Aug 17, 2019
The following is from Dr. Bruce Lipton, the most respected man of our lifetime. If you don't know who he is I strongly encourage you to do some homework!
I also encourage you to share this with as many people as you can to put a stop to this unnecessary fear and chaos! This is getting out of hand but only because the general public is buying into the idea of it!

An Important Message from Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Coronavirus: Do Not Fear the Boogeyman

The world is currently gripped in fear of the scary coronavirus. Let’s first get one fact clear: If you have ever had a cold or flu in your life, odds are that it was the result of a coronavirus infection. Yes, coronaviruses cause colds.

But, we are being programmed with the belief that this particular cold virus is “deadly.” This fear has shut down concerts, conferences, and major public events all over the world. The fear has led to quarantines and closing down of international travel. It has even led to a major scarcity of toilet paper in Australia, were concerned citizens emptied the shelves of this commodity in anticipation that they will be walled up in their homes with this infection.

First, how deadly is this version of the virus? Yes, there have been corona-related deaths reported with the statistics suggesting that ~2% of the infected population dies. Wow! That number is almost 1% more deaths than are attributed to any conventional flu the world experiences. What is misleading is the fear that everyone who carries this virus may die from their cold. This is simply untrue! The health of almost all the victims of this coronavirus was already compromised before they were infected.

For example, the following information was provided by the news in regard to the 6 patients that died of the virus in the state of Washington last week (I added the bold print):

Washington State

Six people have died in Washington and health officials have identified 18 cases.

Four of the cases in King County were linked to the Life Care nursing facility in Kirkland. More than 50 residents and staff at the facility are being tested.

The deaths announced Monday, according to health officials, included:

-A male in his 70s, who lived at LifeCare. He had underlying health conditions and died Sunday.

-A female resident of LifeCare in her 70s. She also had underlying health conditions and died Sunday.

-A woman in her 80s, who was already reported as in critical condition at EvergreenHealth, died Sunday.

-A Snohomish County resident at EvergreenHealth also died but details of that patient have not been given.

Two previously reported deaths included a man in his 70s who had underlying health conditions and had been a resident of LifeCare. He died at EvergreenHealth on Feb. 29. The other was a man in his 50s with underlying health conditions. He was admitted with serious respiratory issues and tested positive for the virus. He died at EvergreenHealth Medical Center in Kirkland.

As emphasized in this report, the health of all those that died with the coronavirus was already compromised. Healthy people get cold and flu symptoms, while those already sick and near death’s door may experience the “Grim Reaper” when infected by the virus. True, sick people are more vulnerable to the virus; healthy people really have nothing to fear.

As presented in The Biology of Belief, stress is responsible for up to 90% of illness, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes. When an individual is in stress, the release of stress hormones (e.g., cortisol) shuts down the immune system to conserve the body’s energy for running away from the perceived stressor, that proverbial “saber-toothed tiger.” Stress hormones are so effective at compromising the immune system, that physicians therapeutically provide recipients of organ transplants with stress hormones to prevent their immune system from rejecting the foreign implant.

The conclusion is clear: The fear of the coronavirus is more deadly than the virus itself!

The media (perhaps in conjunction with the pharmaceutical industry) is compromising people’s health using the fear card! This is the result of negative thinking (the nocebo effect) which is the complete opposite of the placebo effect manifest through positive thinking! If you make efforts to stay healthy, with good nutrition, exercise, taking vitamins and supplements, and more importantly, avoiding stress (e.g., the “fear” of the virus), even if you do get infected with the virus, you will likely only end up with a cold and/or slight fever.

If you are someone with a compromised immune system, it is supportive to surround yourself with loving family and friends, nature, and positive thoughts as well as any other nutrition and vitamins that you may already be taking for your health and wellbeing. Following your intuition about what is best for you is key! The point here is that no matter who you are and what your state of health, you will only benefit from steering clear of the fear and supporting yourself in whatever way feels best to you.

