them over their clothes while they were sleeping,” Jim Bob said. “They didn’t even know he had done it.”
She was sleeping. She didn’t even know what was going on. She didn’t say no. Doesn’t it all sound so familiar? But wait, there’s more: When the Duggars sat down with their daughters, after Josh confessed to sneaking into their shared bedroom to touch their breasts and genitals while they were asleep, Jim Bob and Michelle learned that “none of them [the girls] were aware of Josh’s wrongdoings” and that they “really didn’t know” what had happened to them — as if to condone their son’s behavior simply because his victims couldn’t remember it.

“We asked them at first if anything happened, and then it was after some other things happened that we actually shared with them,” Jim Bob said. “We took a lot of steps. First we tried to deal with this in house, as parents.”
It remains not entirely clear what “steps” the Duggars took to protect their daughters, though it’s clear from Jim Bob’s own statement that whatever they did wasn’t enough; he and Michelle waited for additional assaults to occur before they realized they could not deal with the “situation” on their own. And the assaults only got worse — which is to say, they got harder to defend within a framework that allows people to blame victims for being unconscious and getting raped.
After sneaking into his sisters’ room, Josh later molested two of the girls while they were napping on the couch — and after that, as Kelly pointed out during the interview, he assaulted “a couple” of his sisters while they were awake. Still, his parents found a chilling way to minimize the violence as much as possible, to try and remove blame from Josh in a way that necessarily disregards the experiences of their daughters.
“This was not rape or anything like that,” Jim Bob said. “This was touching somebody over their clothes. There were a couple of incidents where he touched them under their clothes, but it was, like, a few seconds. And then he came to us and was crying and told us what happened, and it was after that third time he came to us, is where we really felt like we have done everything we can as parents to handle this in house — we need to get help.”

To be honest, I’m not sure what else to say to the Duggars’ defense except the obvious: Sexual assault is still sexual assault when the victim is sleeping. Rape “or anything like that” occurs when a person’s bodily autonomy is violated without her or his consent, and a person cannot give consent when she or he is unconscious. The Duggar daughters were unconscious when their older brother came into their room and touched their breasts and genitals. They might not have remembered; they might not have understood. They definitely did not consent.
Frankly, I’m ashamed even to characterize Jim Bob’s comments as a “defense,” because his and Michelle’s efforts to “protect” their sex offender son are something more than that. They are a perpetuation of cultural values that strip women of any and all agency and not only condone misogynistic violence, but blame women for it. The Duggars’ acrobatic attempts to explain away this “incident,” and to curtail the horror of recurrent incestuous sexual assault under their watch and with their knowledge, are merely another example of the ways we fail to grasp consent and abuse. Instead, we allow men to act violently with impunity. We try to shield them from the repercussions of their own “sins.”

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Megyn Kelly Asks Duggar Girls: Show Us On The Doll Where The Liberal Media Touched You

OK, we think we’ve got it figured out, now: Megyn Kelly’s Fox News interview with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Wednesday was like the end of the “19 Kids and Counting” franchise, and her follow-up interview with sisters Jill and Jessa Duggar Friday night paved the way for the rumored spinoff series focusing on Duggars: The Next Generation, which is set in the same fantasy universe as the original series but has better special effects.

That’s about right; and herewith we bring you the most fucked-up moments from the interview. You may want to have a bucket or airsickness bag handy while we recap? Go get the emesis basin of your choice; we’ll wait.


Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Lol. The right wing nuts new defense is something Lena Dunham said. Too funny....a Sarah plain led defense of a child molester.

Everytime these right wingers molest kids or are out sucking dick when bashing gays....they run to the " it's the liberal media" nonsense.

May 27, 2007
Lol. The right wing nuts new defense is something Lena Dunham said. Too funny....a Sarah plain led defense of a child molester.

Everytime these right wingers molest kids or are out sucking dick when bashing gays....they run to the " it's the liberal media" nonsense.

Who the fuck are you talking about?

May 27, 2007
Carl Spackler, Sarah Palin and some other far righties.

Don't be so defensive....all my posts aren't directed at you.

No, they're just directed and righties in general and I haven't heard anyone defend this molester.

Sep 21, 2004
No, they're just directed and righties in general and I haven't heard anyone defend this molester.

Really? Read harder. A Very, very sick individual in this thread said the following.

'Holy shit! The kid grabbed some itty bitty titty, probably smelled his finger too just like millions of other boys his age.

