Final nail in the coffin. Fake moon landing.(Runmaker will be happy)


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Not even plausible, there are 10,000 questions the deniers can't answer

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004

Mar 6, 2005

Russia and China both, on their lunar missions, took photos of NASA landers, NASA rovers, NASA reflectors and NASA equipment, all in the exact spots that we said they would find them. If any two entities on earth are capable of proving it didn't happen, it would be Russia and China, who sent up missions, and not people on YouTube trying to make a buck off of stupid people. Russia and China would both love nothing more than to expose the US as a fraud and they can not. As I've stated before, it would be much easier and far cheaper to actually land humans on the moon than it would be to stage a fake landing, much less keep a fake landing under wraps in this day and age.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Russia and China both, on their lunar missions, took photos of NASA landers, NASA rovers, NASA reflectors and NASA equipment, all in the exact spots that we said they would find them. If any two entities on earth are capable of proving it didn't happen, it would be Russia and China, who sent up missions, and not people on YouTube trying to make a buck off of stupid people. Russia and China would both love nothing more than to expose the US as a fraud and they can not. As I've stated before, it would be much easier and far cheaper to actually land humans on the moon than it would be to stage a fake landing, much less keep a fake landing under wraps in this day and age.

Just so were clear,,, I posted a video,, PROVING they faked the moon landing,,

DID we go there ever? I dont know? maybe? probably?,,

onto china and russsia,,

NASA is a MONEY GRAB,,, their budget is 700 BILLION a year,, to do NOThING,, Your telling me China and russia dont want to get some of that free money??

PLUS,, I can send you video of the last russian rocket,, lol,, and it is 100% faked,,, I will try to do later this weekend,

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Tate my friend, a YouTube video cannot prove or disprove anything, the premise of your argument is scratched before it enters the starting gate

You horse had food poisoning

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
As improbable as a moon landing in 1969 seems to be, it would be 1,000X harder to fake it not be exposed for 50 years.

Mar 6, 2005
I can show you dozens of videos of Bigfoot running around forests for the last 50 years too, but that doesn't mean it exists.

Q Post #2225
moon landings are real.
Programs exist that are outside of public domain.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
All them years of hairspray and toxic hair coloring agents has eaten into this fools brain.
Youse one crazy MOFO man.:pointer:

Mar 6, 2005
Just so were clear,,, I posted a video,, PROVING they faked the moon landing,,

DID we go there ever? I dont know? maybe? probably?,,

onto china and russsia,,

NASA is a MONEY GRAB,,, their budget is 700 BILLION a year,, to do NOThING,, Your telling me China and russia dont want to get some of that free money??

PLUS,, I can send you video of the last russian rocket,, lol,, and it is 100% faked,,, I will try to do later this weekend,

We have only spent $650 billion TOTAL, on NASA, since it's inception and their budget is $23 billion for 2020, and if they do nothing, then who is doing all of this? You're telling me NASA exists to funnel "free money" to Russia and China? With all due respect, you're an idiot. face)(*^%

2020 February 5/6 - Solar Orbiter - Launch of European Space Agency solar orbiting mission
2020 July 11 - Parker Solar Probe - NASA solar mission makes third Venus flyby
2020 July - ExoMars 2020 - Launch of ESA Mars rover and Russian surface platform
2020 July - Hope - Launch of United Arab Emirates Mars orbiter
2020 July/August - Mars 2020 - Launch of NASA Mars rover
2020 August - OSIRIS-Rex - Sample collection from asteroid Bennu
2020 December - Hayabusa2 - Japanese asteroid Ryugu sampling mission returns to Earth
2020 December 26 - Solar Orbiter - ESA solar mission makes first Venus flyby
2020 Late - Chang'e 5 - Launch of Chinese lunar sample return mission
2021 February 20 - Parker Solar Probe - NASA solar mission makes fourth Venus flyby
2021 July - Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) - Launch of NASA impactor to binary asteroid Didymos
2021 August 8 - Solar Orbiter - ESA solar mission makes second Venus flyby
2021 October 16 - Lucy - Launch of NASA flyby mission to multiple Trojan asteroids
2021 October 16 - Parker Solar Probe - NASA solar mission makes fifth Venus flyby

2022 June - JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) - Launch of ESA mission to the Jupiter system
2022 July - Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) - Launch of South Korean mission to the Moon
2022 August - Psyche - Launch of orbiter mission to main belt asteroid 16 Psyche
2022 September 3 - Solar Orbiter - ESA solar mission makes third Venus flyby

