That specious logic at best. How many slander suits does Michael Jackson have going against The National Enquirer? Approximately zero? Does that mean that everything they've printed about him in over two decades of Jackson being a tabloid darling is true?
I'm not a "Moore basher" because I think he's a liberal, or bringing down America, or questioning the status quo. I bash him, because he is a cultural icon exemplary of just how fúcking stupid and off-kilter American culture really is -- them man's films are works of the most astonishingly revisionist nature, as he finally admits himself in the last couple of years after all of the backlash from his editing for Bowling for Columbine (which included, in case you did not know, actually changing the voiceover on a political advertisement, adding captions which were not present in original ads, and more.) In his very own words above, Farenheit 9/11 is not a documentary or intended as a faire or balanced work of journalism -- it is his opinion, no more or less Gospel than an average ranting political post by me at this forum.
Really I guess when it comes down to it it's not Moore I am bashing so much as the iconowhoring fans of his who cannot see his work for what it is. The man gets an Oscar for 'Best Documentary' for a film which is not a documentary. He gets the top honours at Cannes for what? for a work which is "an op-ed piece" according to Moore himself, while fúcktards around the world celebrate it as "exposing the truth" about Bush.