And you Liberal faggots are screeching, off with his head, how dare he, castrate the perv and while we’re at it let’s condemn anyone who ever associated with him.

Grow the fuck up."

Only a couple of people of decency even called him out on his disgusting remarks. Vit is one of them. The Extremist Righties couldn't care less how disgusting and vile this individual is, because they share his political views, so they go silent.

Sep 21, 2004

The Political Significance Of Josh Duggar’s Downfall

What is the significance of the link between Josh Duggar’s teenaged crimes and his political activism? Why are his selfies with potential presidential candidates part of the conversation? Is it really about his politics, or do people just want to attack him because he’s a conservative Christian? If the things he’s campaigning for are morally correct, then what does his past have to do with anything?
These are some of the questions firing around the internet, news analytical shows, and of course, the interview with the Duggar girls. The answer is complex — people react to news of Josh’s crimes for a number of reasons, including but not limited to: their own experiences of being forced to share a home and “forgive” their molester, as the Duggar girls were, their feelings about sexual predators, their feelings about gay rights, their feelings about the purity movement, their feelings about the Duggar family in general.
But what weight should Josh’s crimes, and the Duggar parents’ behavior in covering them up, carry in politics?
First of all, let’s be clear: The primary problem with what Josh and his parents did, for me, has zero to do with their politics or religion. There was a crime and a cover-up. That would be enough in itself.
However, as the connection to politics goes, Josh Duggar is part of a trend. He’s one in a line of politicians who are using the American government to promote their extreme conservative religious beliefs, beliefs that are anti-sex, anti-gay, and anti-woman — and getting caught in sexual misconduct of his own.

In America, individuals have the right to believe that it’s a sin to be gay. Josh Duggar has that right. However, American politics are currently overflowing with people who trumpet a certain standard of sexual morality and attempt to pass laws based on that standard — despite themselves defying current actual laws regarding sexual morality, or simply getting caught defying their own purported standards.

Josh Duggar didn’t just have a political opinion — he (and the registered hate group that he is a part of) fights to prevent rights of an entire demographic, based on claims of sexual morality — when he has a past as a child molester.
Mike Huckabee didn’t just defend a teenage mistake. He promotes laws that limit the rights of women and LGBTQ Americans, based on claims of sexual morality — and in the next breath, laughs about how much he’d’ve loved the opportunity to peek at naked girls by lying to a gym teacher.
It isn’t just the pair of them, either. There’s the senator who promoted anti-gay legislation, and got caught sending pictures of his genitals to other men. There’s the South Carolina governor who, according to the Daily Kos, said he voted to have Bill Clinton impeached for adultery… and later got caught sneaking his secret girlfriend to Argentina behind his wife’s back.
I’m not picking out rare, isolated cases — Ranker has a list of 16 anti-gay politicians and activists, who got “caught” defying their own so-called “moral” standards — and that isn’t even counting cases like Josh Duggar, who molested females — it only lists anti-gay politicians who specifically got caught in same-sex compromising positions.

When a search for “anti-gay politician” returns numerous results that include “caught in sexual scandal (or worse, crime),” it’s only reasonable to see a connection and to conclude that anyone promoting laws based on this brand of sexual “morality” has no business preaching sexual morality to anyone — much less imposing their own idea of sexual morality on others via law.
Why do so many who promote laws based on a presumption of sexual morality seem to get caught showing a lack (either by conventional definitions, legal definitions, or their own purported definitions) of it themselves? Whatever the reason, it doesn’t exactly bode well for electing people who want to police other people’s bedrooms.

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]The Truth About Josh Duggar's Sham Cult-Center "Counseling"[/h] [h=4]Ashley Feinberg[/h]ProfileFollow

Ashley Feinberg


On Wednesday night, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar went on Fox News to discuss the molestation of four of their daughters by their eldest son, Josh. During the interview, they made vague allusions to Josh’s “counseling” at some sort of “training center.” There’s a reason they never got into specifics: Josh’s counseling was bullshit.
The oft-referenced training center was actually the Institute of Basic Life Principles’ (IBLP) Little Rock Training Center, one of many scattered throughout the country that were once run by the single, 80-year-old cult leader Bill Gothard, who was forced to formally step down in 2014 in response to a few inconvenient (specifically, 34) charges of sexual abuse.
We know that Josh was definitely at the Little Rock Center, thanks to a former IBLP leader, Harold Walker, who confirmed to Radar Online the reality star’s stint. Of course, it took about a year after finding out that Josh had been molesting his sisters for his parents to actually do anything about it.
But what exactly went down during these “counseling” sessions? In addition to the construction work that Jim Bob has pointed to as being part of Josh’s “recovery,” it’s highly likely that Josh was subjected to IBLP’s special brand of warped, fundamentalist therapy. Of course, these aren’t trained therapists—at least not in any widely accepted sense. Rather, their credentials come straight from god himself. From IBLP’s “Comprehensive Course in Effective Counseling”:

So do people trained under IBLP have the necessary credentials? Absolutely not! But they’ll be damned if that stops them.