Please remember the truth of quantum physics, the most valid of all sciences on the planet: Consciousness is creating your life experiences! Are you being conscious of disease … or of health? Wishing you all Health, Happiness and Harmony.

Aug 24, 2014
Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota.


Aug 24, 2014
your guy is fucking quack.
"The bottom line for me is that Doctor Lipton cannot have it both ways. His false dichotomies and poorly researched positions deflate the positive intent of his message. His balloon will not fly except as a capitalist enterprise in New Age literature and workshop circuits."
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Nov 11, 2007
Personally I don't believe anyone knows for sure how this is all going to ultimately play out one way or the other as this is uncharted territory so to


As an older person myself in his 70's but with a much younger family, I didn't hoard food in the supermarket during last

few days(no water needed as I have my bottled water delivered and always buy extra in case of emergency)but enough to last a few weeks in case things

turn out worse than expected by some.

The way I look at it, if the Virus disappears, then no big deal as the type of food I bought I purchased has a pretty long expiration date and will get eaten.

On the other hand, if people really panic, I won't have to scramble for food/wait in huge lines at my local supermarkets where supplies might

become scarce if not disappear entirely.

As they say it is is always a good idea to err on the side of caution.

Jun 4, 2018
I'd take ANYTHING sportsbookdata says or endorses with a grain of salt .... this is the same dude who swears that the son of God is actually the SUN ( yes the star at the center of the solar system) every single posting by him should come with a WARNING sticker cheersgif
Aug 17, 2019
I'd take ANYTHING sportsbookdata says or endorses with a grain of salt .... this is the same dude who swears that the son of God is actually the SUN ( yes the star at the center of the solar system) every single posting by him should come with a WARNING sticker cheersgif

This, coming from a guy who doesn't even know or understand the story of the man he force feeds down to the forum with his countless and worthless links he posts. Yeah , I'm talking about "Jesus".

Also, a guy who will NEVER understand that this new virus was named CORONA for a reason. "corona" is the rarefied gaseous envelope of the SUN and other stars.

Please tell me you don't think the name "corona" being used for this virus was mere "coincidence" because IT'S NOT! It's because there is a bigger picture agenda going on, a battle over consciousness (YOUR mind). Call it WW3 if you want because that would be an accurate analogy. And the virus, or the fear it creates, is a biological weapon.

consciousness = GOD and corona = SUN

Again, it's not coincidence but you, and many others, will NEVER understand, or even accept this as a possibility, but it's VERY REAL!

Jun 4, 2018
This, coming from a guy who doesn't even know or understand the story of the man he force feeds down to the forum with his countless and worthless links he posts. Yeah , I'm talking about "Jesus".

Also, a guy who will NEVER understand that this new virus was named CORONA for a reason. "corona" is the rarefied gaseous envelope of the SUN and other stars.

Please tell me you don't think the name "corona" being used for this virus was mere "coincidence" because IT'S NOT! It's because there is a bigger picture agenda going on, a battle over consciousness (YOUR mind). Call it WW3 if you want because that would be an accurate analogy. And the virus, or the fear it creates, is a biological weapon.

consciousness = GOD and corona = SUN

Again, it's not coincidence but you, and many others, will NEVER understand, or even accept this as a possibility, but it's VERY REAL!
I think I've proven my point ...... this dude sportsbookdata is out there man , really out there :pointer:
Aug 17, 2019
your guy is fucking quack.
"The bottom line for me is that Doctor Lipton cannot have it both ways. His false dichotomies and poorly researched positions deflate the positive intent of his message. His balloon will not fly except as a capitalist enterprise in New Age literature and workshop circuits."

Most who believe Dr. Bruce Lipton is a "quack" have never read any of his books or even have an understanding of his theories.

30+ years ago the science community labeled him a "quack" because Lipton's theories were way ahead of the mind's ability to understand and this was a threat to science at that time. Remember, science can only go as far as the consciousness at that time.

