I get it bro. In 2008-09 I was suffering from anxiety to the point it physically made it impossible to do certain things. Would get panic attacks frequently and that would shake my body and put me out of commission.
Thanks for the post and the input it really means a lot.
For sure! Mental illness, or a bad mental state, is nothin to fuck with. After my moms brother died, she stopped drinkin fluids, step-dad took her do ER, doctor said if he went to.work n waited til after, to take her to ER, she'd been dead, as her vital organs were shuttin down. Just got herself in a DEEP vallley. Thank God, she had the strength to come out of it and get back to normalcy.
And I understand, any feedback you recieve, is goodwill. It sucks cuz you want to get into that persons mind to find the triggers, of the anxiety and feelings of helplessness. But all you can do, is be there for support, and hope you can help, through any means that u can. Good luck buddy. Only if you've been there, can u truely understand problems of the mind, and know how hard it really is to live a normal life. But it takes time and strength, to slay the demons, and a sense of normalcy, finally, comes back.