Which is incredibly unfortunate for the countless people who have been subjected to this sort of therapy. As we’ve seen with their material on counseling victims of sexual abuse, the program is full of the sort of dangerous, backwards logic that places blame in all the wrong places. In other words, it not only has the potential to be highly damaging to those already hurt, but it does little to actually correct the root of the problem in any meaningful way.
This is how IBLP trains their counselors to correct “immorality”:

Now, there’s nothing wrong with doing a little spiritual soul-searching. But when your 14-year-old son has been sexually abusing his sisters, there is clearly a psychological problem that needs to be addressed. By psychologists. Sending him to anyone other than a legally trained and licensed professional is not only irresponsible—it’s child endangerment.
And Josh certainly didn’t get trained on what an appropriate sexual relationship looks like during his time there. From a page in the counseling material labeled How Can Sex Education Courses Contribute to Juvenile Delinquency?:
Teaching children the details of a sexual relationship on the basis that this will satisfy their curiosity is a violation of sex and education. Sexual curiosity cannot be satisfied with detailed information about it. Those addicted to pornography understand this fact all too well. Scripture also affirms this point: “Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.”
Translation: Surely teaching them about what it is that’s sparking their curiosity won’t work—instead let’s do nothing. But wait, it gets better:
Such a course is also a violation of education since it is based on the false assumption that right information will produce right living.
So instead of giving those in need of counseling the—by their own admission—“right” information, the counselors of IBLP are trained to give those in information. Instead, all that likely got instilled in Josh was a deep sense of self-loathing and some wildly inaccurate science. IBLP, on the other hand, got some free labor for whatever construction might have popped up as well as the cost of admittance.
Whatever it is the Duggars (among thousands of others) were paying to send young Josh away, we do at least know it wasn’t going towards any sort of outstanding mortgage. That’s because the Little Rock Training Center was donated to IBLP by none other than Bill Gothard’s good friends the Green family—otherwise known as Hobby Lobby, as you can see from the deed below.

Of course it was.
So whatever the Duggar clan says tonight (when Jill and Jessa get their turn across from Megyn Kelly’s chair), you can be sure it’s not the whole story. And that while Jill and Jessa will almost surely advocate for the abusive brother, they’ve been trained since childhood to assume that anything bad in their lives is a result of their own sin. Which is awful, heartbreaking, and exactly why Josh Duggar will be absolved of any guilt in his family’s eyes.

Contact the author at Image via Fox News.

May 27, 2007
Really? Read harder. A Very, very sick individual in this thread said the following.

'Holy shit! The kid grabbed some itty bitty titty, probably smelled his finger too just like millions of other boys his age.

And you Liberal faggots are screeching, off with his head, how dare he, castrate the perv and while we’re at it let’s condemn anyone who ever associated with him.

Grow the fuck up."

Only a couple of people of decency even called him out on his disgusting remarks. Vit is one of them. The Extremist Righties couldn't care less how disgusting and vile this individual is, because they share his political views, so they go silent.

Got it. One goofball in this thread says something stupid now all the righties are defending a molester? Got it.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Got it. One goofball in this thread says something stupid now all the righties are defending a molester? Got it.
Who said everyone? You said you didn't see anyone defending Duggar and then Guesser showed you someone did.

May 27, 2007
Who said everyone? You said you didn't see anyone defending Duggar and then Guesser showed you someone did.

The guy wasn't even defending him. He was just trolling you guys.

One guy trolling you guys isn't "all righties."

New member
Oct 29, 2010
The guy wasn't even defending him. He was just trolling you guys.

One guy trolling you guys isn't "all righties."
Wow....if you don't think what dave007 said was defending him....i really don't know what to say.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Wow....if you don't think what dave007 said was defending him....i really don't know what to say.

Wasn’t defending him. Just pointing out reality.

Heterosexual males like girls. Slack jawed faggots like you are aroused by boys.

It’s called human nature. What’s so hard to understand?

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