I got in this stock in mid January after going to a hedge fund luncheon. He said he looks for stocks that are a "toll road", meaning that people HAVE to use their services no matter what the market is. Examples of this include the publicly stock markets (NASDAQ), car insurance, municipalities.
One he mentioned by name, and is in his portfolio, is Beijing Airport. Growth in china is gangbusters, and as the people get more wealth they fly more. As the country gets more investment focus, more business trips into China. Cash heavy balance sheet, and I don't think it's done going up.
I got in at 0.82 cents a few months ago, and it's up to $1.42 today, I fully expect this to be at $2 by year end. Toss 1% of your portfolio into it, and take a chance. It's about 10000% more legitimate than those stupid pink sheet stocks I've seen on this site.
One he mentioned by name, and is in his portfolio, is Beijing Airport. Growth in china is gangbusters, and as the people get more wealth they fly more. As the country gets more investment focus, more business trips into China. Cash heavy balance sheet, and I don't think it's done going up.
I got in at 0.82 cents a few months ago, and it's up to $1.42 today, I fully expect this to be at $2 by year end. Toss 1% of your portfolio into it, and take a chance. It's about 10000% more legitimate than those stupid pink sheet stocks I've seen on this site.