2023 August 21 - Parker Solar Probe - NASA solar mission makes sixth Venus flyby
2023 September - OSIRIS-Rex - Returns to Earth with sample of asteroid Bennu
2023-2024 - Chang'e 6 - Launch of Chinese lunar sample return mission
2023-2025 - Europa Clipper - Launch of NASA Jupiter Orbiter to study Europa
TBD - Chang'e 7 - Launch of Chinese lunar survey mission
TBD - Chang'e 8 - Launch of Chinese lunar technology test

2029 April 13 - Asteroid Apophis passes Earth at an altitude of 32,000 km

2231 April 5 - Pluto - is passed by Neptune in distance from the Sun for the next 20 years


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
That video smoking gun is faker than the moon landing video!!!!

I like money
Dec 13, 2006
Im sure he follows that Youtube Channel already. Needs more trannys though.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Tate my friend, a YouTube video cannot prove or disprove anything, the premise of your argument is scratched before it enters the starting gate

You horse had food poisoning

ohhhh,, ok I get it now,,, You guys didnt do the research so you dont understand the impact of this video,,,

Kubrick before his death, DENIED HE EVER MADE THHIS VIDEO,,,

same with nasa,,
same with the govt.

HENCE... Ive just shown you the smoking gun,,

when its denied for 50 years,,, and now here it is>>?? lol,, its a problem,, its the last NAIL in the coffin.


Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
We have only spent $650 billion TOTAL, on NASA, since it's inception and their budget is $23 billion for 2020, and if they do nothing, then who is doing all of this? You're telling me NASA exists to funnel "free money" to Russia and China? With all due respect, you're an idiot. face)(*^%

2020 February 5/6 - Solar Orbiter - Launch of European Space Agency solar orbiting mission
2020 July 11 - Parker Solar Probe - NASA solar mission makes third Venus flyby
2020 July - ExoMars 2020 - Launch of ESA Mars rover and Russian surface platform
2020 July - Hope - Launch of United Arab Emirates Mars orbiter
2020 July/August - Mars 2020 - Launch of NASA Mars rover
2020 August - OSIRIS-Rex - Sample collection from asteroid Bennu
2020 December - Hayabusa2 - Japanese asteroid Ryugu sampling mission returns to Earth
2020 December 26 - Solar Orbiter - ESA solar mission makes first Venus flyby
2020 Late - Chang'e 5 - Launch of Chinese lunar sample return mission
2021 February 20 - Parker Solar Probe - NASA solar mission makes fourth Venus flyby
2021 July - Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) - Launch of NASA impactor to binary asteroid Didymos
2021 August 8 - Solar Orbiter - ESA solar mission makes second Venus flyby
2021 October 16 - Lucy - Launch of NASA flyby mission to multiple Trojan asteroids
2021 October 16 - Parker Solar Probe - NASA solar mission makes fifth Venus flyby

2022 June - JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) - Launch of ESA mission to the Jupiter system
2022 July - Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) - Launch of South Korean mission to the Moon
2022 August - Psyche - Launch of orbiter mission to main belt asteroid 16 Psyche
2022 September 3 - Solar Orbiter - ESA solar mission makes third Venus flyby

2023 August 21 - Parker Solar Probe - NASA solar mission makes sixth Venus flyby
2023 September - OSIRIS-Rex - Returns to Earth with sample of asteroid Bennu
2023-2024 - Chang'e 6 - Launch of Chinese lunar sample return mission
2023-2025 - Europa Clipper - Launch of NASA Jupiter Orbiter to study Europa
TBD - Chang'e 7 - Launch of Chinese lunar survey mission
TBD - Chang'e 8 - Launch of Chinese lunar technology test

2029 April 13 - Asteroid Apophis passes Earth at an altitude of 32,000 km

2231 April 5 - Pluto - is passed by Neptune in distance from the Sun for the next 20 years

heres the list of their budget, and what you dont know is they are now an Independent agency? That is why their budget dropped significantly,, they became independant so they can HIDE their books from prying eyes,,

Mar 6, 2005

heres the list of their budget, and what you dont know is they are now an Independent agency? That is why their budget dropped significantly,, they became independant so they can HIDE their books from prying eyes,,

Wikipedia entries can be edited by anyone. You could've written the entries on that page for all I know. It was just edited a few hours ago, was that you? Seriously, though, wikipedia? :missingte

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Here is the real smoking gun for the smoking gun. Watch the Kubrick video and see how many scenes you will
find cropped/edited into your video.

I GOT PROOF.. I GOT PROOf, Fool just because you type in caps and shout with multiple commas dont make it real.

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