Lipton's work motivated many top scientists and physicists to work overtime in an attempt to discredit him and prove him wrong but they all failed. No man's work has been more scrutinized by his peers over the last several decades and his peers were astonished to learn he was right all along! His work is not only being widely accepted by the science community but is being used as the basis for many things inside the community including new technologies. Sure, there are still some who continue to try to discredit him but not because he's a "quack" or is "wrong" but because science minds have big egos and they don't want to admit someone else is right because they wanted to be the first to "discover". Ego and the desire to be the "first" is what motivates scientists to work 24/7. For Lipton it wasn't about "ego" it was about his enthusiasm over making an incredible discovery which he admits caught him by surprise.

Today some like to refer to him as a "New Ager". The term "New Age" simply means we have expanded our consciousness to a point where new possibilities arise, leading us to a greater understanding of our existence (truth) and how things work. It is not uncommon for these new possibilities to rewrite history because, again, as we evolve consciousness expands which results a broader understanding.

Jun 4, 2018
Now whenever I'm at the grocery store & see cans/jars of NUTS on the shelves I'm gonna be thinking of sportsbookdata ..... oh help me cheersgif

Aug 24, 2014
read the reviews from those who sought his treatments. they're negative too. "the most respected man of our lifetime" you've set the bar low. quack quack
Aug 17, 2019
read the reviews from those who sought his treatments. they're negative too. "the most respected man of our lifetime" you've set the bar low. quack quack

Again, it is clear you have not read any of his work. Because if you did you would understand exactly why some who sought treatments from him did not succeed. It had nothing to do with him or his work but rather the person who sought the treatments.

I encourage to read some of his work and not pass judgement based on some shady stuff on the internet. The bottom line is his work is real and powerful and this is why he so highly sought after. I also encourage to check out the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza for the same reason.

Nov 11, 2007
Imo two of the best people to listen to for a current assessment of the situation and advice at this moment are Dr. Anthony Fauci and

Dr. Sanjay Gupta with CNN.

Nov 11, 2007
Personally I am very happy that most basketball games have been cancelled today and believe that ALL sporting events of any nature indoor or outdoor

should either be cancelled until further notice or at the very least be played with no one in attendance!

Jun 4, 2018
This, coming from a guy who doesn't even know or understand the story of the man he force feeds down to the forum with his countless and worthless links he posts. Yeah , I'm talking about "Jesus".

Also, a guy who will NEVER understand that this new virus was named CORONA for a reason. "corona" is the rarefied gaseous envelope of the SUN and other stars.

Please tell me you don't think the name "corona" being used for this virus was mere "coincidence" because IT'S NOT! It's because there is a bigger picture agenda going on, a battle over consciousness (YOUR mind). Call it WW3 if you want because that would be an accurate analogy. And the virus, or the fear it creates, is a biological weapon.

consciousness = GOD and corona = SUN

Again, it's not coincidence but you, and many others, will NEVER understand, or even accept this as a possibility, but it's VERY REAL!
Is there ANYONE here at the RX forum more outta touch with reality than sportsbookdata ? cheersgif
Aug 17, 2019

Yes, we should always believe someone with no credentials who can't even afford a real website or blog, instead uses a FREE blog service, one that isn't even in business anymore, to try to discredit someone else.

Like I have said many times, the ONLY thing you are good at is wasting people's time with worthless and meaningless links. You don't even understand what you believe and you only bash people like me because you don't understand. But hey, it's your journey and I respect it. At the end of the day it's between you and God my friend.

In the meantime, here is a link to some REAL information taken from the NCBI directly.

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, cell biologist and lecturer, is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Bruce was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed groundbreaking stem cell research at Stanford Medical School. His pioneering research on cloned human stem cells presaged today’s revolutionary new field of epigenetics. He is the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and The Honeymoon Effect, and he is the coauthor, with Steve Bhaerman, of Spontaneous Evolution. Bruce received the prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony.

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