Unfortunately the unit strategy is entirely too prevalent. It seems to be the standard unit sizing methodology, but it's definitely not ideal if you back test it.
This isn't an attack on any strategy or service, I'm just stating what the math indicates. If you have a strategy that generates signals that are 8 times as good (an 8 unit wager versus a 1 unit bas wager) then why on earth even bother with the 1 unit quality signals?
If the 6 or 8 or 10 unit signals are that great, one should simply bet those. Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that handicappers know exactly what bettors want; excitement and an adrenaline rush. Wagering 8 times as much on certain "special" games will give them just that.
For generating consistent returns, develop a strong system, take every signal and bet the same amount per signal or some other consistent bet size algorithm (constant portfolio heat per day, etc.). That is, unless you really want the excitement and adrenaline rush instead of making money. Your choice.