Free 90 Day VIP Package from Documented Capper by The Sports Monitor of Oklahoma

Sep 6, 2011
I just signed an agreement with a reputable sports handicapper who is documented by the Oklahoma Sports Monitor.

His best documented sport by far is basketball.

This handicapper is understanding of the sales pitches and schemes of 99% of handicappers and how hard it is for you to trust.

This handicapper has asked that we offer out 100% FREE 90 Day VIP Packages so that he can give new potential clients a large enough sample size to understand the service and to prove that he can actually win.

To take advantage of this offer click the following link, enter all the requested details, and press submit.

The handicapper has also asked me to make you aware of these 3 things

#1 - He is an older handicapper who has been in the industry for a while and he call himself a grandpa. He wants you to know that because he says he is not real tech savvy that it could take him between 1-7 days to get around to adding you to the lists to receive plays so he asks that you be patient and please not request it more than once and make it harder on him. If you do not receive a welcome email with subject "90 Day Free Package: that you then re fill out the form in case he messed something up or left you off on accident.

#2 - He only has 1 staff member a lady he calls Mrs. Sec (secretary) and she only works a few hours a day to email the plays out by noon. So 90% of the plays will be emailed to the email you enter so make sure you enter it right. But, 10% of the time he releases his VIP play due to line movement or info that comes in after you leave and he texts those VIP alerts to his guys. So if you don't enter a proper US working phone # you will NOT receive 10% of his plays. His monitor documentation includes both the email and texted plays so you will not get a real picture of the service if you don't enter all information correctly.

#3 - He said to say since he is old and not in a rush that you be patient. He has never marketed before. He will never share your information. He will never call you (he can barely hear he says) and every play he releases will match up 100% accurately with The Sports Monitor of Oklahoma. Last, he said to thank you for giving consideration of his offer.

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