Looks like another free pass to destroy the city might be coming .
That's a ridiculous comparison.Last week: Destruction of property is political speech, and the rioters should be left alone!
This week: Drawing cartoons is violence!
And btw, isn't this whole stupid dimocrap narrative that the Garland art show "provoked" Muslims essentially the same logic as suggesting a rape victim "had it coming" because she dressed a certain way?
Last week: Destruction of property is political speech, and the rioters should be left alone!
This week: Drawing cartoons is violence!
And btw, isn't this whole stupid dimocrap narrative that the Garland art show "provoked" Muslims essentially the same logic as suggesting a rape victim "had it coming" because she dressed a certain way?
That's a ridiculous comparison.
even someone as dopey as Donald trump sees this cartoon show as a deliberate provocation. I mean you're further right than birther Donald trump. Imagine that.
Trump is used just to show how fucking looney you are. Even he can see what you cannot. The way a woman is dressed is the single dumbest comparison in the history of this site.Not surprised in the least you don't see the comparison. Like I said, it could be argued that a woman dressing a certain way is a "deliberate provocation" for a rapist. Exact... Same... Logic.
Its also incredibly amusing to see you constantly use the "what you said flies in the face of what such and such Republican said" card. Why? It proves you can't think for yourself. Just because you get your talking points from Comedy Central and your dimocrap leaders doesn't mean conservatives do the same.
The other point is what happened in Garland falls under free speech. If you're offended, tough shit. The Book of Mormon play and Piss Christ are also offensive to religions. Sorry, your cult of choice doesn't get an exception.
Trump is used just to show how fucking looney you are. Even he can see what you cannot. The way a woman is dressed is the single dumbest comparison in the history of this site.